By: Peterson Bran

Lung cancer prevention methods are very important because of the difficulty to detect lung cancer until it is in an advanced stage, when treatments are really not effective. A few simple steps have the potential to prevent the incidence of lung cancer. Smoking and the use of tobacco products should be completely avoided or stopped. Data reveals that long-term cessation of smoking reduces the incidence of lung cancer by over 50%. Exposure to radon gas and other carcinogens like petroleum products should be avoided.

The unfortunate reality is that many of those deaths could have been prevented -- fully 85% of all lung cancers are caused by smoking. This includes those who breathe in second-hand smoke from others in the vicinity. If everyone were to give up smoking, the incidence of lung cancer would drop dramatically.After smoking, radon exposure is the second most common cause of lung cancer in America. The US Environmental Protection Agency estimates that about 21,000 deaths are caused every year by radon exposure.

As with most lung-related cancers, smoking increases the odds of contracting mesothelioma significantly. Some studies indicate that a smoker who has been exposed to asbestos has 50 to 90 times the chances of developing mesothelioma and other cancers of the lung, when compared to a non-smoker with similar asbestos exposure. A non-smoker who has been exposed to asbestos has about 5 times higher chance of developing mesothelioma compared to people who were never exposed to asbestos.

One of the gases in cigarette smoke is carbon monoxide. This gas interferes with the process of oxygenation of blood in the lungs. In fact if you inhale too much carbon monoxide you will suffocate and die. This gas is present in car exhaust fumes and is responsible for the deaths of many people each year using this as a form of suicide.

Cancer can be treated by surgery, chemotherapy, radiation therapy, immunotherapy, monoclonal antibody therapy or other methods. Although radiation damages both cancer cells and normal cells, most normal cells can recover from the effects of radiation and function properly. Studies have shown that high body temperatures can affect and often kill cancer cells. Perhaps taking aspirin to reduces the body temperatures at the first sign if an illness is not the wises course of action. More studies in this area are needed.

Eat wide from many sources for a balanced diet. Include nuts, herbs, lentils and fresh, organic, locally grown produce. Increase your daily intake of fruit and vegetables. These are thought to help protect against cancer of the bowel, cervix and possibly breast. Eating plenty of grain cereals also increases the effect against colon cancer. Throw your microwave away. The latest scientific tests show that food you prepare in microwave is exposed to a high risk of providing cancer cells in your body. Avoid factory farmed products such as milk, eggs, fish or cheese. Animals are often fed large amounts of antibiotics as a precaution and live in very stressful conditions. Avoid genetically modified food.

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By: Dave Mathews

Leukemia leads to a reduction of white blood cells in the body system. Leukemia can thus be treated by way of ensuring that the body increases the White blood cells count. Leukemia can also be treated just by use of the same methods as used to treat cancer.

Chemotherapy is one such way, though this may take too much time. In fact, treatment using this method can take a period of not less than two years. Another way of treating the condition is by fixing the bone marrow problem. This method is expensive and is done in very few countries since it involves use of sophisticated instruments and highly experienced medics.

Replacement of the infected bone marrow with a healthy one is what it entails. A radiation therapy is also recommended though this has to go hand in hand with chemotherapy. Radiation entails giving doses of x-ray for a couple of months.
In cases where there is overproduction of White blood cells, there may be some blood infections. This may lead to blood disorders, and hence become necessary to use antibiotics to fight the problem.

If leukemia is at early stages, one can prolong survival with active immunotherapy. This is however still being experimented, as it is reported by Leukemia Society of America. Leukemia is actually a chronic problem and its treatment is not a matter of a short duration of time. Patience is thus of paramount importance. Cases of complete eradication using the above mentioned methods have been reported worldwide.

Symptoms of Leukemia

Leukemia is a disease that has claimed many people worldwide. It is a disease that can affect anyone irrespective of race, sex, color or age. Medics say that it is a bone marrow disease, but is also said to affect other parts of the human body. Just like most other diseases, Leukemia may have specific symptoms that doctors can use to identify a person suffering from it.

The most common symptom of Leukemia is body fever. Fever is a condition of feeling uncomfortable with the body temperature. It is a condition evident when somebody has Malaria, Flu, Typhoid, etc. Another symptom is body weaknesses that appear so exaggerated. This can be felt for a longer duration of time with no apparent cause.

A patient may also have the problem of not wanting to be engaged in strenuous physical exercises, and you may find the body becoming intolerant to activity. The fourth obvious symptom is the exaggerated abdominal pain. This is where one just feels uneasy even standing or seated.

Longer period of Leukemia will also resort to the loss of weight. Since Leukemia is a sort of cancer, the fat in the body may be eaten up or the system of converting body energy to fat may be tampered with. The other top symptom of anemia is enlargement of the lymph nodes, spleen, and/or liver The body may also experience intense tiredness that even movement is much of a bother. There may also be a noticeable bleeding of the abdomen. The body is also prone to infections because the white blood cells are weak.
Excessive bruising is also very evident.

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* About Dave Mathews

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By: Kirsten Whittaker

Being active, carrying out exercise and breast cancer are known to be linked, with those who are more active having a reduced risk of cancer. But when you're lying in bed warm and comfortable and the alarm goes off for your early morning workout it can be hard to find the motivation to 'get up and go'.

Now a new study examines how a lack of sleep might blunt the effectiveness of all that exercise in reducing your cancer risk.

According to a ten year study of nearly 6,000 women led by James McClain, Ph.D., a cancer prevention fellow at the National Cancer Institute, people at the top half of the physical activity levels had a 25% reduction in their cancer risk.

But, if you were a woman from 18 to 65 years old who got about an hour a day of moderate activity yet slept fewer than 7 hours a night, much of the exercise benefit was lost.

Of course this group still had a reduced risk compared to those women who exercised the least.

The take away message is: be active, but get enough sleep or it won't do you as much good.

The novel research was presented last month during an international meeting in Washington D.C. on cancer prevention hosted by the American Association for Cancer Research (AACR).

The next step for researchers is to investigate the mechanisms underlying sleep and exercise to try and understand the role of each in preventing cancer.

"The important thing to remember here is that nobody was protected unless they were active," McClain says. "So I certainly don't think the take-home message is to sacrifice activity to get more sleep. But I think it needs to be more of a conscious thought that both physical activity and sleep are important factors for young to middle-aged women."

There are any number of health problems that come as the result of a lack of sleep…

Glucose intolerance, imbalances of ghrelin and leptin (appetite regulators), increases in C-reactive proteins in the blood as well as other problems.

And of course during sleep our healing processes are engaged allowing our bodies to recover better from exercise. A good nights sleep also reduces the levels of stress hormones in the body, meaning that psychologically you are more able to face the day and any exercise regime you may have planned.

Getting the right amount of sleep for you gives you the energy you need to be more active and function at peak performance throughout the day.

If you find you're struggling to sleep, which many people do as they age be sure to practice good sleep habits to ensure you get the rest you need.

The study didn't make specific recommendations on how much exercise would be enough, but McClain suggest using the government's physical activity guidelines as a starting point. They suggest getting at least 5 hours of modest exercise, or 2½ hours of intense exercise per week.

The good thing is that normal household chores slot under the modest exercise banner, so you can count that towards your total for the week.

Many women understand the link between exercise and breast cancer, and are starting to increase their levels of activity, but the link between sleep and cancer shines a new light on the need to also ensure sufficient rest is taken each day as well.

Next just head on over to the Daily Health Bulletin for more health tips including information on exercise and breast cancer and get 5 free revealing health reports.

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by Pat G.

I began doing extensive research on an alternative prostate cancer treatment after having a relative diagnosed with this condition. I have learned so much about healing the prostate alternatively that I started researching all cancers, but this article I will focus only on the prostate. I also watched in amazement as my relative healed his prostate without chemotherapy, radiation, drugs or surgery.

Knowledge is power, and I believe that arming yourself with knowledge is the key to healing any disease of the body. That being said, there are 5 things that you must know about this condition before deciding which treatment option you will take.

1. Prostate cancer is an extremely slow growing.

This means that you do not have to rush and have surgery after being diagnosed. If the cancerous cells have not yet spread outside of the prostate gland, an alternative prostate cancer treatment should be enough to kill these mutated cells!

2. Once you start experiencing symptoms of prostate cancer, it is likely that it has spread outside of the prostate.

Once the cancerous cells have spread outside of that specific area, focus should be turned on healing the whole body to rid it of these cells. Removing the prostate at this stage is should not be the focus because the cancer cells multiply more quickly in other areas of the body. A holistic approach to healing would work best because with this approach, you are healing the whole body, not just one focused area.

3. Prostate surgery is a major surgery with pretty extreme side effects.

Impotence is a major side effect of prostate cancer surgery. Research shows 60% of men who undergo this surgery have problems with impotence.

4. Alternative prostate cancer treatment requires that you change your diet!

Dairy products should be avoided and meat products avoided or extremely limited. Alternative prostate cancer treatment focuses on the consumption on natural vitamins, minerals and foods such as

Vitamin B17 Tomatoes Essaic Zinc Selenium Raw Foods

...and many more.

An alternative prostate cancer treatment is effective for those serious about healing their bodies. I watched in amazement as my loved one was able to rid himself of prostate cancer in 5 months, and he healed a host of other ailments as well. Why? Because he treated his whole body, not just one focused area.

Visit alternative prostate cancer treatment and learn more about the important role diet plays in curing cancer naturally. There is a cancer healing testimonial video there as well. Also, be sure to visit Natural Treatment For Cancer and learn what you can start doing today! Don't wait. Take action now!

About the Author

Consideration of an alternative prostate cancer treatment is becoming increasingly popular. Here are 4 things that you must know before deciding on any treatments at all.

For more information on healing cancer naturally, visit

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By: Dr. Fredda Branyon

How Alternative Cancer Treatment can help those living with Lung Cancer

Lung cancer involves abnormal cell growth in the lungs, part of the overall respiratory system.

While doctors cannot explain why one person may develop lung cancer and someone may not, there are several factors that can lead to the development of lung cancer. According to the National Cancer Institute, people who smoke tobacco are at the greatest risk for developing lung cancer because of the harmful substances that are inhaled when smoking cigarettes, pipes, or cigars. Individuals exposed to radon are also at risk for developing lung cancer. Radon is a radioactive gas that is found in soil and rocks, although it cannot be seen, tasted, or smelled. Sometimes radon is found undetected in residential homes. People who work in mines may be exposed to radon, increasing their risk for lung cancer development. Other substances thought to be factors in the development of lung cancer are asbestos, arsenic, nickel, soot, and tar, among others. People that have had an immediate family member diagnosed with lung cancer are at risk, along with those who have already had a personal history of lung cancer. The risk of developing a second lung cancer is greatly increased after being diagnosed a first time.

There are several alternative cancer treatment options for people diagnosed with lung cancer. At New Hope Medical Center, the staff works diligently to create an individualized alternative cancer treatment plan that will help build the immune system and suppress the several symptoms associated with lung cancer, including shortness of breath, constant chest pain, fatigue, cough, wheezing, and frequent lung infections like pneumonia. Lung cancer can be diagnosed in several ways. First, a physical exam is performed by a doctor, where he or she checks for general signs of health, and examines the lungs for fluid and normal breathing. Second, a chest x-ray may be performed. This would show abnormal fluid or tumors in the lungs. Last, a CT scan may be performed to examine and take pictures of the lung tissue and other tissue inside the chest. The CT scan can also reveal abnormal fluid, tumors, as well as swollen lymph nodes. The only certain way to determine whether a person has lung cancer is by having a pathologist examine samples of cells or tissue taken from the lung. After a thorough analysis, the doctor would then be able to determine if a person had cancer, and if so, what type of cancer was present.

New Hope Medical Center offers alternative cancer treatment options for both types of lung cancer, small cell lung cancer and non-small cell lung cancer. Small cell lung cancer involves only 13 percent of lung cancer cases and tends to spread quickly throughout the lungs. About 87 percent of lung cancer cases involve non-small cell lung cancer, which spreads more slowly than small cell lung cancer. At New Hope Medical Center, located in Scottsdale, AZ, personalized lung cancer treatment options are available for those seeking help. The alternative cancer treatment center hires only the most experienced doctors and staff, and works diligently to ensure each patient is receiving only the best alternative cancer treatment care.

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About Dr. Fredda Branyon

Dr. Fredda Branyon collaborates with international experts in continually improving existing protocols. Their treatment strategy incorporates the best modalities of both worlds mainstream and alternative according to individual needs.

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