By Rita Goldman
Despite the fact that there are many psychological responses to cancer, there is at least one that is universal--the heightened sense of anxiety experienced even by the most well balanced individuals. Psychological harmony can be difficult to achieve with the range of feelings which include anger, resentment, guilt, alienation, hopelessness, failure, low self esteem, bitterness and loss.
From a psychological point of view, mental and physical relaxation leads to a sense of tranquility for all and most people experience a sense of their thoughts being centered as the conscious thoughts come into harmony with the subconscious. This is normally achieved first of all, through a hypnotist and especially one with whom you can feel an empathy with. However practicing self-hypnosis restores your equilibrium when needed.
When cancer patients are first diagnosed, the brain can appears to be hot wired to the diagnosis and it is impossible for seconds to tick by when you are not conscious of that diagnosis in your head. This can lead to an extreme level of anxiety, but hypnosis can free you from those thoughts. This is not a process that happens overnight, but gradually your mind can be freed from remembering for minutes... and then hours. It does not of course make the cancer go away but it does actively assist the sense of anxiety, when you are thinking something every waking moment then it is impossible to think of anything else and that precludes thoughts of being positive and getting cured.
A positive aspect of hypnosis is imagery and patients are encouraged to imagine an image of the cancer being beaten. This image cannot be forced upon you because it must fit snugly with your values and beliefs. For instance some patients are comforted by images of healing forces doing battle with the cancer. However that is an image that would not sit well with pacifists.
All of us have several levels of consciousness and some people are more tunes into a spiritual aspect of life than others. Hornyak's research in 2000 with cancer patients indicated that some could with practise achieve new levels consciousness so that it was easier to make important shifts in their thought processes. This has normally been achieved when hypnotherapy has been combined with psychotherapy. Even if patients cannot shift their thought processes, hypnosis is important because it reduces pain and stops the patient from feeling exhausted, this extends into how the patient may cope with surgery. Self hypnosis allows patients to actively and positively contribute to their treatment. Not all patients want or desire the spiritual element of hypnosis, but the majority to have a measurable benefit from hypnosis.
If you have been diagnosed with cancer or have a reoccurring cancer visit us at and find the hope for healing. Make a leap of faith from Cancer victim to Cancer Survivor by reading the stories of Hope and Encouragement from simple people like you that fought and believed and recovered. If you are a cancer survivor, we need your story with all the details you are willing to provide.
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ฺBy:ัSteve Hill
What does the word asbestos mean to you? I am not really sure why but when I hear the word asbestos my mind thinks of it is a negative, a bad word, I think of cancer and suffering. Asbestos has regularly featured in the news over the last ten years with new industry regulations, asbestos law suits and the development of new awareness training programs.
During the last decade the Control of Asbestos at Work Regulations 2002 and the Control of Asbestos Regulations 2006 have come into force as the Government seek to improve and tighten up the laws to do with asbestos.
Many people believe that many dangerous illnesses such as cancer of the lungs, mesothelioma and pleural thickening are caused by the asbestos fibres that people have come in to contact with or have been exposed to. This belief is backed up by a vast amount of research that has been conducted over the last thirty years.
There are now a variety of training programs that people who work within certain industries are able to attend. These industries include electricians, builders, roofers and plumbers.
A number of specialist companies also offer to conduct an asbestos survey where they attempt to identify it, manage it, potentially remove the asbestos, test the asbestos and also write a report about the potential dangers/problems that could arise from its presence.
A company will normally offer three different forms of survey and it is worth enquiring with their specialist team as to which one would be the most suitable for your particular circumstances.
For more information about asbestos surveys please feel free to read through our website at:
By: Valerie Rosenbaum
Studies concerning curcumin and breast cancer treatment have only been conducted using animal models or test tubes. They are considered “preliminary”. Apparently, there is not enough evidence to suggest a need for clinical trials (using human volunteers) or perhaps it has to do with the effectiveness of currently available treatments.
Many types of cancer are difficult to treat. The treatments that are currently offered may have a low success rate, cause numerous unwanted side effects or even cause other cancers to form. Other diseases are difficult to treat, as well, which is why researchers are looking at less conventional, but possibly more effective compounds that are present in the natural world.
This is not that unusual. One of the drugs currently used to reduce unhealthy cholesterol levels is a naturally occurring substance found in red yeast rice, a species of mold. Other drugs are simply synthetic versions of naturally occurring substances. So, we have looked to nature in the past to provide treatments for disease. There’s no reason that we would not continue to do so.
While there are no trials currently underway concerning curcumin and breast cancer treatment, there are ongoing trials concerning its effect in treating pancreatic, colon and other types of cancer, as well as a separate trial concerning Alzheimer’s. The cancers that are being studied are difficult to treat and have a low survival rate.
The mean life expectancy of a person that has been diagnosed with Alzheimer’s is currently seven years. There is no effective treatment. But curcumin, from turmeric, has been shown to prevent brain damage in animal models and even repair some of the damage that has already occurred. That’s why clinical studies were swiftly initiated. This is a disease that we must learn how to treat.
Much of the focus has been on prevention and early detection. Healthy diet is recommended, along with physical activity and regular checkups. Those are the things that the mainstream medical community will recommend, because they are “conventional”. Less conventional, but possibly more beneficial is the idea of striving for optimal nutritional intake.
It is an established fact that long-term nutrient deficiencies play a role in many disorders and diseases. We may have all but eliminated acute nutritional deficiencies in industrialized societies, but little attention has been paid to chronic, nutrient deficits.
Recommended daily nutrient intakes are based upon observing populations and looking at the amount that is needed to prevent outright diseases. No one knows exactly how much of any nutrient an individual may need every day. But, one thing is certain. The typical diet does not provide enough essential nutrients to achieve optimal good health.
New studies are published on a regular basis, concerning the value of specific nutrients and other dietary components for preventing chronic and life threatening diseases. Some of the recent ones concerned vitamin D, calcium, caffeine, tea catechins, red wine and resveratrol. Their benefits are to the heart, the brain and to all of the cells of the body, as a cancerous cell can form anywhere.
Researchers may eventually get around to studying curcumin and breast cancer treatment or prevention. Until then, find a good multi-nutritional supplement and take it on a daily basis.
Published At: Isnare Free Articles Directory
About Valerie Rosenbaum
Valerie Rosenbaum has spent several years researching every anti aging supplement available. As a result of that effort she has found that it is critical to include an enteric coating for an anti aging supplement to be truly effective. Learn more about what she discovered at her website
by Paul J. Marshall
An Internet search on bras and their interrelation with breast cancer reveals a very strange result. Despite enough specialistic studies and hard validation that establishes the causality between wearing bras and breast cancer, the two seem tightly linked with most sources pointing to a book named Dressed to Kill by Singer and Grismaijer.
Bras cannot cause breast cancer per se, but wearing sizes that are too tight may help cancer growth and the reason for that is tight fitting bras can prevent women's bodies from excreting toxic and dangerous carcinogenic chemicals. Statistics show that as high as eighty percent of women wear the wrong-sized bra.
The tight bras restrict lymph circulation in the breasts. There are several nodes and pathways in the arm pits and in between the breasts. The task of the lymph nodes is to flush out waste materials and toxic material away from the breasts. In theory, tight fitting bras restrict this same flow thereby causing toxins to accumulate in the breast area and may help cancer to develop. Toxic materials include DDT, dioxin, and benzene all of which cling to fatty human tissue such as the breast.
The book does present some startling statistics: 75% of women who wore bras everyday for 24 hours developed breast cancer 14% of women wearing bras more than 12 hours per day (not in bed) developed breast cancer 0.6% of women who wore bras for less than 12 hours a day developed breast cancer It is very important to note here that the numbers may explain a relationship between wearing bras for a long period of time and breast cancer but they do not necessarily prove a causal relationship between the two. More research needs to be done on lymphatic system and breast cancer to illuminate this issue.
About the Author
Visit for the real truth about stage 4 breast cancer survival rates.
Cone Beam CT Imaging Analysis of Interfractional Variations in Bladder Volume and Position during Radiotherapy for Bladder Cancer - Abstract
by Joe Harry
To quantify daily bladder size and position variations during bladder cancer radiotherapy.
Ten bladder cancer patients underwent daily cone beam CT (CBCT) imaging of the bladder during radiotherapy.
Bladder and planning target volumes (bladder/PTV) from CBCT and planning CT scans were compared with respect to bladder center-of-mass shifts in the x (lateral), y (anterior-posterior), and z (superior-inferior) coordinates, bladder/PTV size, bladder/PTV margin positions, overlapping areas, and mutually exclusive regions.
A total of 262 CBCT images were obtained from 10 bladder cancer patients. Bladder center of mass shifted most in the y coordinate (mean, -0.32 cm). The anterior bladder wall shifted the most (mean, -0.58 cm). Mean ratios of CBCT-derived bladder and PTV volumes to planning CT-derived counterparts were 0.83 and 0.88. The mean CBCT-derived bladder volume (+/- standard deviation [SD]) outside the planning CT counterpart was 29.24 cm(3) (SD, 29.71 cm(3)). The mean planning CT-derived bladder volume outside the CBCT counterpart was 47.74 cm(3) (SD, 21.64 cm(3)). The mean CBCT PTV outside the planning CT-derived PTV was 47.35 cm(3) (SD, 36.51 cm(3)). The mean planning CT-derived PTV outside the CBCT-derived PTV was 93.16 cm(3) (SD, 50.21). The mean CBCT-derived bladder volume outside the planning PTV was 2.41 cm(3) (SD, 3.97 cm(3)). CBCT bladder/ PTV volumes significantly differed from planning CT counterparts (p = 0.047).
Significant variations in bladder and PTV volume and position occurred in patients in this trial.
About the Author
Joe Harry is Author of Bladder cancer Site.
Resveratrol Recommended Dosage, Resveratrol Pills & Resveratrol Extract For Cancer Prevention
By: Valerie Rosenbaum
If you are looking for a resveratrol recommended dosage for a specific health problem, you might ask a practitioner of traditional Japanese or Chinese herbal medicine about the appropriate dose of Japanese knotweed. Of course, they would only recommend the plant for use as a laxative, to relieve constipation or promote regularity.
Japanese knotweed is the most concentrated source of resveratrol and is the source for most dietary supplements. It is found in grape skins and peanuts, too. But, the supplement only appeared on shelves after news reports proclaimed that it was “the” compound in red wine that accounted for the health benefits of the beverage.
Later, conflicting research concluded that it could not account for the benefits, because the concentration was too low. That result never made it to the mass media. When the studies about red wine were released, vineyards wanted to have it classified as a “health food”. People, wanting to do everything that they can for their health, are prone to jump on the bandwagon and drive up demand for foods, beverages and supplements. That’s what happened with resveratrol supplements in 2006.
There are dozens of different manufacturers and none of them seem to agree on a daily resveratrol recommended dosage. Generally, if you wanted this kind of dietary supplement, you would be interested in the protective or preventative benefits, such as those that pertain to the heart and to preventing cancer. But, if you greatly exceed the amount that is present in nature, there could be a problem.
A liter of red wine with the highest concentration would only contain 12.59mg of the compound. The dried knotweed root contains as much as 187mg/kg or .187mg/gram. So, if a practitioner suggested 24 grams to relieve severe constipation, the patient would only receive about 4.48mg of resveratrol.
If a supplement company lists a resveratrol recommended dosage at 200mg or higher, you will almost surely experience diarrhea, which could lead to dehydration and is not beneficial for your health. At higher dosages, which are found in some of the supplements on the market, all of the known health benefits of this potent antioxidant are negated, because it becomes a pro-oxidant, meaning that it is something like a free radical, which is what antioxidants normally neutralize.
There is a lot of misinformation on the internet. Let me set the record straight. For the long-term health benefits of decreased cancer risk and cardiovascular health, a 20-50mg daily dose is sufficient. That’s according to a well respected chemist, nutritionist and doctor of naturopathic medicine.
He suggests that this resveratrol recommended dosage be combined with other beneficial extracts and essential nutrients that will allow you to feel better and possibly, live longer. What we want to strive for is the “optimal” nutritional intake. All of the basic vitamins, minerals and amino acids contribute to our long-term health and longevity.
There is no single stand-alone nutrient that is more beneficial to your health than any other. Consider this resveratrol recommended dosage a single part of your complete daily nutritional intake.
Published At: Isnare Free Articles Directory
* About Valerie Rosenbaum
Valerie Rosenbaum has spent many years researching the many anti aging supplement and skincare products available today. Through her research she has found that it is vital to use resveratrol supplement in any anti aging supplement that will be effective over the long term. Learn more at her website
By: Robin Boddy
If you have become sick with cancer for the reason that some business put asbestos into their product, it follows that you want to obtain the assistance of a lawyer. Mostly, folks want justice from those responsible. There is a vast distinction between revenge and justice. Even though some individuals seeking asbestos cancer attorneys begin by having a desire for revenge, ultimately, they might just hope to see justice served. A top asbestos attorney might be able to make certain that those at fault will take the blame of what’s happened to you.
Should you decide to take legal action, there's a small possibility that the corporation will win. In the end, in today‘s world, money talks. It’s furthermore a recognized fact that a trapped individual will fight the hardest.
Should you have a corporation by the throat due to what that business did or didn’t do, in that case you can be certain that the business will do all in its ability to fight you. You need the expertise of a knowledgeable asbestos cancer attorney to help you.
You must understand how to select the attorney for your requirements. You might know, the quantity of asbestos litigation keeps increasing and some lawyers will simply do anything to obtain a portion of the money concerned. These are some tips when in search of a top asbestos cancer attorney.
You should know how knowledgeable they are before you hire a cancer lawyer. Not the number of years that they have been practicing law but the number of cases they have encountered. Certain lawyers try to make an impression on potential clients by stating how many years they have been an attorney. Don’t be fooled by this declaration. What you need to know is how many times has this lawyer come across a case like yours.
A lot of individuals who hire asbestos cancer attorneys are concerned about the expenses that they might encounter. You must discuss fees prior to hiring this type of lawyer. You must also inquire about the numerous fees that you’ll come upon throughout the lawsuit. You should be certain that each fee is suitably explained. A lot of folks are confused by the complex words, however if you don’t speak up, then you could wind up being tricked. Maybe you believe that your circumstance is too unfortunate to be exploited, however you don’t realize just how low some individuals will go for money.
Conversely, you may in fact come across an asbestos cancer attorney whom you trust. You might design a payment plan that won't increase your worries. Actually, many asbestos cancer attorneys these days are agreeable to postpone their fees pending winning the case.
To learn more about finding an asbestos cancer attorney, try visiting, a health topics website where you can find all kinds of health related information including cancer mesothelioma treatment, heart disease, menopause and more.
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