Prostrate cancer is the disease which is found in men. It is the disease which is occurred in the men who are over 50 of age. This cancer does not have any symptoms and eventually it takes away the life.

The cancer which is found in the male reproductive system that is the prostrate gland which is in the size of a walnut that lies on the base of a bladder is called prostrate. The cancer which occurs in this part is called prostrate cancer. It occurs when the prostrate alter and start to multiply without control. As they grow without control they spread through the body mainly to the lymph and the bones. This is the cancer which is found in the men who are above the age of 50 years. This cancer develops in such a way that it never have any symptoms by this the man does not get any therapy. Eventually the person dies of this or the other causes which he suffers from.

The cancer cells grow abnormally and the multiply into many small cancerous tumors which in turn makes the man to suffer with the deadly disease cancer which is left untreated. This cancerous cell will disperse widely to others parts of the body thorough blood stream and lymphatic system.

As already said this cancer does not show any symptom in its initial stage. It is found when the screening test is taken. These include frequent urination, increased urination at night, difficulty in starting, maintaining the stream of urine, blood in the urine, painful urination, painful ejaculation, weak or interrupted flow of urine, difficulty in having erection and others. But the advanced symptom may have other causes like swollen lymph nodes in the groin, problems maintaining an erection and pain in the groin area, spine, hips or ribs. If you find any of these symptoms then you have an urge need of meeting the doctor and knowing the condition of your health. And prostate cancer will be cure with herbs

Some of the reasons for the cause of this cancer are the age that is it occurs in the men who are at the age of 50 or above. The other causes are the family history that is if the any male in his family has suffered from this disease then it is the possibility of occurrence. It also depends on the race that is most African Americans are affected by this disease. The diet which is heavy and contains animal fat may have the higher risk for prostrate cancer. So there is a need of having fresh vegetables and fruits to decrease the risk of prostrate cancer. Being overweight is also on of the cause for getting risk of any of the cancers.

The treatment of this cancer is depends on many factors such as the case of the disease, the stage of it, the type, its location, the general health condition, the extent or advancer of this cancer. So it is we should not have any excuse in delaying if any of the above said symptoms are seen. We have to get tested as early as possible to lead a life with no pain and much gain of healthy health.

We should also have healthy diet in our day to day life to keep ourselves away from these deadly diseases.

Obviously, the sooner prostate cancer is found and diagnosed, the better the chance of recovery. Success in prostate cancer treatment will depend on a number of factors including the progression of the disease upon discovery, where the cancer is located, the age and health of the patient, and how it reacts to treatment.

Treatments other than conventional western medicine are usually considered "alternative therapies." They usually are not backed by scientific data but by years of use. Some alternative therapies date back thousands of years. These medicines do not have any harm at all as they are natural treatments.

About the Author:

Dr Jack is a Conventionally Trained Western Medical Doctor from India and fellow of American Academy of Pediatrics More information contact: View patient videos cure by advanced herbal treatment:

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