by Hawie Tan

So many experts and researchers have been developed so many methods that they could use to detect the existence of the cancer cells in human's body. One of the detections methods is by doing the cancer screening. The cancer screening is mainly conducted to detect the unsuspected cancers in a population. The screening cancers would be able to be used to make an early diagnosis over the cancer disease. The early diagnosis could extend the life expectation of the human race. There are still some other different ways to detect the cancers. For the breast cancer, the experts would do some screening test with the mammograms. For the colorectal cancer, the experts would do the colonoscopy and the fecal occult blood testing. For some cervical cytology testing, they would use the Pap smear. But among those testing methods, the experts still strongly recommended that they people must try to do the self examinations.

In many cancer centers, there would be many experts and specialist that could teach you how to do the self examination. This is important for you to know the symptoms of the cancer as early as possible. Furthermore, the experts would suggest the patient to have some comprehensive testing to make sure that they would really understand about their body. Somehow, there are several kinds of investigations to get some clarification about the cancer. Some people that have already done with the self examination might find something suspicious about their body. When they feel such thing, they should get some medical test as soon as possible to get some information about the body. There are several kinds of tests that they may do to have some excellent information about the body. The test would begin with the blood tests. The next step would get the X-ray photo sessions. After that, the doctor would ask them to do the CT Scans and endoscopy.

Soon after they did those several steps of medical test they would have the results. If the result was negative, then they should be grateful with that, but if the result was positive, they should be grateful as well, because they have managed the early detections of the cancer of themselves. With the early detections, the possibilities of recovery would be better. In the early phases, the possibilities would be around 75 percent. Let's try to compare with the late phases' possibilities which only around 25 to 30 percent. Well, not matter the result would be, the suspected cancer people should maintain the good patter lifestyle. This is the excellent way to prevent some cancer possibilities. For some people who have already positively got cancer, they should change their lifestyle into the better one. So, they would be able to be recovered again.

About the Author

My other article about cancer mesothelioma is mesothelioma lawsuit.