by Lynn Elder

Being a survivor of cancer three times in 1996,I believe I can discuss the treatments that I received at that time and what I have learned since to put your cancer on the run.

The treatment in 1996 was operation and removal of cancer organs with no discussions of alternative treatment.The results left me without some natural benefits,but I survived and I have been cancer free since.

I know now after all the years learning that alternative treatments could have possibly saved me some of the operations maybe all of them.I have learned that biomedical sciences and alternative medicines have been tested by many university labs here in the USA and overseas as well.Many doctors have tested products themselves with great results in how to put cancer on the run.

How The American Cancer Society (ACS) evaluates mainstream and alternative cancer treatments. They do this by asking three questions:

1) Has the method been objectively demonstrated in the peer-reviewed scientific literature to be effective?

2) Has the method shown potential for benefit that clearly exceeds the potential for harm?

3) Have objective studies been correctly conducted under appropriate peer review to answer these questions?

That in order to survive you would have to be able to answer those questions with a resounding YES! So I ask this question How to put your cancer on the run in 30days or less?

For up to date information about How To Put Cancer On The Run In 30Days Or Less click on

About the Author

I have been studying alternative medicine for the last 5 years and use all natural products for my health,no chemical drugs and no doctors.For the latest information on how to stop cancer in 30Days or less

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By: Alan Wighton

The cause of skin cancer and melanomas does not lie entirely with the sun. If it did our ancestors would not have survived and we wouldn’t be here. It was almost unheard of 100 years ago; it’s been slowly increasing over the last 40 to 50 years. Cases of melanomas have doubled in the U.K. in the past 30 years. The sun hasn’t got any stronger and the ozone layer is still intact, but the foods we consume on a daily basis have changed vastly. It’s the sun, combined with nutritional deficiency that causes skin cancer. It’s the irritation caused by the sun burn that will determine where the cancer will take hold, but it’s the nutritional deficiencies and other lifestyle factors that causes it to grow, that’s why it keeps reappearing after treatments. The only ways to cure any skin cancers or melanomas are to address the underlying causes.

Cancer is not a 100 different diseases as we have become to believe but one disease in over 100 different locations. All cancers have mostly common causes. Remember that many people get skin cancer in areas of the body that don’t see a lot of the sun, like the soles of the feet or the palms of the hands. Also dark skin people get skin cancer just as much as fair skin people. The reasons why a person develops any cancer are well known, and to cure it, all these issues you must address.

The underlying causes are our lack of fresh fruit and vegetables, the use of too many toxic chemicals, many of which are know to be carcinogenic, our sedentary lifestyle, which because of it, our built in defence system which is our immune system has become sluggish and lastly emotional stress which does have a major impact on human health, including cancer.

Melanomas can be very aggressive so if one wants to cure themselves, they need to address all the factors mentioned above. Today we consume many foods which are not suitable for human consumption. For instance, processed foods which nearly all contain fat, salt or refined sugar and those 3 items are known contributors to cancer. The toxic chemicals we use on a daily basis which are mostly in personal care products and are absorbed into our body through our pores. Then we can thank the ubiquitous automobile for our lack of exercise. We need exercise to rid the body of toxins, as it boosts the all important immune system making it work more efficiently.

Emotional stress or unresolved conflict, not letting go of a problem, which might be the loss of a close friend, a business crisis or bankruptcy can have a major effect on the immune system and all cancers are simply a disease of a weak immune system.

There is no mystery about the causes of skin cancer or any other cancer. If you want to achieve a permanent cure, it is essential to eat freshly grown food everyday which is of paramount importance, remove all toxic chemicals, and get some exercise. If you are in the sun use some common sense and cover up during the hottest part of the day. That is the only way to become free of the disease….for good!

Skin cancer and melanomas are an entirely preventable and curable disease and our modern medical approaches are not necessary the most effective approach to healing cancer patients.

Alan Wighton is an independent health researcher, having spent many years specialising in cancer. For further information on more effective ways to cure all forms of skin cancer including melanomas; please visit Alternative Cancer Treatment.

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By: John Daniel Rivera

The large intestine is made up of the colon (the upper five to six feet) and the rectum (the last six to eight inches). This is where the last stage of digestion occurs and where solid waste is held until it is released. Colorectal cancer is second only to lung cancer among cancers that kill both men and women. Mostly credited to an increase has been declining during the past decade.

Most colon cancers occur in people over fifty. Its strikes men and women nearly equally. Colorectal cancer develops over a ten to fifteen year period and produces no symptoms until it is advanced. If the disease is detected early enough and the tumor has not metastasized, the survival rate is quite high.

Recommended alternative and natural treatments for colon cancer:
It was once believed that a high fiber diet protects the colon by reducing the time any harmful carcinogens that are present in the stool are in contact with the intestinal wall. There have since been conflicting reports on this, but most health professionals still recommend a high fiber, low fat diet. A high fat diet has a strong link with colon cancer. Either a vegetarian diet or a diet low in red meat, alcohol, and refined foods and high in vegetables, fruits, soy, fish, whole grain breads, and cereals, as well as low or non fat dairy products and lots of fruits and vegetables juices offers optimum dietary protection. Garlic, broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts. Citrus fruits, melons and dark green, red, and yellow vegetables are recommended for their antioxidant and sulfur compounds. Tomatoes may lower risk. Consumption of chlorinated water has been linked to a greater incidence of colon cancer. Coffee has been reported to have positive effects on reducing colon cancer risk.
Beta-carotene, calcium (1,200milligrams daily), selenium and vitamins C and E, and the long-term use of a multivitamin containing folic acid (above 400 micrograms daily) have been linked to a reduced risk of colon cancer. Probiotics (which can be found in yogurt and supplements) may inhibit colon cancer. Low levels of vitamin D and possibly, excessive iron intake, have been associated with a increased risk of colon cancer. Quercetin has been shown to have anticancer properties with respect to colon cancer.
We will explore now some highly recommended alternative treatment for colon cancer. We all know that alternative treatments are now gaining respect in the scientific world. These treatments are not only dealing with the effects but are treating the cause. That’s why most of it are all effective if applied followed properly. All alternative treatment are non invasive and its the highly recommended treatment by almost 15,000 European doctors. Alternative Colon Cancer Treatment as provided by the "one minute cure for all diseases" has gain prominence to a lot of people. The claim is so simple; studies revealed that if you deprive a cell 35% of its required levels of oxygen for 2-3days, the cell would become cancerous and malignant. Most likely people don't realize that lack of oxygen is not only the underlying cause of cancer but is also the cause of most diseases. When the body is supplied with abundant and enough amounts of oxygen, no cancer cells, viruses, harmful bacteria, toxins, pathogens and disease microorganisms can survive because they cannot survive in a highly oxygenated environment in our bodies.

For further info and knowledge about Alternative Colon Cancer Treatment, colorectal cancer – prevention and treatment and for more articles about the causes, symptoms and diagnosis of colon cancer. Just follow the link and watch also the 5minute video presentation for final assessment:

This article is written by john daniel rivera who is an advocate for natural health and healing, and has been in the field of health for quite a few years. He is interested in illuminating individuals and helping others return to a better quality of health. If you would like to learn more about his approach, please feel free to visit

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By: Alan Wighton

Cancer requires a great deal of common sense and that is something that very few people are applying when they are first diagnosed with the problem. There is a cure for all cancers but most doctors don’t know about them and the cancer industry doesn’t want you to know about them. People are unaware that the human body possesses a superb system of natural defences against all diseases including cancer and it’s this system you have to use. A healthy body can overcome cancer, just as it can ward off cancer and anybody who disagrees with this statement doesn’t fully understand what a healthy body is.

The cure for cancer is exactly the same as its prevention, a lifestyle that enhances your immune system. Our immune system defends the body against bacteria, viruses and other foreign invaders including cancer cells. The immune system is a complicated and poorly understood defence mechanism, but what we do know is that it can destroy cancer cells unless the body has been weakened by poor nutrition, emotional strain or other blocking factors. If the body is well nourished it can and will attack cancer cells.

There is no such thing as a drug to enhance the immune system; there are only natural ways to do that. That’s why they can’t find a successful cure for cancer. Cancer is a deficiency disease because your immune system has been weakened and has allowed cancer cells to take hold, and the only way to become permanently cancer free is to boost it.

The natural way to boost the immune system is a strict diet of the food that has been designed for human consumption, and they are freshly grown fruit and vegetables. The correct food is medicine to the human body, what we put into our body is the foundation of our health. Of course our food we now eat has changed vastly and that is why there is so much cancer nowadays.

Exercise is another very important factor in boosting the immune system. Our immune system is similar to our circulatory system but doesn’t have a pump like the heart. It has to rely on muscular activity to circulate the fluid within the immune system and allow it to function efficiently. We don’t get exercise today thanks to the automobile, the television set and other labour saving devices.

One needs to also look at the toxic chemicals we are in contact with everyday. These chemicals which all come from the petro-chemical industry are found everywhere in the homes we live in, particularly bad ones are personal care products which we apply directly to our skin, where they are absorbed into our body. Once again it’s the toxic chemicals that are suppressing the immune system. We didn’t have these chemicals a hundred years ago and we didn’t have cancer then either.

Lastly there is emotional stress which can have a devastating effect on the immune system and is well known to contribute to the cause of cancer. Emotional stress is not letting go of a problem that is wearing us down so one must seek the help of a councillor in overcoming this type of stress.

True cures for cancer cannot be solved by cutting out body parts or burning the body with radiation and it most certainly cannot be solved by poisoning the body with a chemical as in chemotherapy. A true cure for cancer will only be achieved when a patient stimulates their own body’s defence system.

Alan Wighton is an independent health researcher, having spent many years specialising in cancer. For information on the changes needed to cure cancer which is a common sense approach, something that very few people are applying; please visit Alternative Cancer Treatment.

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By: Brenda Williams

Possibly no word strikes greater fear in people's hearts than cancer. So it is important to employ every possible strategy that may prevent you from ever hearing it in connection with your health. If you are still smoking, you need to stop. Although it is true that some non-smokers have gotten lung cancer, the majority of people with lung cancer are smokers. Cure your home if it is sick. Radon is a natural gas that can also cause lung cancer. It enters your home from soil and rock in the surrounding area. The danger is you cannot see or smell it. But you can order test kits to check the levels in your home. If you discover they are high, it is not expensive to clear them out.

Go for the green – tea that is. While all tea has cancer-preventing properties, green tea is the highest in polyphenols that kill several types of cancer cells including breast, liver, colon, lung, pancreas, and skin cancer. And a couple of cups of coffee each day will ward off cancer of the liver. According to Swedish scientists, coffee is high in the antioxidants that prevent the formation of carcinogens. Once you've had your cup of Java for the day, get moving. Scientific research has proven that exercise protects your immune system. And your immune system is your body's defense against cancer. In fact, a healthy immune system can destroy a cancer cell without your awareness. Then when you're thirsty after the exercise, try a glass of grape juice instead of a soda. Purple grape juice has also been proven to improve your immune system's function.

And when it's time for dinner, try substituting fish for beef. Frequent consumption of red meat increases your risk of colon cancer, lung cancer and breast cancer due to the high saturated fat content. Fish, on the other hand, is high in omega-3 fats that are beneficial to your health and since they are difficult to find, it is common for people to be deficient in omega-3 fats. Be sure to make your meal colorful. Your diet should include a variety of fruits and vegetables of all colors. Each fruit or vegetable has different anti-oxidants and together they all offer you protection from cancer.

Take the right supplements. Calcium and Vitamin D offer protections from the risk of developing breast cancer and also are important in preventing other diseases. Most people do not get the recommended daily allowance of vitamin D, especially those who live in winter climates, so a supplement is important. Of course, individuals should always check with their health care provider before adding any supplement to their diet.

Choose the right spices. Add a little garlic to your diet. Garlic contains sulfur compounds that have been found to prevent rapid cell division, a process that cancer cells need in order to spread. Add the garlic to tomato sauce and become a tomato lover. Tomatoes contain lycopene, an antioxidant that has been proved to reduce the risk of colon, lung and breast cancer. Lycopene destroys free radicals before they can effect the cellular changes that lead to cancer. And processed products are as effective as the fresh vegetable. You can get the same benefit from ketchup, tomato sauce, tomato paste and cooked tomatoes.

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by Bryon Zirker

There is a revolutionary breakthrough made by European medical science that is meant to cure almost any kind of diseases effectively. Do you think life is beautiful? You can have fun and achieve many goals. Ponder that line for a moment "Imagine a world living life in peace".

Communicable & Non-Communicable Health Threats

Holistic Healing Cancer

Country music singer Jerry Reed died of complications of emphysema. Death never chooses a rich, poor or middle-class person; whether you're a girl or a boy; whether you're old or young it lurks behind every door waiting on its next victim.

You're probably skeptical about the "One Minute Cure". That is the main reason why cancer is all over the place. You'll learn how this harmless, cheap and powerful healing modality has been administered by an estimated 15,000 European doctors, naturopaths and homeopaths to more than 10 million patients in the past 70 years to successfully treat practically every known disease.

Studies on oxygen supply of the body showed that only 15 percent of oxygen is incorporated in the blood stream. Our habit of eating over-processed food is debilitating.

Isn't that an amazing breakthrough? A one CURE for all diseases including CANCER

You are about to learn on this revolutionary scientifically proven remedy You will learn:

Here is the only cure for all time

Other people say that those toxins that have been eaten, from the air around us and the substances that we take inside the body also cause cancer. It's like eating cupcake; only the human instincts that makes matters worse in solving it.

Warburg declared that when the metabolism of the cells attacked by cancer is normalized, it was an efficient treatment for cancer. All of us are exposed to common air pollution which deprives us of clean air to inhale the right amount of oxygen we need.

Know the classified healing process for cancer

Get the" One Minute Cure" copy and you shall have the health benefits of all time, become a new you, and be a healthy and disease-free YOU. Sometime in 1986 and 1987, two German specialists, one from Stuttgart and the other in Munich, printed cases of AIDS patients that they have cured simply by using oxygen regeneration of the body.

Those AIDS patients, who were in the later part of their stage, overturned their death verdicts were revived of their health and started to live their normal life.

Cancer is believed to be curable

Appropriate amount of oxygen cannot be achieved from normal deep breathing because the oxygen you inhale and distributed into the bloodstream is only 15 percent.

This natural oxygenating substance can be availed by mail and doesn't cost much. Other treatments that is oxygen-based like oxygenated water foods and supplements rich in oxygen are not effective ways because they only deliver oxygen to the bloodstreams.

What is Cancer?

Then the body releases carbon dioxide. A weak cell which is lacking in oxygen can also produce energy by merely burning.


Just follow the directions and you are on your way to a healthy body. You'll also find out why information about this groundbreaking therapy has been deliberately kept secret from the American public.

You'll discover why this simple therapy has the potential to save the lives of millions of people; how it can dramatically improve the quality of our lives by eradicating disease; and how it could potentially solve the health care crisis in this country. Everyone wants to have a normal life. Get the Holistic Healing Cancer Facts.

About the Author

Holistic Healing Cancer The Advanced Alternative Cancer Treatment Proven on all Cancers Plus More.

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By Shan Silva

The condition referred to as Duodenal Ulcer is one that typically announces itself as a sharp, severe pain in the upper part of the abdomen (the Epigastrium), appearing when a person is hungry and the stomach is empty.

Essentially, duodenal ulcers are caused by too much acid in the stomach; when the acid proves too strong for the protective inner lining of the duodenum (the part where the stomach joins the small intestine), it starts, in effect, burning a hole in the stomach wall. It is this crater, or ulcer, which results in pain, particularly when there is no food inside the stomach to use up the acid that is being produced.

Patients who develop duodenal ulcers usually tend to get relief from their pain by taking some milk, bland food or antacid tablets (like milk of magnesia), which can neutralize the excess acid. The danger of duodenal ulcers is that they erode the stomach wall - either perforating (so that the contents of the stomach leak out into the abdominal cavity) or eroding into a blood vessel, resulting in bleeding. Small amounts of bleeding manifest as Malaena (black discoloration of the stools) while a massive bleed can cause the patient to vomit blood or even die of hemorrhage.

To confirm the presence of a duodenal ulcer, doctors employ two main types of tests. Until a decade or two ago, the only method of diagnosing an, ulcer was by doing a Barium Meal - taking a series of X-rays after getting the patient to swallow a white liquid, Barium Sulphate. This substance clearly outlined the inside of the stomach, showing up the ulcer as a crater in the stomach wall.

Today, we have an instrument called the Gastroscope - a flexible, fibreoptic telescope which can be passed into the stomach through the mouth, and allows one to see clearly inside the stomach itself! The procedure is not painful, and does not require a general anesthetic- all the patient does is suck an anesthetic lozenge a few minutes beforehand to anesthetize the back of the throat before the gastroscope is passed in. Using the gastroscope, doctors can detect not only ulcers, but also growths like cancers inside the stomach. The instrument has made the diagnosis of stomach ulcers so much more accurate.

Author Promoted Sites: Anxiety Herbal Remedies and Natural Heartburn Relief

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By: John Daniel Rivera

Alternative breast cancer treatment has gain prominence nowadays because of its non-invasive approach. Now, this treatment are not only dealing with the effects but with the cause of the disease and some of them are even going deeper at the cellular level or at the subatomic level just to treat sickness. Alternative breast cancer treatment bypasses conventional procedures and go beyond the traditional surgery, radiation or chemotherapy.

Mammograms can detect small tumors and breast abnormalities up to two years before they can be felt, when they are treatable. A mammogram should be scheduled within the first fourteen days of your menstrual cycle, when the breasts are less likely to be swollen. You should not use any antiperspirant, deodorant, and powder on the day of the test, as it can interfere with the reading. When breast cancer is caught in the very early stages when it has not invaded nearby tissues the cure rate is near 100 percent with surgery alone. Tumors of 1 centimeter or less in size carry a particularly good prognosis less than a 10percent likelihood of recurrence within ten years. In general, the risk of recurrence rises with increasing tumor size and lymph node involvement.

Here are some of their recommendations:
Eat a high fiber diet based on fresh fruits and vegetables, plus grains, legumes, raw nuts (except peanuts) and seeds, and soured products such as low fat yogurt. Very important are the cruciferous vegetables, such as broccoli, Brussels. Sprouts, cabbage, and cauliflower, and yellow orange vegetables, such as carrots, pumpkin, squash, sweet potatoes, and yams. Eat vegetables raw or lightly steamed. For grains, use unpolished brown rice, millet oats and wheat. Eat whole grains only. If at all possible, consume only organically grown foods. Pesticides and other chemical have been linked to breast cancer (they may mimic the effect of estrogen on the body).
More recommendations on alternative and natural cancer treatment can be found by following the link below.
The alternative Breast cancer treatment from doctors will not just improve your medication, through its cost effective costs you could save a lot. You will gain some relief from spending hundred and thousand of bucks just for your medication. If I were you, I will look for ways on how I can start these alternative breast cancer treatments to move on with the suffering that you are having right now. The pain and suffering that cancer caused you can be minimized, and at times eliminated by these alternative treatments. These are really worth trying for so find way to try and have this together with your medication.

For further information about the alternative breast cancer treatment, breast cancer - prevention and cure and for more articles about the causes, symptoms and diagnosis of breast cancer. Just follow the link and watch also the 5minute video presentation for final assessment our highly recommended alternative therapy:

This article is written by john daniel rivera who is an advocate for natural health and healing, and has been in the field of health for quite a few years. He is interested in illuminating individuals and helping others return to a better quality of health. If you would like to learn more about his approach, please feel free to visit

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Cancer Gene BRCA 2

Posted by oneself | 4:31 AM

by Rita Goldman

One interesting aspect of cancer research is the new discoveries being made all the time. One such discovery is the gene BRCA2 which only came to light in 1996. This gene which can be handed down from either your mother's or your father's family has been changed or mutated. Because it has been changed, this gene does not work as it should and so when a cell with the BRCA2 gene present divides, it may not do so correctly.

When cells are wrongly created and link up, a tumor can form. So therefore it's important to know if your blood contains the BRCA2 gene. And you can find out quite easily by having a sample of your blood tested.

People who discover they have a BRCA2 gene may think they have been singled out. Why do I have a damaged or mutated gene? In fact everyone has some form of mutated gene or genes it's just that the BRCA2 gene is closely linked to the development of breast cancer.

Now there are two important points to be made here and should be read and read again. First, if you have the BRCA2 gene you are at a greater risk of developing cancer and breast cancer is the most likely type. Second, not everyone who has the BRCA2 gene ever gets breast cancer or any form of the disease.

Now if you have the mutation present in your body, you are more susceptible to a cancer forming within your body. There is no guarantee a tumor will develop but because it is a possibility and a greater possibility than for someone who does not have either the BRCA1 or BRCA2 gene, then that is the more reason why you should live the appropriate lifestyle.

Don't give that mutated gene any help in its quest to start the disease. Don't smoke, eat well, exercise sensibly and avoid alcohol.

So if a test shows the mutated gene is present there are certain steps you can take. Obviously regular screening is essential. Remember that the best cancer is no cancer but if it does occur, early detection gives you the greatest chance of defeating the disease and resuming a normal and healthy lifestyle.

Chemoprevention is another strategy which has been proven to help. It means the patient takes a drug such as tamoxifen which is designed to prevent the onset of breast cancer or, if the patient has recovered for the disease, to help prevent the cancer re-appearing. Studies to date have not involved large numbers of women with the BRCA1 and BRCA2 mutation and this drug.

For people who discover they have the BRCA2 gene, it is important to remain as calm as possible and become educated about your body. The choices you make about your life and the possibility of the disease have been made by millions of women and so many have come through with flying colors. Think with a positive attitude.

About the Author

As isolated as you may feel right now, you are not alone. Cancer diagnosis is no longer the end of the story. Cancer survivors prove every day that this can be the beginning of a whole new positive chapter in your life. Join our unique community of cancer survivors to be right now and receive a FREE report on Cancer Survivor's tips.

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By: Bello Kamorudeen

When the mesothelioma victim begins to show signs of imminent death, it is the time to for the relatives and friends to come around to say final goodbyes to their loved one. One after the other, the family members and friends might spend time with the patient, holding hands, talking to the patient, or just sitting quietly by the patient.

It can also be a time to perform any religious rituals and other activities the patient desires before he/she passes on. It is a chance for many families and friends to express their love and appreciation for the patient and for each other.

This also the time to plan for what to do after the death of the patient, so that the family will not be confused about what to during this very emotional time. If the patient is in hospice, the hospice nurse and social worker will help you. If the patient is not in hospice, talk with your doctor about it so that you will know what to do at the time of death.

These are some of the symptoms that will be seen in a dying mesothelioma cancer patient:

1- Changes in body function

•profound weakness,usually the patient cannot get out of bed and has trouble moving around in bed

•needs help with nearly everything he or she does. May be unable to change positions without help

•less and less interest in food, often with very little food and fluid intake for days

•trouble swallowing pills and medicines

•more drowsiness--the patient may doze or sleep much of the time if pain is relieved. May be restless and pick or pull at bed linens. May be hard to rouse or wake. Anxiety, fear, restlessness, and loneliness may worsen at night

•cannot concentrate, has short attention span

•confused about time, place, or people

•limited ability to cooperate with caregivers

•involuntary movement of any muscle, jerking of hands, arms, legs, or face

2- Changes in consciousness

•more sleeping during the day

•hard to wake or rouse from sleep

•confusion about time, place, or people

•restless, may pick or pull at bed linen

•may talk about things unrelated to the events or people present

•may have more anxiety, restlessness, fear, and loneliness at night

•after a period of sleepiness and confusion, may have a short time when he or she is mentally clear before going back into semi-consciousness

3- Changes in metabolism

•less interest in food -- the patient has less need for food and drink

•mouth may dry out (see the next section on changes in secretions)

•may no longer need some of his or her medicines, such as vitamins, replacement hormones, blood pressure medicines, and diuretics (unless they help make the patient more comfortable)

4- Changes in secretions

•mucus in the mouth may collect in the back of the throat (This may be a very distressing sound to hear, but doesn't usually cause discomfort to the patient.)

•secretions may thicken due to less fluid intake and build up because the patient cannot cough

5- Changes in circulation and temperature

•• arms and legs may feel cool to the touch as circulation slows down

•skin on arms, legs, hands, and feet may darken in color and look mottled (blotchy dark spots)

•other areas of the body may become either darker or paler

•skin may feel cold and either dry or damp

•heart rate may become fast, faint, or irregular

•blood pressure may get lower and become hard to hear

6-Changes in senses and perception

•vision may become blurry or dim

•hearing may decrease, but most patients are able to hear you even after they can no longer speak

7- Changes in breathing

•breathing may speed up and slow down due to less blood circulation and build up of waste products in the body

•mucus in the back of the throat may cause rattling or gurgling with each breath

•the patient may not breathe for periods of up 10 to 30 seconds

8- Changes in excretion

•urine may become darker and decrease in amount

•when death is near, the patient may lose control of urine and stool

Signs of irreversible death also known as “brain death”

-Cessation of breathing as the patients chest becomes still, not showing normal respiratory movements.

-Blood pressure becomes unrecordable

-Nil pulse in the blood vessels as the pulse stops

-Still immovable eyes with fixed wide gaze

-Open fixed pupils of the eyes, even in bright light

-Loss of control of bowels or bladder function as the muscles relax

After death it is all right if you sit with your loved one for a while. There is no rush to get anything done right away. Many families find this is an important time to pray or talk together and reconfirm their love for each other, as well as for the person who has passed away.

If the patient dies at home, caregivers are responsible for calling the appropriate people. Regulations or laws about who must be notified and how the body should be moved differ from one community to another. Your doctor or nurse can get this information for you. If you have a hospice or home care agency involved, call them. If you have completed funeral arrangements, calling the funeral director and doctor are usually all that you have to do.

Published At: Isnare Free Articles Directory

* About Bello Kamorudeen

Bello kamorudeen.For more information on Mesothelioma go to

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by Melanie Haiken

You have no way of knowing if it will be or not, says Knajdl, and such a statement ends up sounding like an empty platitude -- plus you establish a sense of mistrust. "It doesn't make the person feel better," says Knajdl, "because he knows it's not true and it just makes him feel dismissed and not heard."

What to say instead: What the person really wants to hear is that you're going to be there for him through the good times and the bad, and that he's not going to go through cancer treatment alone. There will be days when it does feel like everything's going to be all right, and you'll be there to celebrate that with him, but there will be days when discouraging test results come in or he's in pain -- and you'll be there for that, too. "When you talk to patients, their two big fears are that they won't make it through treatment, and that they'll be alone and in pain," says Knajdl. "Just keep telling the person that you'll be there with him and you'll make it through this together."

This is almost an automatic response for many of us when someone is sad or upset. We say it out of the best of intentions, to demonstrate our compassion, our sympathy, our sense of having been there. The problem is, it has the unintended effect of shutting the other person down, says Knajdl. "When you say, 'I know how you feel,' the unspoken second part of the thought is, 'and therefore you don't have to go into any detail about it,'" Knajdl says. "It increases the patient's sense of isolation, because it's like telling him you don't want him to talk about it."

Unless you've been treated for the same type of cancer and have undergone exactly the same treatment, you really don't know how the person feels. "We have no idea what it's like, and it's upsetting to the patient when we act like we do," says Knajdl.

What to say instead: A better approach, according to Knajdl, is to ask something like, "How are your mood and spirits holding up through this?" If the person you're concerned about is anxious or sad, this gives him a chance to tell you how he feels, which can be a big relief to someone who's trying to pretend he's doing just fine. And even if he answers that he's holding up pretty well, he'll still feel better that you asked.

Cancer patients hear endless variations on this "mind over body" theme. There are going to be days when a patient doesn't feel positive at all, and you certainly don't want him worrying that he's sabotaging his own chances of recovery. And what if he has a stressful job, or is a type A personality who reacts easily to stress -- do you want him feeling guilty or worrying that his high-strung personality or tendency toward anxiety either "caused" or will worsen his cancer?

Unfortunately, an awful lot of the literature conveys, in one way or another, the underlying message to cancer patients that they may have "caused" cancer through stress, worry, or a negative attitude, and that they could heal the cancer if they'd only develop a mellow outlook or sunny disposition. All that really happens is that they feel even more anxious about trying not to be anxious, or they feel guilty for not feeling happy. Even some visualization techniques can make cancer patients feel a sense of defeat, Knajdl says, if the focus is on healing but healing doesn't seem to be happening.

What to say instead: Suggest specific solutions. When your loved one is tense or anxious, ask him to identify what's stressing him out and how you can help him put the worries to rest. In other words, instead of saying "relax," help him relax by eradicating the stress trigger. For example, try refocusing any visualization he's doing toward a concrete and reasonably accessible goal, such as comfort or sleep. Instead of trying to visualize eradicating a tumor, suggest that he visualize falling into a deep sleep in a quiet, safe, pleasant place. Sometimes you can help eradicate stress with a concrete act of assistance. Knajdl remembers one patient who was very anxious in the hospital because he felt he hadn't put his financial house in order. His son brought all the documents to the hospital, and they took care of them one by one.

In our rush to be supportive, it's all too easy to fall back on such encouraging and inspirational messages. But they can give cancer patients a deep-seated feeling of failure. "I call this the Lance Armstrong syndrome, this idea that if you have the right fighting spirit you can overcome disease," says Knajdl. "I admire Armstrong and he's done great things to publicize cancer, but this idea that people can triumph over cancer with will power and an upbeat attitude is just crazy. There are all sorts of factors that contribute to why some people recover and some don't. The truth is, some people just get lucky."

This problem tends to come up with cancer survivors in particular, who may believe very deeply that their attitude, philosophy, spiritual focus, or belief in healing helped them survive. And sometimes hearing such stories can make other patients feel hopeful and optimistic. But if things aren't going well -- if a scary test result has just come in, if chemo's side effects are almost unbearable, if your loved one is facing the fact that his cancer may not be curable -- then hearing others' tales of triumph may not be helpful.

What to say instead: The best way to help your loved one feel positive and hopeful is to just keep reassuring him that you're in this together, and that you'll keep caring for him and supporting him and making him as comfortable as possible during his treatment.

Your loved one is scared, angry, or in tears, and you want him to feel better. But unfortunately, a statement like this makes it sound as if you want him to put his feelings, which are natural and unavoidable, under wraps. "In this situation, it's okay to get worked up, and it's okay to vent," says Knajdl. "We have this fear of feelings getting out of control. But sometimes a patient needs opportunities to cry or get angry or get upset, and if you can help him express these feelings and get them out, in the end he'll feel better."

What to say instead: If you don't know what to say, it's okay not to say anything at all, Knajdl says. Just offer the comfort of your presence, a hug, or an arm around the shoulders. Allowing some silence without rushing to fill it gives the person a chance to say what's on his mind in his own time. Perhaps he's afraid of pain, afraid of letting you down, or frustrated by feeling incapacitated by his illness. "One patient surprised his son by saying, 'I feel frustrated lying here in the hospital because I feel like I'm wasting my time,'" Knajdl says. "It turned out he was actually upset that he didn't have his legal affairs in order. The son responded by saying, 'Would you like me to get a lawyer to come in so we can take care of that?' That made his father feel much better."

As a friend or family member, you'll feel thrilled when treatment is finished, but the patient's feelings are likely to be much more mixed. During treatment, he's taking action. That can be empowering because the focus is on a solution, either a cure or progress in pushing back the cancer. When treatment is finished, it can feel like there's nothing more for him to do but wait, and naturally he may feel anxious and uncertain. "Often, people don't feel like celebrating. Instead they think, 'Now what do I do? Just wait for the cancer to come back?'" says Knajdl.

No matter how relieved you are, try to keep it to yourself. "It's really common to say something like, 'Boy, am I glad that's over,' but that implies two things: that the treatment has been a burden on you, and that you want your loved one to be happy about it when maybe he's not feeling happy," Knajdl says.

What to say instead: Give the person a chance to express how he's feeling. Try asking an open-ended question, such as, "How are you feeling now that we're finishing up the chemo?" This way, you allow him to control the response. He might say, "I know we were talking about throwing a party when I finished chemo, but I really don't feel like it." The bottom line is, whatever he's feeling is okay, and your job is to make it clear you're ready to listen.

Guided visualization tapes are available from the Healing Mind (, created by Martin Rossman, MD, one of the pioneers of this mind-body technique.


* Never Say To Someone With Cancer
* Do Not Say To Someone With Cancer

About the Author

Senior Editor Melanie Haiken, who is responsible for's coverage of cancer, general health, and family finance, discovered how important it is to provide accurate, targeted, usable health information to people facing difficult decisions when she was health editor of Parenting magazine. She has also worked for San Francisco's renowned Center for Investigative Reporting. She has a master's degree in Journalism and a B.A. in English, both from the University of California at Berkeley.

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By: Carolyn Showers

Cancer is a disease that we all associate with loss and that carries with it very serious omens. The ‘big C’ however does not just affect humans and can also affect animals, including cats. Cat cancer, or feline cancer, is sadly just as serious as the human equivalent but needn’t necessarily spell the end if you can spot the symptoms early enough and get your pet the appropriate treatment.

Cancer is the uncontrolled growth of cells in any organism’s body. Essentially wear and tear will break down the cell wall (often via the bombardment of free radicals). This will then result in a ‘mutation’ where the DNA of the cell is changed. As this cell reproduces however that imperfection will spread and replace healthy cells with damaged ones.

Cat cancer can affect nearly every major organ in your pet’s body including the stomach, intestines, testicles, muscles, lungs, breasts, skin and glands. Symptoms of cat cancer include vomiting, lethargy and diarrhoea among others though the exact combination will depend on the nature of the cancer. There will also likely be a lump at the source of the cancer, though this will not be visible for cancer of the internal organs.

Skin tumors are less common in cats than in dogs, but in cases of cat cancer they are almost always malignant (meaning that they spread quickly making them more difficult to remove and more dangerous). Lymphoma however is often associated with the feline leukaemia virus and often affects the digestive system. This is one of the most common forms of cat cancer where symptoms are all of those listed above – diarrhoea, vomiting and lethargy and again 85% of cases are sadly malignant. Meanwhile these symptoms, coupled with abdominal enlargement or enlargement of the mammary glands could also signal cases of abdominal or glandular cat cancer respectively.

If your pet is showing any of these symptoms you should take it to a vet right away. Here, if your cat is diagnosed with cat cancer, several things might happen. If the tumour is benign it will simply involve an operation to remove the offending cells. However if it’s malignant it will likely require a course of chemotherapy this can be fairly unpleasant for the sufferer however leading to dizziness and vomiting among other symptoms and is no guaranteed cure – even in successful cases relapse is possibly as soon as ten days after treatment. For these reasons judgement is required on the part of the owner. Another similar option is radiotherapy.

There are things you can do to help your cat’s recovery or to avoid cat cancer in the first place. White cats in particular, but all pets really, should be kept out of the hot sun when possible to avoid damaging the skin cells. Meanwhile a diet high in antioxidants (found in tuna among other foods) will help protect against free radicals. Some products, such as ES Clear, can help cats using a ‘natural’ ‘holistic’ approach and promise a alternative treatment to leukaemia.

In short there is no miracle cure but the choice of treatment is down to the discretion of the owner. Seek consultation from a vet and try to make your pet as comfortable as possible.

You can learn more about cat cancer on author's site. The site is a useful resource for ES Clear.

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By: Arnold Nerenberg

Symptoms are classified into two – visible and invisible. They are subjective because the latter classification cannot be easily seen by nurses, diagnosticians, and even to doctors. These are what the patients experience regarding illness, disease or injury. Some symptoms include pain, discomfort, fever, chills, cold, heat, vertigo, nausea, and many more. To aid the diagnostic phase, symptoms are very necessary. With prostate cancer, the sad thing is there are no early prostate infection symptoms. This type of cancer is known when it is severe already, thus, this is one of the major causes of deaths in men all over the world.

People oftentimes do a consultation when the disease is already intense. This is really a very negative practice. To ensure proper health condition, there should be a regular check up. One of the hot topics included in prostate cancer questions and answers is: What are the prostate infection symptoms? As observed by those prostate cancer patients these are what they experience:

• the persons urinate frequently especially during night time
• while urinating, there is difficulty in starting or stopping the urinary stream
• weak or interrupted urinary stream
• painful sensation during urination or ejaculation
• blood in urine or semen

It must be noted that these are not symptoms of the cancer itself. These are only symptoms of the obstruction from the cancer growth within the prostate and surrounding tissues. Signs or symptoms of prostate cancer in men are palpable when prostate cancer cells has spread already. The symptoms then include: dull, incessant deep pain or stiffness in the pelvis, lower back, ribs or upper thighs; arthritic pain in the bones of those areas; loss of weight and appetite, fatigue, nausea, or vomiting.

Prostate as in any other parts of the body must be taken care of. Genetics and diet greatly affect the prostate. Genetics run in the blood but diet can be adjusted or maintained. Good health is caused by eating the right kind and the right amount of food. Proper diet is the key to avoid if not reduce ailments or diseases. Prostate Specific Antigen (PSA) helps to detect prostate problems symptoms.

If there are prostate cancer warning signs detected Gleason staging system must be the next aid. This system helps to identify the treatment. The higher the score, the higher is the stage too and the more complicated the treatment is. Gleason staging system has grades 1 to 5. Again, this is not the treatment itself. This is only a tool to know the stage of the prostate cancer and the possible treatment which can be given to the patient. If one is already diagnosed with prostate cancer, he has to undergo further tests like CT scans and bone scans.

To dig deeper on prostate cancer, causes of prostate cancer are not known by the scientists yet but they have been able to identify some risk factors that are related with this type of cancer. The most common risk factor is the age. No man below 40 has been diagnosed by this cancer. Almost 70% of cases are diagnosed in men over 50 years old. As revealed in studies, race is another major risk factor. African American men have the most common cases of this cancer and it is least common in Asian and American Indian men.

Even if there is already latest treatment on prostate cancer, still it is the best if a man does not have a prostate cancer at all. It is still worthwhile to live when you can do or accomplish tasks given to you because you do not have any sickness at all.

Dr. Arnold P. Nerenberg, PhD, is an internationally renowned clinical psychologist, motivational speaker and educator. He is also a prostate cancer survivor that is why he wants to help each man who has a problem with their prostate. Visit for more information.

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