By Rita Goldman
Cancer is one of those diseases which can occur in a variety of places. If you discover you have a cancer in your mouth, a number of issues come into play.
The first thing to understand is that no two people or cancer situations are the same and so any advice given here may not apply in full to your condition.
The second thing to know is that many people recover from cancer of the mouth and go on to live a normal [well almost] and productive life. I say 'well almost' because in many cancers of the tongue for example, tooth extraction often takes place.
The reason for this is primarily because radiation needs as few obstacles as possible in seeking out the tumor and destroying it. As you will have seen from ancient skeletons, the teeth are extremely durable and also very strong. Extracting the teeth gives the radiation a far better chance of homing in on its target and, in addition, will not be bounced around off a tooth or teeth and onto such things as the salivary glands.
It's true that one possible consequence of defeating your cancer of the mouth is that you may well require the removal of some of your teeth and therefore the use of dentures. But you are not entering unknown territory here. You must know that teeth are extracted in their millions every day and people have been wearing dentures successfully for ages.
Dentures or false teeth can be made solid by attaching them to your jaw but sometimes radiation may weaken a jaw and if so, a strong adhesive will affix the denture to your gum.
In some cases the radiation will leave parts of your mouth quite tender. If you then place a denture on this tender part, the pain may be uncomfortable. This could delay the use of your dentures. Thus if you lack your usual chew power, your diet may need to change or else far more preparation of your food will be required.
Should you have a tooth extracted if you have cancer? That is a decision for your medical professionals.
Be aware that general practitioners are not specialists and are almost certainly not a dentist. If you are experiencing problems with your tongue, seeing a doctor is of course not a bad thing but a dentist knows far more about mouth hygiene and should also be consulted.
There are many myths about cancer and one is that having a wisdom tooth or teeth extracted will cause cancer. This is simply not true. In fact there is little mystery about the cause of most cancers of the throat and tongue - smoking. It is yet another type of cancer which is largely preventable; in short, don't smoke or, if you do, quit now.
As isolated as you may feel right now, you are not alone. Cancer diagnosis is no longer the end of the story. Cancer survivors prove every day that this can be the beginning of a whole new positive chapter in your life. Join our unique community of cancer survivors to be right now and receive a FREE report on Cancer Survivor's tips.
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by thomas devos
Radiation Dermatitis - When cancer treatment damages your skin
Radiation dermatitis is a skin condition that is caused by radiotherapy for cancer. Much of the discomfort you are experiencing is due to inflammation. (Inflammation of the burning and that is what we feel.) When you understand the common problems that result, you'll be in good position to help you feel better with some sensible and simple routines.
Examples of radiation-damaged skin:
Drought, even excessive dryness - The obvious solution to drought is to add moisture. This process is called hydration. It sounds easier than it is because the moisture must penetrate cells in the deeper layers of your skin. Tap water is not because it tends to leave a film on the surface of the skin, a film that takes all the pollutants that have succeeded in entering the purest, even water supplies.
Look for products containing ingredients that can absorb moisture from the air, such as hyaluronic acid. You can find them in the lines of care most beautiful skin and it is important that the product contains enough material to be effective. Unfortunately, most products tend to skimp on the effective but expensive ingredients. Tender, radiation damaged skin benefits from these natural moisturizers. Tip: For best results, apply moisturizer while your skin is still damp after bathing.
Itching is an unfortunate consequence of drought. This range in May from a slight annoyance to itch everywhere. Itchy comes Scratch - and scratching can cause more problems, more irritation, scratching can cause breaks in your skin, leaving the infection in de-sensitize the ingredients are necessary to relieve the urge to scratch. Drug-based steroids are commonly prescribed here but have their own limitations - for example by adding more chemicals to your body to be treated while he is in a vulnerable state. Chemicals more easily irritate the skin cells difficult. Natural alternatives may help you avoid unpleasant reactions.
Redness, burning - inflammation is evident here. Your skin burning need to be cooled. Try to ease the pain with plants that have been used since primitive times to soothe the burns. You've heard of chamomile and Aloe Vera (burning plants). Anti-oxidants help prevent infection and promote healing. Vitamin C, for example.
The infection may be a particularly unpleasant radiotherapy.It is a threat every time your skin is the slightest tear. After all, the most important function of your skin as a barrier protecting the rest of you from bacteria, viruses, environmental threats. This is particularly important for vital organs. When medical treatment weakens the barrier, bacteria and viruses move right in and set up housekeeping.
The last thing you need now is an invasion of nasty pathogens, especially as many are becoming resistant to antibiotics.
There is a new spray-on liquid (also available in gel form) which gives excellent results against all the foregoing, without harmful side effects or discomfort. She spent a multitude of laboratory tests with flying colors. This is not a product of Big Pharma - that could be why your doctor has not heard?
Itching, burning (with no infection), may make you slightly uncomfortable, unhappy enough, or drive you completely wild. Sometimes these "unintended consequences" of radiation become downright unbearable. They can destroy the quality of your life.
Fight back!
You can learn to reduce inflammation. Knowledge is the key. Start by learning why your radiation makes your skin burning, itching - even blister and bleed. So learn what you can do so safely, cheaply. There are a lot of information there - you can find, collect what you need. Or find someone who has already done for you. It's always a good idea to talk about what you learn with your healthcare provider. Perhaps they will learn something, too.
Sorry, no "instant cure". No magic solution. No instant results. Slow and steady wins the race, too. Healing is a natural process and the works of nature at its own pace. For lasting results, you must be patient. This is essential. Give your cells time to heal and return to normal. It will always take longer than hope - Do you think it's worth the wait?
You must also understand that as long as your treatment continues, the damage to your skin from burning continues, too. When radiation damages the skin and interferes with the quality of your life, you can take steps to minimize harm, promote healing. You'll feel better about yourself soon.
About the Author
Radiation Dermatitis - When cancer treatment damages your skin
Radiation dermatitis is a skin condition that is caused by radiotherapy for cancer. Much of the discomfort you are experiencing is due to inflammation.
by peter parker
the indications and contraindications of laser TURP is as belows:
Surgical Indications
(1) The obstruction is caused by benign prostatic hyperplasia symptoms and signs, such as nocturia more times, difficulty urinating, urine flow thinning, interrupted urination. An increase in residual urine of more than 60ml or urinary retention occurred
(2) determined to cerebral vascular complications in patients with stable angina takes at least three months, after examination myocardial infarction patients recovered would require six months in patients with cerebral vascular accident in stable condition after 2 months, diabetic patients in the cancer is under control before underwent transurethral resection of the prostate. Combined urinary retention, urinary tract infection in patients with drainage of urine which should firstly control the infection, before the transurethral resection of the prostate.
(3) benign prostatic hyperplasia glands in patients are with less than 60g suitable for transurethral resection of the prostate laser TURP.
Contraindication for surgery patients
(1) cardio-cerebral vascular disease: severe hypertension, acute myocardial infarction, failed to control heart failure, recent hemiplegia is due to cerebrovascular accidents.
(2) respiratory diseases: severe bronchial asthma, emphysema, pulmonary infection, lung function significantly impaired.
(3) a serious liver and kidney dysfunction.
(4) systemic haemorrhagic disease.
(5) severely diabetic condition has not been controller.
(6) acute urinary tract infection in the reproductive system were not brought under control.
(7) The proliferation of the gland is too large to do more than 60g ,which are generally not suitable for transurethral resection of the prostate due to a longer operative time, bleeding is relatively large. But for those who experienced surgery,which is not an absolute contraindication.
(8) patients with pacemakers should not accept this procedure in general. However, some people do not think it's as contraindication.
Transurethral resection of the majority of contraindication is relative, patient's condition is improved after treatment, in closely monitored conditions that can be done transurethral resection of the prostate laser TURP surgery.
About the Author
I've immersed myself in prostate cancer-related activities. To know more about prostate cancer informaiton,go to visit
By: Karl Dorads
There is a lot of excitement over the discovery of potential links between choline an essential nutrient and breast cancer. Recent studies have raised hopes that an adequate intake of choline on a daily basis can reduce breast cancer risk by as much as 24%. This article will look at choline and how it actually makes a difference.
There have been a lot of articles in the press lately regarding the benefits of choline for women in terms of breast cancer prevention. The nutrient choline has been linked to a reduction in breast cancer risk in initial clinical trials and seems to be a promising candidate in the battle against breast cancer. Let us go through the link between choline & breast cancer.
Choline is not a part of the Vitamin B family right now, but it has a chemical structure which is very similar to others in the family and is usually mentioned with them in most manuals of biochemistry. The mechanism by which choline produces its effects in the body is not fully known and research on this is still in its nascent stage. This chemical entity interacts with folate and methionine in the body to produce most of its actions. Choline can be produced in the body and is available through dietary sources as well. The interest in the link between choline & breast cancer is because choline serves various functions in the human body. For example it is an important component of cell membranes, it plays a role in protecting the livers from accumulating fat and has an important role as the precursor molecule for the neurotransmitter acetylcholine. The human body can produce small amounts of choline, but it must be a part of the diet to maintain health. In the human body, choline is found in molecules called phospholipids. The most common phospholipid which choline associates with is lecithin. These phospholipids of which choline are components of the cell membranes as mentioned before.
Several studies link an adequate intake of choline to a reduction in breast cancer risk. In 2003, a Harvard University study indicated that subjects who consumed more eggs which are one of the richest source of choline , vegetable fat, and fiber than the average girl during adolescence had a smaller risk of developing breast cancer as adults. Eating one egg per day was associated with an 18 percent reduction in risk . A recent study has again shown that choline is associated with a 24 percent reduced risk of breast cancer, according to a study supported by a grant from the U.S. National Institutes of Health. This study only adds to the growing body of evidence from research that links egg consumption to a decreased risk of breast cancer. This study has provided solid evidence linking choline & breast cancer. As of now just ten percent of Americans currently meet the recommended intake for choline.
According to the Institute of Medicine, the recommended choline intake is 550 milligrams per day for men and breastfeeding women, 425 milligrams per day for women, and 450 milligrams per day for pregnant women. One egg contains 125.5 milligrams of choline, or roughly a quarter the recommended daily supply. This makes eggs an excellent source of choline, a valuable nutrient. Choline is found exclusively in the egg's yolk. Other good food sources of choline include liver, wheat germ and cauliflower.
Published At: Isnare Free Articles Directory
By: Alan Wighton
Have you ever wondered why medical science can’t find that elusive cure for cancer despite looking for nearly 40 years? The search for that magic pill or chemical has been going on now since war was declared on cancer in 1971, when the President of America allocated funds to find a cure for the scourge that had exploded in the last few years. This was just 2 years after they had successfully put man on the moon, so solving the cancer problem didn’t seem insurmountable
Today after spending billions of dollars in research are we any closer to solving the problem? Our current treatments are still only the same surgery, radiation and chemotherapy and very little else. Surgery is essentially akin to pulling weeds out of a garden. It doesn’t deal with what caused the cancer to grow in the first place or addresses how to prevent it from growing again in the future. Radiation and chemotherapy, while they have refined them still only shrinks cancer and gives scant regard to the all important reason why the cancer arrived in the first place.
You realise of course the rewards for the person who finds a cure and the enormous wealth it will bring. With cancer deaths at around 6 and half million people per year worldwide and climbing, there is a huge potential.
So why haven’t they found a cure or at least made some headway into solving our cancer epidemic? Because they are all looking in the wrong place, there isn’t a cure for cancer where they are looking. Cancer cannot be cured by a drug or a chemical, it’s impossible. Two hundred years ago we had a similar problem with scurvy where thousands of seamen died. We know today that it was a vitamin C deficiency which caused scurvy and the only way to correct that was to eat foods that contain the missing vitamin. Berri Berri was another, a disease of the nervous system and was potentially fatal and was found to be caused by a lack of vitamin B1 in the diet so the only way to cure that was also naturally.
Cancer is exactly the same, it’s caused by a weak immune system, which is the human bodies natural defence system and has been weaken by the way we live. We don’t have drugs to boost the immune system so the only way to cure the cancer problem successfully is a natural way and that is to eat the foods that boost the immune system and remove from your lifestyle factors that weaken the immune system.
• Immune building food is all the freshly grown fruit and vegetables, especially organic that allow the natural forces within our body to fight the cancer and slowly remove it.
• Foods that destroy the immune system are all processed foods and the food that contain a high proportion of fat, salt or refined sugar.
• Factors that enhance the immune system are happiness, adequate rest and sleep, fresh air, sunshine, moderate exercise and most importantly a positive attitude towards life.
• Immune breakers are constant worry, mental and physical trauma, low self esteem, chemicals including chlorine, fluoride and pesticides, smoking and all drugs, recreational and medicinal, especially chemotherapy.
The solution to our cancer problem is to abandon our faith in modern medicine, which for all its science is still only a helpless bystander when it comes to curing cancer and to address the underlying cause of the problem which is mainly our addiction to the foods that stimulate, but do nothing towards nourishing the human body.
I’m aware that our current treatment of cancer today reflects the way we live whereby we don’t want to take time out to be sick and to just rid the body of this unwanted growth as quickly as possible. Bizarre as it may seem that’s just what surgery, radiation and chemotherapy do and they are quite good at that to some degree but there are many people, especially young people being diagnosed with cancer today who desperately want to live and want a permanent solution to the problem, and that is not, and has never been addressed by our mainstream medical system.
Alan Wighton is an independent health researcher, having spent many years specialising in cancer. For information on more effective ways to heal cancer and what’s going on in the cancer industry please visit Alternative Cancer Treatment.
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