by Jen Page

The apparent likelihood of a connection between breast cancer and being overweight is an issue of growing concern. Statistical evidence has shown that women with excessive upper body and abdominal fat account for a large percentage of breast cancer patients. No conclusive results have been made on the subject but numerical evidence has shown quite significant data alluding to this possible correlation.

The possible explanation for this possible relation is the fact that overweight individuals store xenestrogens in extra fatty cells. These xenestrogens are dangerous compounds that come about as a result of environmental pollution. Xenestrogens are known to promote cancerous tumors especially around the breast area. The more of it that is spread in fatty tissues, the more likely one is to develop a cancerous tumor. Development of breast cancer, therefore, is primarily said to be as a result of the effect and actions of certain hormones in the body.

Weight gain immediately before and after menopause, has shown likelihood of increasing the risk of breast cancer. During this period, the ovaries stop the production of estrogen, which is sourced from body fat in women. A woman who has excess body fat during this transitional menopause stage will have a large amount of estrogen in the postmenopausal stage, which may contribute to increased breast cancer risk. Surprisingly, other studies have shown that obesity in some cases can actually reduce the risk of breast cancer. These studies show that being overweight usually causes irregularities in menstrual cycles that may limit ovulation. With less ovulation, it means there will be lower levels of hormones such as progesterone and estradiol, which promote breast cancer.

Scientists are now studying the relationship between obesity and a debilitating form of breast cancer called inflammatory breast cancer. In this form of cancer, the lymph vessels are blocked by cancer cells causing skin around the breast to look swollen and inflamed. Larger samples of the women diagnosed with this form of breast cancer were overweight compared to a smaller number of leaner women affected. It is believed that increased fat tissue could be a major factor that causes the inflammation that characterizes this form of breast cancer. Fat cells are also known to produce hormones and chemicals that promote the existence of cancer.

A factor that leads to higher death rates for obese individuals with breast cancer is that detection is harder for overweight patients. Therefore, the cancer is more likely to be diagnosed at a much later stage than for one who is leaner. If the cancer is not detected early enough, then treatment may not be as effective. Evidence has also shown the prevalence of breast cancer in communities that tend to have a higher average weight. A continent such as Asia where average body mass is lower than other regions of the world has recorded much lower prevalence weights for breast cancer. Though occurrences of breast cancer are mostly considered to be genetic, more evidence is emerging concerning other possible causes of this disease.

About the Author

Jen Page is a contributing author to, an authority website offering information about Weight Loss, Diet & Nutrition and Health.

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By: Brian Morse

Cancer is one of the most serious diseases there is and can affect children of all ages. The results of modern medicine are astonishing, but there is still much to be done in the way of finding cures and therapies for a host of different cancers. That is why a wide variety of children's cancer funds have been set up to assist with treatments and other expenses families incur when seeking the much needed help when a child is afflicted with any type of cancer.

Often times, when a child is diagnosed with a life threatening illness such as cancer, parents are forced to stop working in order to seek proper medical care. This often involves traveling to a hospital that is dedicated to treating cancer, in some cases, a specific type. There are often cancer funds available through these various hospitals that are designed to help families with the everyday living expenses that fall behind when there is no longer money coming in to pay for them. Families who are in need of such assistance can inquire about it at the hospital where their child is receiving treatment and care. If such a fund is not available there will most likely be information about where to continue the search.

Other cancer funds exist that provide families with financial as well as emotional support. This can be especially important for parents and siblings of a child with cancer who may be having difficulty understanding the disease and what the child is gong through in the treatment process. This is important for family members of all ages, but can be especially hard for very young children.

Other cancer funds are in existence to help provide games, toys and books for children receiving care in hospitals. Some are set up at a specific location and are often part of a children's hospital or cancer treatment center. Food, gas and living accommodations are often also provided for the families, some of whom travel great distances to seek the medical care their children so desperately need.

Other funds have been set up to help children and families understand and cope with the diagnosis they have received. This is important for every family member, but can be especially helpful for children who are unsure about what they are facing. Relieving the accompanying anxiety can go a long way toward the healing process.

Brian Morse has worked for cancer related services for over 14 years. I am currently Webmaster and IT specialist for two different cancer organizations.

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by Edward Ang

Cancer prevention starts by knowing what the causes of the disease are followed by practices and habits of how to prevent it.

There are several factors that lead to cancer but the most common of all are linked to dietary choices and the lifestyle we chose to lead. People who smoke and ingest large quantities for example are highly at risk for lung cancer and liver cancer respectively. Yet in some cases cancers are hereditary in nature. Still, no matter what the cause, cancer can be prevented. One of the ways by you can effectively prevent cancer is by eating right.

There are a few basic principles of eating your way to preventing cancer. They are really quite simple; all it takes is some self-discipline.

One of the important pointers of healthy eating is to reduce your fat intake; you can do that by looking at the fat content of the food that you by or watching how you cook your meals by using little to no oil when you are preparing your food.

Another useful tip is to eat more vegetables and fruits since these foods are known to have cancer fighting properties such as anti-oxidants and phytochemicals. In this regard you should eat less meat too and also reduce your sodium intake.

Last is to watch out for those foodstuffs that are known to be carcinogenic or can contain substances that may cause cancer. For this one you may need to do some research but it's not so hard to since there are a lot of websites now that offer detailed information on food and cancer.

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Want to have a healthy body? Discover the secret of noni juice and have a happy and healthy life.

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Have you ever wondered why medical science can't find that elusive cure for cancer despite looking for nearly 40 years? The search for that magic pill or chemical has been going on now since war was declared on cancer in 1971, when the President of America allocated funds to find a cure for the scourge that had exploded in the last few years. This was just 2 years after they had successfully put man on the moon, so solving the cancer problem didn't seem insurmountable. Today after spending billions of dollars in research are we any closer to solving the problem? Our current treatments are still only the same surgery, radiation and chemotherapy and very little else. Surgery is essentially akin to pulling weeds out of a garden. It doesn't deal with what caused the cancer to grow in the first place or addresses how to prevent it from growing again in the future. Radiation and chemotherapy, while they have refined them still only shrinks cancer and gives scant regard to the all important reason why the cancer arrived in the first place.

You realise of course the rewards for the person who finds a cure and the enormous wealth it will bring. With cancer deaths at around 6 and half million people per year worldwide and climbing, there is a huge potential.

So why haven't they found a cure or at least made some headway into solving our cancer epidemic? Because they are all looking in the wrong place, there isn't a cure for cancer where they are looking. Cancer cannot be cured by a drug or a chemical, it's impossible. Two hundred years ago we had a similar problem with scurvy where thousands of seamen died. We know today that it was a vitamin C deficiency which caused scurvy and the only way to correct that was to eat foods that contain the missing vitamin. Berri Berri was another, a disease of the nervous system and was potentially fatal and was found to be caused by a lack of vitamin B1 in the diet so the only way to cure that was also naturally.

Cancer is exactly the same, it's caused by a weak immune system, which is the human bodies natural defence system and has been weaken by the way we live. We don't have drugs to boost the immune system so the only way to cure the cancer problem successfully is a natural way and that is to eat the foods that boost the immune system and remove from your lifestyle factors that weaken the immune system.

Immune building food is all the freshly grown fruit and vegetables, especially organic that allow the natural forces within our body to fight the cancer and slowly remove it.

Food that destroy the immune system are all processed foods and the food that contain a high proportion of fat, salt or refined sugar.

Factors that enhance the immune system are happiness, adequate rest and sleep, fresh air, sunshine, moderate exercise and most importantly a positive attitude towards life.

Immune breakers are constant worry, mental and physical trauma, low self esteem, chemicals including chlorine, fluoride and pesticides, smoking and all drugs, recreational and medicinal, especially chemotherapy.

The solution to our cancer problem is to abandon our faith in modern medicine, which for all its science is still only a helpless bystander when it comes to curing cancer and to address the underlying cause of the problem which is mainly our addiction to the foods that stimulate, but do nothing towards nourishing the human body.

I'm aware that our current treatment of cancer today reflects the way we live whereby we don't want to take time out to be sick and to just rid the body of this unwanted growth as quickly as possible. Bizarre as it may seem that's just what surgery, radiation and chemotherapy do and they are quite good at that to some degree but there are many people, especially young people being diagnosed with cancer today who desperately want to live and want a permanent solution to the problem, and that is not, and has never been addressed by our mainstream medical system.

Alan Wighton is an independent health researcher, having spent many years specializing in cancer. If you want to learn more about effective ways to heal cancer and what's going on in the cancer industry, please visit Cures, not just treatments.

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By: Rob Griggs

What It Is

Brain tumours are slightly different from other forms of cancer in that there are over 100 types of different tumour. Some of these are malign, whilst some of them can be malignant.

Like all cancers, a brain tumour occurs due to an abnormal growth of cells. Brain tumours can affect any part of the brain, and can also be found on the inside of the skull.

They can also consist of primary tumours (tumours which start in the brain) and secondary tumours (tumours which have started in another part of body and have spread to the brain).

Causes of Brain Tumours

All cancers are essentially caused by a number of factors, and we know that toxins in the body, oxygen deprivation, an acidic pH balance and a weak immune system can all be to blame.

However, when it comes to brain tumours we know that there are a few specific factors that can lead to their formation. Generally, brain tumours are more common in older people, although they can occur in people of all ages. As well as that, a history of cancer in the family will make it more likely to become victim to a brain tumour. Although less likely, radioactivity has also been proven to influence the growth of brain tumours.

Brain Tumour Symptoms

There are countless symptoms associated with brain tumours. The most common symptom by far is a headache or a series of headaches. Headaches can be particularly painful, or they can seem quite normal. Most people visit the doctor when they have suddenly started experiencing headaches with greater frequency or intensity.

As well as headaches, other common symptoms include nausea, dizziness, fits, memory loss and drowsiness. An increase in the pressure in the head, known as raised ICP, is another common symptom. This is caused by a brain tumour growing and putting pressure on the inside of the head. However, we should clarify that all of these symptoms can be symptoms of less serious conditions, so although they should be checked out, none of them should cause undue alarm.

Conventional Treatments

The type of treatment required depends on the stage of the brain tumour. Surgery is often required to remove the tumour, but this will be dictated by the position of the tumour. Sometimes the tumour can be too near to a very sensitive area and it can therefore be too risky. If it is not possible to remove the whole tumour then sometimes only a part of it is removed, but this can still help.

Surgery can be very risky, and it can also lead to infection and bleeding in some cases. Due to the proximity of the surgery area to crucial parts of the nervous system, it can also lead to partial paralysis of the face and vision loss.

Radiation and chemotherapy are also options when it comes to treating brain tumours, but these come with harsh side effects including loss of hair, drowsiness and nausea.

Radiosurgery is also used to treat brain tumours. This involves directing powerful beams of radiation directly at the tumours, killing them without damaging the rest of the surrounding area. However, this can also lead to headaches and fatigue.

As all treatments can sometimes lead to problems with speech, thought and vision, they may often require some sort of follow-up treatment as well as the initial treatment.

Alternative and Complementary Treatments

One of the most effective alternative treatments that we know of is actually one of the simplest, and it comes in the form of a diet. The Budwig Diet is a specially-formulated diet designed specifically to beat cancer in a natural but powerful way, with no side effects.

This diet is based on the principle that all cancer cells, including those in brain tumours, require glucose in order to grow. By reducing the amount of glucose in the blood, the cancerous cells cannot grow. This therefore requires the patient to reduce their sugar intake completely, preventing the cancer cells from growing and strengthening the immune system at the same time to fight them.

The Budwig Diet is one of the most effective alternative therapies, but we can also recommend a number of other alternative treatments that can be used to treat brain tumours. One of the most effective is known as bio-photonic light treatment. This is when natural UV rays are used to target the cancer cells directly, killing them over a period of treatment with no damage to the rest of the body.

High body-temperature therapy is another of the most effective alternative treatments that sees high success rates. This involves the heating of the body to produce a special type of sweat that is packed full of harmful toxins. Reducing the level of toxins in the body provides a completely natural way to treat the cancer.

But there are many more types of alternative therapies for brain tumours, including emotional healing, SCIO therapies, ultra sound and massage therapy. These can all be used alongside the Budwig Diet, and due to their natural properties there is no limit on which types of treatment can be used alongside each other to increase the chances of destroying the cancer.

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About Rob Griggs

The Mariposas Clinic is a wellness center and clinic specializing in alternative and complementary treatments for cancer and other serious illnesses. For more information on their treatments, please visit

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By: Valerie Rosenbaum

When it comes to the search for a cancer cure resveratrol is one of the many natural compounds that are being studied. Researchers have found that it interferes with all three states of carcinogenesis, from initiation to the progression of the disease.

But, these studies have only been conducted using cell lines. Scientists have found many things that are effective against cancer cell lines, even vitamin C, but when they conduct human trials, they find them to be ineffective. There is no clear understanding of why this is the case.

In addition to being studied as a cancer cure resveratrol is also being studied for its cancer-preventative benefits. Many natural health experts believe that you can greatly reduce your risk of cancer by improving your nutritional intake and regularly using supplements that contain natural plant extracts with antioxidant and anti-inflammatory activity.

They also believe that it is possible to live well past 100, without developing chronic or life threatening diseases. Again, they believe that the key is optimal nutritional intake. A totally balanced supplement would provide all of the essential vitamins and minerals, derived from natural sources.

Here’s an interesting fact, most of the supplements that you see on the market contain synthetic vitamins. When it comes to vitamins C and E, hardly any company uses the natural form. Even foods are fortified with synthetic or artificial vitamins. Why would anyone believe that these things would be good for us?

We know that artificial preservatives, colors and flavorings cause numerous health problems and many of them increase our cancer risk. Artificial vitamins are not the same on an atomic or quantum level as the natural form. Scientists can only recreate the molecule. The molecules look the same, but no one ever tested them to see if they have the same activity. To this day, no one has test artificial vitamins against natural ones.

If it is developed as a cancer cure resveratrol will likely be synthesized. They already know how to make the molecule. They just need a reason to do so. The natural version is not cheap, but it is readily available. Manufacturers choose to use synthetics because they are cheaper than the natural versions and usually they are more readily available.

If the synthetic version proves to be ineffective in treating cancers, scientists will not go back and reconsider their choice. They will not conduct additional studies to determine if the natural form is more effective.

Judging by the scientific policies that have been a part of the past, there is unlike to be a cancer cure resveratrol based product in the future. If you are well, the best thing that you can do is focus on prevention by taking an excellent nutritional supplement that includes natural trans-resveratrol in a 50% concentration.

If you are sick, the best thing that you can do is consult with a doctor of naturopathic medicine. I know people personally that are cancer-free after consulting with a naturopathic MD and following his or her advice. They may not offer a cancer cure resveratrol treatment, but they do have other options.

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* About Valerie Rosenbaum

Valerie Rosenbaum has spent several years researching anti aging vitamin supplements and natural skincare products. As a result of that effort she has found what she believes to be the best anti aging supplement available on the market today. Learn about what she discovered at her website

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