TomoTherapy, a commercialized form of IMRT, is the latest is radiation delivery systems. First used in 2003, TomoTherapy treatment is so new, that many oncologists aren’t even trained on it. However, TomoTherapy is gaining speed and is now used in over 100 locations across the United States, Europe, and Asia.

The term TomoTherapy comes from the Greek word “tomos,” which means “section”. Tomography, for example, is medical imaging technology that images “sections” of the body, more commonly referred to as “slices” in the medical community. Thus, TomoTherapy could be referred to as “slice therapy”.

The “slicing” comes from TomoTherapy’s ability to deliver radiation from multiple angles, rather than from several fixed positions, as the delivery system spins around the patient. This allows continuous delivery of radiation to the target, providing a higher dose than what is traditionally possible.

Furthermore, TomoTherapy combines a highly sophisticated form of intensity-modulated radiotherapy (IMRT), treatment planning, and CT image guided patient positioning. Combining these technologies allows radiation oncologists to obtain an up-to-date image of a tumor location, position the patient, direct treatment right before delivery, and make last-minute adjustments if necessary.

Essentially, TomoTherapy allows for more accurate, higher dose delivery of radiation treatment while minimizing healthy-tissue damage as well 6as treatment and recovery times.

TomoTherapy is commonly used to treat cancers of the lungs, head and neck, breast, prostate, and others. If you are looking at treatment options and wish to consider TomoTherapy, you should ask your doctor specifically about it. Because it is so new not all doctors are aware of it and its advantages over conventional treatment for certain types of cancer.

If TomoTherapy is right for you, a radiation oncologist that has been specially trained in TomoTherapy will be required. Because of its limited distribution, few doctors receive TomoTherapy training during their residency. However, because TomoTherapy is a combination of existing technologies, the experience level in TomoTherapy specifically is less important than a doctor’s overall experience in radiation treatment.

About the Author:

Author Bio:- Vantage Oncology is dedicated to this idea of improving care for patients and their families who are affected by cancer. Our commitment to Image Guided Radiation Therapy (IGRT), Intensity Modulated Radiation Therapy (IMRT), radiosurgery and TomoTherapy continues as we search for newer and better ways to treat cancer and improve the lives of cancer survivors.

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The first few days after the diagnosis of your loved one are the most confusing times of all. You are operating on limited information, and you are both in shock. Questions abound. Give yourself some time to adjust. Here are some recommendations compiled by myself, and others that will help you get through the first few days.

Acknowledge the News

Don't try to act as if nothing is happening. This is a crisis and your lives will change. Give yourself some slack. You may consider taking off work for a few days to get your breath back or cancel routine plans.


You don't have to tell anyone right away. Give yourselves a chance to digest this information without worrying about how to share the information with others or worry about what their reactions may be. There will be plenty of time to deal with this later. If you decide to tell friends and family, remember you are not responsible for taking care of them if they are upset by the news. Consider asking another family member or friend to call people you want to know if you can't or don't want to talk to them right now. If you need to be with family and friends, tell them so, if you need to be alone, be honest about that as well.

Gathering Information

If researching online is stressful or frightening, don't do it at first....or delegate it to someone you trust. You will have plenty of time to learn more later.

Don't Rush Into a Treatment Plan

In most cases, you will have several weeks or even months to make this decision. The only thing you really need to do initially is to make sure you have the next medical appointments set up....your next doctor's visit, and ideally another visit for a second opinion. After these appointments you will have the information you need to make your treatment decisions.

Write down all your questions as you think of them, for your loved one's doctor, insurance company, or employer. By writing these down you can release these from your mind until they are answered, and in the early stages of diagnosis, it's very difficult to keep all of your thoughts straight.

Take Care of Yourself

Emotional stress is extremely exhausting. You will most likely feel very tired for the first few days. Nap, or at least lay down for awhile. Go to a movie or do some sedate activity. Continue to exercise if that's part of your life, if not, just go for a walk. It will clear your head and make you feel better. Eat, even if you aren't hungry. You have a journey ahead of you and you need to stay strong.

These first few days are often the worst as there is very little information to go on and the emotional impact is enormous. It's important to remember that you won't always feel like this.

Jayne Hutchinson was immersed into a new world after her husband was diagnosed with cancer. She found there was little information and support available for spouses and partners. She created the My Loved One Has Cancer web site to fill that gap.This web site features comprehensive resources and tools to make the cancer journey easier for the spouse or partner of a loved one with cancer.

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When my husband was diagnosed with esophageal cancer, we were shocked, never even having suspected this illness. He had always been relatively healthy, and then one day he couldn't eat anymore.

It all began a few months before the diagnosis. He felt an uneasy heaviness in his chest, but he couldn't quite explain what it was to the doctor. Since my husband was in his late fifties, the doctor sent him for a stress test to check his heart. The tests came back well within the normal range, so the doctor wasn't concerned.

Fast forward three months later, my husband vomited a few times in a week and he lost some weight. Then, suddenly, he couldn't keep food or liquid down. From the first time he vomited until we had our doctor appointment, ten days passed and he lost twelve pounds.

We discovered with esophagus cancer there can be few or hardly any symptoms, and the ones that show up, typically heartburn, are sometimes ignored. He had had some incidences of heartburn throughout the years, but nothing that seemed significant enough to go see a doctor about.

By the time the symptoms created the weight loss, the doctor immediately ordered tests and we found out within two days there was a good possibility it may be cancer. This diagnosis was confirmed upon further testing and we were told they suspected the cancer had spread to the lymph system. There were two tumors on his esophagus and a larger tumor at the junction of the stomach and esophagus.

We were both incredibly shocked and stressed by the diagnosis, especially in lieu of the fact that we had three children, the youngest being eleven. We carefully weighed the options the doctors presented, and there were not many. There were traditional treatments, which both doctors recommended, and then there were alternative modalities which a friend of ours suggested. After meeting with the traditional doctors, we then met with a holistic doctor who outlined non-invasive treatments. My husband felt alternative medicine gave him a chance of having a better quality of life as opposed to doing the chemo and radiation treatments.

When friends and acquaintances found out we were not following the traditional medical route, some of their reactions took me by surprise. Even though medical treatment of any kind is a personal issue, we were openly questioned about our decision to pursue holistic methods. After being repeatedly questioned, I began to get defensive about my husband's treatment any time it was brought up. We had decided what was best for him and I supported his choice 100 percent.

When people voiced their concern over our decision, I felt as if they were saying how dare we not do the best we could for him. I know in hindsight I was being overly sensitive, but I got into a few arguments-feeling as if I had to be on the defense. Due to my high stress level with the illness and being a full time caretaker, I was running on adrenalin all the time.

On one occasion, I even got in a yelling match with a friend of my husband's in our house. The man had had too much to drink and questioned why we had decided not to do the chemo. He tried to convince us to reconsider. I told him it was our choice and we felt we were doing the best we would, but he would not drop the conversation. I told him that it wasn't his business, and then he broke down and began to cry.

Sensing his real concern, all the fight left me as I put my arm around him while he cried. I had not wanted to fight with anyone, my whole concern was for my husband, but then I realized there were others who cared about us also, and who only wanted the best for him. They cared, but it didn't make it any easier dealing with emotions pushed to the limits.

Perhaps it may have been better to simply tell people we were doing the best we could, using traditional and holistic means. Sometimes people just don't understand the strain a family is placed under, while in the throes of a terminal illness.


Elaine Williams is a writer across various genres. She is a mother and a widow of four years. She can be contacted at -

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Every year, the American cancer society releases facts and figures on cancer cases around the world. The figures explore subjects such as rates by region, leading causes of cancer, survival rate for each type and comparison between death rates for developing nations versus developed nations. The information gives us a fascinating look at the details of this deadly disease. In this article, I will explore some of the most interesting facts from the 2007 findings. We will focus mostly on statistics in developed nations, since rates of cancer are unfortunately statistically much higher in developing countries.

Cancer cases and mortality rate for 2007 and beyond
The findings estimate that for 2007 there was a total of 12 million new cancer cases worldwide. Out of these 12 million cases, 7.6 million resulted with the patients losing their lives. This figure amounts to an astonishing 20 000 deaths per day. This figure is expected to more than double by 2050. In 2050, there will be 27 million new cases per year and a total of 17.5 million deaths for the year. The article attributes this increase mostly to the world's aging population.

Cancer Trends
In underdeveloped countries, stomach and cervix cancers are some of the most frequent type of cancers. This is mostly due to chronic infections in these regions. These types of cancers are less common in developed countries where chronic infectious are not an issue. In developed countries, the use of tobacco, unhealthy diets and physical inactivity leads to other type's cancers such as lung & bronchus, breast, and colorectal cancers.

Preventing Cancer
The findings point to the fact that anyone, anywhere and at any time can develop cancer. But it is also estimates that 50% of cancers are avoidable. Some types of cancers can be prevented by eliminating tobacco or alcohol use. Healthy diets and staying in shape is also a great way of reducing the chance of getting cancer. Cancers like colorectal and cervix can be avoided by early detection and removal of pre-cancerous lesions.

Leading cancers for 2007
Worldwide the 3 most common cancers for women were Breast cancer with 1,301,867 new cases, Cervix & Colon cancer with 555,094 cases and Lung & Bronchus with 536,662 cases. For men, the most common cancers were Lung & Bronchus with 1,108,731 new cases, prostate with 782,647 cases and stomach cancer with 691,432 new cases. The article mentions that the risk of being diagnosed increases with age. In developed countries, 78% of new cancer diagnoses occur with individuals who are 55 years old or older.

The most important finding that we can obtain from these statistics, is the fact that worldwide 50% of all cancers are avoidable. With a combination of education and social policies that encourage healthy lifestyles, we could substantially reduce the amount of cases of this horrible disease.

To learn more, visit cancer research.

Paul Javonich maintains a cancer resource site specializing in cancer research. To learn more, visit A website that specializes in cancer research.

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A promising new therapy that is being used at an Arkansas medical clinic is showing very good results as an alternative to the normal surgical, chemo, radiation therapy. Still in it's infancy and being applied to cancers that are no more than four inches under the skin surface, it has shown remarkable results for the treating of breast cancer and skin cancer.

Light Induced Enhanced Selective Hyperthermia is the name of the therapy. The procedure is non-invasive although access to an affected site might involve surgical methods if used for internal organs. The procedure involves laser beams which reduce the chance of cancer cells migrating to other parts of the body if you relied on the current method of surgically removing them.

An enhancing agent is directly injected into the malignant growth and instantly spreads throughout the entire mass of the unwanted growth. This enhancing agent increases the cells sensitivity to the laser light used in the treatment, ensuring that all the "bad cells" are treated. The enhancing agent is completely soluble and has been compared to a saline solution as far as side affects. Once the enhancing agent is applied, the laser is then used on just those cells to destroy them with a beam of high temperature.

Several sessions are usually necessary to completely kill all of the cancer cells. These sessions are usually done on a daily routine outpatient visit to the clinic. The number of visits necessary depends on the type of cancer and the size of the growth. The internal breast cancers have shown, after therapy that the cells left inside are dead and it is then up to your body to expel them in it's normal fashion. A follow-up with independent clinical tests every three months is essential to prove that the cancer is indeed gone.

If there is a re-occurrence, the therapy can be applied again with no undue harm to the patient since there is no bleeding, no chemicals are being used to affect the immune system and there is no need for harmful drugs afterwards. Most patients leave the office within an hour or two feeling great! How does that compare to the standard methods of treating breast cancer.

The company that is providing this therapy has a patent for the protocol to insure that the way that it is implemented is followed correctly for best results. I expect that more medical offices will be offering this procedure in the near future, but for now the therapy is available at the Lase Med Inc office in Arkansas.

Jackie Martin has researched alternative/natural medicine for treatment of cancer for the past five years. Her blog: When Cancer Hits Home reports many of her findings as well as her reports of the journeys of family members diagnosed with this disease.
Must have information if you or a loved one is diagnosed with cancer: Cancer - Best Alternatives

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By Shabi Guptha

For unexpected bleeding from any part of the body, in a child/adult, like oozing of blood from the gums, haemorrhagic spots/areas on the skin, or excessive bleeding from the nose, say, after a blow, or profuse bleeding following tooth extraction or minor injury, the possibility of early acute leukaemia must be considered for precise diagnosis. It is important to point out that leukaemias should be given due consideration and all efforts must be made to treat and control the condition.

Chronic leukaemia As compared to acute leukaemia, chronic leukaemia usually manifests itself at a later age, say at the age of 30-50 years, and has a different presentation from acute leukaemia. The disease remains hidden and the patient reports after months/years of the onset of the ailment, and in some cases it may be diagnosed accidentally during a routine medical check-up.

However, the disease can be diagnosed in infancy, and besides a clinical examination/ suspicion by the physician who may happen to examine the case, we need the expertise of a clinical pathologist/laboratory technician competent to spot out such cases from the routine tests like total leucocyte count (TLC), differential leucocyte count (OLC) and, above all, from the examination of the peripheral blood film (PBF), especially for immature cells, etc.

Enlargement of the spleen and/or glands of the body (prominently cervical), tenderness on the sternum, i.e., the bone lying in front of the middle of the chest (so-called sternal tenderness), may be considered some of the relatively / moderately early symptoms/signs. Both in acute and chronic cases of leukaemia, a bone marrow examination and some other special tests are 'a must' to confirm the diagnosis.

Recovery in the case of leukaemia, whether acute or chronic, depends on the age of the patient, and on the type/ variety of the leukaemia diagnosed finally. There should be no unnecessary panic when the possibility of leukaemia is being considered. Many cases go well with their disease for several years before they begin to show. A middle-aged case of chronic leukaemia with some unusual complaints/symptoms detected for the first time by the author has still been continuing rather satisfactorily for the last ten years or so. He has retired from his job after completion of his tenure and has been living a fairly normal life. The idea of writing this is that the leukaemia patient or his family members should never go away with the idea that mortality is the rule in all such cases, as we see in some of the Indian movies.

However, it is very important to mention that a very scientific approach is required for the treatment of such cases. The patient needs the thorough guidance of the physician in respect of diet, exertion, stress, etc. He should undergo periodic check-ups, and blood-tests should be repeated, as advised. Above all, only the prescribed drugs should be taken by such patients. We lost one of our patients who on his own had shifted to other drugs, in spite of the fact that the prognosis of the case was rather good, and this fact was also confirmed by the late Dr. M.M. Wintrobe, a noted haematologist in the USA, who had also authored the book, Clinical Hematology (Lea & Febiger, Philadelphia), and to whom the detailed clinical data of the case were sent for a thorough probe/investigation.

Interestingly, the patient also got carried away when some unauthentic approach for his treatment was suggested to him, but it came to the notice of the author in time, and he, to substantiate his views/line of action, sent the case to the Tata Memorial Hospital, Mumbai, which probably saved the patient from the likely tragedy. The patient referred to above, is at present progressing satisfactorily with his disease by following instructions as well as the treatment religiously.

Finally, it may be stressed that a great realization is required among the masses regarding blood cancers, but somehow, leukaemias are lagging far behind in cancer awareness campaigns / programmes.

Author Sites: Home Remedies, Self Help Tips and Natural Skin Care

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By Jennifer Prescott

Daily, certain foods and beverages are revealed as great antioxidants. For example: carrots, spinach, broccoli, tea, nuts, berries, garlic, onions, grapes, red wine, herbs, spices, and chocolate are foods known to be great antioxidants. We hear about flavonoids and vitamins. It is estimated there are 4,000 identified flavonoids. Isolating each one and determining what effect each, or a combination of each, has on a specific disease is an endless pursuit without an answer. However, common sense and research reveals there is one common denominator in the foods known as great antioxidants. They are all high in oxalic acid.

Are you aware that every mammal on earth has oxalic acid as a normal blood value? Ask any doctor or researcher what its purpose is and the best answer they will give you is that it aides in bowel movement. So here we are with a surprisingly high quantity of oxalic acid running through our blood with no real purpose?

There isn't a place on earth that a plant containing oxalic acid can't be found. Weeds are the most tenacious of all plants and are rich in oxalic acid. This is no accidental occurrence. There is purpose.

Research oxalic acid and you'll discover it's a deadly poison. So, we have a deadly poison in all the foods that are great antioxidants. Huh? Stop and simply think. Rather than isolating the smallest compounds within foods and researching each, analyze each food known to be a great antioxidant and find the common compound in each. This is exactly what has been done by an amazing 85 year old warrior of a man deep in the hills of Arkansas. This man is Colonel Joe Hart.

When is the last time you knew of anyone being granted a patent for anything natural? That folks, never happens. It has for Colonel Joe. He has been granted three (3) Patents for the Application of oxalic acid for treatment of cancer, bacterial and viral infections, and vascular diseases. Why isn't the medical community screaming its merits? I wonder if the fear that this would eliminate a trillion dollar yearly health industry have anything to do with it? Talk about an answer to our nation's health care crisis.

Colonel Joe discovered the benefits of oxalic acid during 1992. Once oxalic acid was identified as the acid which kills cancer cells without harming normal cells, he was then able to identify what foods and environmental factors inhibited the therapeutic value of oxalic acid. His approach to eliminating disease by ingesting high oxalic acid foods, has resulted in cures of all kinds of cancer and disease. Do you need to pitch a tent in your backyard and live by a campfire? No. Is this going to cost a fortune? No. Do you need to travel to Mexico? No. Is the information freely given? Yes.

There is always a sacrifice for gain. Prepare to give up milk and cheese, citric acid (an additive found in far too many processed and canned goods), red meat, cell phones, microwaves, and alcohol. If this proves too difficult, you can always go in for traditional surgery, radiation, and chemotherapy only to find that the cancer comes back eventually or you die. You do know doctor's never tell you you're're in remission. "Cure" is not in their vocabulary.

Ask your doctor the next time you or someone close to you is diagnosed with cancer what caused it. They don't know. The answer is low levels of oxalic acid in your blood. Having adequate levels of oxalic acid in your blood eliminates all abnormal cells effectively with no harmful side effects. Oxalic acid is God's Poison With Purpose.

If you seriously look into every alternative cancer cure that shows some success, you will find the foods, herbs, grasses, and teas they suggest all contain high amounts of oxalic acid. They simply don't know why their protocols sometimes work. Connect the dots people and stop throwing your money away.

Ask the American Cancer Society about tests they conducted over 50 years ago using oxalic acid in the treatment of cancer in experimental mice. The papers and evidence of positive results exist; however, they will tell you they know nothing about it.

Simply go to the grocery store, eat your chocolate, vegetables, fish, dark chicken, tea and wine. Toss out the microwave and cell phone. Say "No" to fast foods and truly enjoy eating your way to excellent health.

Imagine never having to worry about getting cancer. Imagine treating cancer simply and inexpensively. Imagine a world where cancer is not a concern. For a free complete explanation and treatment plan go to:

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What link do these two diseases have in common? If you grew up during the time the polio vaccine was administered between 1953-1963, you'll soon learn where it links to cancer.

The first and foremost thing you need to understand is that once a vaccine has been approved, there are no longer any boundaries to which it can be used. Reporting of adverse affects from vaccinations is entirely voluntary on the part of the physician!

They must report the number of vaccinations they administer, but there is no need to report the number of cases of life threatening side affects. Is that absurd, or what? There are no accurate numbers of the damages vaccines have done to children and adults alike.

The polio vaccine from 1953-1963, was shown to be contaminated with SV40 (simian virus). The SV40 is a virus that is known to cause cancer...period! Beginning to see the picture? During that time, more than 98 million adults and children were administered this vaccine and a huge amount was also shipped overseas to other countries.

Which cancers are associated with SV40? Primary brain and bone cancers, malignant mesothelioma, and non-Hodgkin's lymphoma are the main cancers. Have we not seen a rise in mesothelioma in the last decade? Is there a connection?

Dr. James Howenstine, M.D. stated:

"Vaccines are a sacred cow and nothing against them appears in the mass media because they are so profitable to pharmaceutical firms.

There is valid reason to think that not only are vaccines worthless in preventing disease they are counterproductive because they injure the immune system permitting cancer, auto-immune diseases and SIDS to cause much disability and death."

A Dr. Hilleman isolated SV 40 virus from both the Salk and Sabin polio vaccines and reported:

"There were 40 different viruses in these polio vaccines they were trying to eradicate. They were never able to get rid of these viruses contaminating the polio vaccines. The SV 40 virus causes malignancies. It has now been identified in 43 % of cases of non-Hodgekin lymphoma, 36 % of brain tumors, 18 % of healthy blood samples, and 22 % of healthy semen samples, mesothiolomas and other malignancies. By the time of this discovery SV 40 had already been injected into 10,000,000 people in Salk vaccine."

The whole report with references can be read at News with Views. This report doesn't just cover the polio vaccine but the whole enchilada of vaccines and findings of the damages they are causing our children and ourselves.

When vaccines were first implemented as mandatory for school attendance, a person received approximately 10 vaccinations. That number has now increased to 36! In that period of time, diseases in adults and children alike have risen dramatically.

Moreover, there are no statistics to prove that vaccinations are even necessary as demonstrated by Vaccinations - The Hidden Truth. This documentary, with statements from MDs and PhDs, clearly sets a case against anyone being vaccinated and should be a requirement for all parents to watch.

All vaccines are comprised of substances that have not been proven as safe for direct injection into the human body, part of which is the DNA and cells of animals. Eating meat that may have some contaminants in it goes through a process in our digestive system that eliminates the bad. Having contaminants directly injected bypasses that process.

Not to mention the known agents that they use in vaccines that are toxic:




These toxic substances are used purportedly to prevent the vaccines from becoming infected or to improve their performance.

Would you knowingly take these toxic substances if you were informed they were in minute amounts in a glass of juice? If not, then why are you letting them inject them into your children?

If you do your research, the evidence is piling up...vaccines are more a hindrance to your health than a lifesaver. More and more physicians are beginning to question the standard of vaccinating everyone.

My only hope is that more people become aware of the dangers involved in this long-time adherence to a medical practice that should be outlawed and opt your children out of it by filing a waiver form with your school system for personal or religious exemption.

Jackie Martin writes from a perspective of her own self-education after three siblings (in the last five years), her mother and several other extended family members were diagnosed with cancer. Her blog: WhenCancerHitsHome deals with the personal side of each siblings diagnosis as well as her self-education resources and findings.

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by: Lynn Rosenberg

Who doesn't want to look healthy, sexy, thin? Yes, even thin. At least that's what we were told some five decades ago. We even poured on baby oil to make us tan faster. But dying for the perfect tan was never in the bargain because we didn't know that could happen.

Today most of us know there's danger lurking out there. And what do we do about it? We go to sun tanning salons and roast under sun lamps (which, by the way, are far worse than a day at the beach). We also go to the beach. Oh yes, we use our sunblockmaybe. We might go in the water, but do we reapply sunscreen afterward? Most likely, no.

And, at the same time, interestingly enough, we get our faces lasered, lifted, polished, oxygenized and more which makes us even more sensitive to the damaging rays of the sun, but does that knowledge stop us from excessive sun exposure? Some of us, yes.

But there are so many of us not paying heed. Why?

There are probably as many different reasons as there are people, but incomplete knowledge about how to really protect yourself is a major one.

What came to mind while writing this was my attempts to be a skier decades ago at Sun Valley , Idaho . I was doing some exploring of the west on a Greyhound bus, and thought how fun it would be to get a job in this resort town for the winter. I wasn't thinking about skiing; I was thinking about meeting some terrific men who came there to ski.

It was nearing the fall and all the jobs I could think of were taken. The Greyhound bus would be stopping any minute and I'd get on it and return to Los Angeles .

Within five minutes, I did find work . . . right next door to the coffee shop I was waiting in. I worked at night singing and playing the piano (after 3 weeks of piano lessons) in the bar right next door. I had the day to myself every single day.

After 3 or 4 days, I was going nuts having all this time on my hands and all of a sudden it occurred to me that if I was going to stay here, I should take lessons and learn how to ski! The only problem was that I was not at all athletic, and I was terrified of skiing after the one experience I had had at a local mountain resort skiing over the edge of a hill. I was in a class, but somehow hadn't gotten the concept of how to stop myself.

Well, I decided to take lessons, anyway. And each time before I went up the mountain, I made a bargain with God (and I was not religious) . If you get me down the hill this one time, I will never ski again. Well, this sounds pretty stupid, but I did it nonetheless. And somehow each time I went up I made it back down again.

That's what I think happens with skin cancer. What's a few hours in the sun? It feels so good and I'm young. If and when I ever get it, they'll probably have developed a cure. I'm so young and it's mostly old people who get it. Who cares what happens to me then? A bargain, a rationale, whatever you want to call it.

Protecting yourself is so easy. Use a good sunscreen (one that protects against A and B rays) and reapply it often, wear a UV hat, protective clothing, and stay out of the sun in peak hours. And the money you would use in a tanning salon which will do a lot more damage than a day at the beachsave it for a vacation or something that will enrich your life, not something that could shorten it.

Lynn Rosenberg lost her husband to skin cancer and has made it her mission to educate and inform consumers about sun protection. She has also created a line of UV Umbrellas and Hats. For more information, visit:

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Discovering that cancer-growing cells start in bone marrow, scientists said this is something to look forward to in finding better treatments for cancer patients. Preliminary studies were made by the Australian researchers and confirmed positive results done on mice. Earlier studies have pointed out to the possibility that fibroblasts or cancer-growing cells usually begin in the bone marrow and this theory has only been proven recently in clinical studies.

According to Dr. Michael Michael of the Flinders Medical Centre in Adelaide and Dr. Daniel Worthley of the Queensland Institute of Medical Research, the discovery of where fibroblast cells originate is a crucial block in treating cancer cells and identifying how these cells become infected and determine their growth and the spread of tumors.

Although the studies were in their preliminary stages, the two doctors were hopeful that the two-year research on bone marrow transplant on cancer patients will be very helpful to provide other alternatives in the treatment of all forms of cancer.

Dr. Worthley said such discovery is very significant in the prevention and spread of the disease since better application of treatment can be given to the patients before cancer takes its full-blown symptoms and free them from the physical and psychological burden of cancer and undergoing chemotherapy and the financial costs of high-end drugs.

Over the next two months, he added more trials will take place to test the viability of the initial findings as conducted by the Bone Marrow Transplant Registry. In so doing, Dr. Michael said other treatment options may be used for the cancer patients.

Maynard Joseph Delfin finished AB Journalism (cum laude) at the University of Santo Tomas. He has worked as book editor, deskman, copy editor and research and publications officer in leading publishing and research companies in the Philippines. Read more of his blogs at

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