by Lynn Elder

Being a survivor of cancer three times in 1996,I believe I can discuss the treatments that I received at that time and what I have learned since to put your cancer on the run.

The treatment in 1996 was operation and removal of cancer organs with no discussions of alternative treatment.The results left me without some natural benefits,but I survived and I have been cancer free since.

I know now after all the years learning that alternative treatments could have possibly saved me some of the operations maybe all of them.I have learned that biomedical sciences and alternative medicines have been tested by many university labs here in the USA and overseas as well.Many doctors have tested products themselves with great results in how to put cancer on the run.

How The American Cancer Society (ACS) evaluates mainstream and alternative cancer treatments. They do this by asking three questions:

1) Has the method been objectively demonstrated in the peer-reviewed scientific literature to be effective?

2) Has the method shown potential for benefit that clearly exceeds the potential for harm?

3) Have objective studies been correctly conducted under appropriate peer review to answer these questions?

That in order to survive you would have to be able to answer those questions with a resounding YES! So I ask this question How to put your cancer on the run in 30days or less?

For up to date information about How To Put Cancer On The Run In 30Days Or Less click on

About the Author

I have been studying alternative medicine for the last 5 years and use all natural products for my health,no chemical drugs and no doctors.For the latest information on how to stop cancer in 30Days or less