Celia Westberry Westberry

Any fresh food farmer would vouch for the healing powers of the food he labors so hard to bring to market. Since the time of Hippocrates philosophers have known that food is the best medicine! Why not boost your immunity 3 times a day or more with healthy eating? Because food is also the only energy source humans use to survive.

First let's stop trying to get human energy out of fake food. To overcome or avoid cancer human bodies demand the right fresh food at every meal. Hundreds of people all over the world are willing to let go of fear long enough to try a fresh food diet and be cured, mind body and spirit. How do I know this to be true, you might ask...?

While doing cancer research I had to read scholarly scientific journals. An article in the respected scientific journal, The Lancet changed my mind about food. The article described the actions of a Polynesian woman who was diagnosed in America with a deadly blood related cancer. She was in an experimental group being treated with a wonder drug not yet released to the public since it was in the research phase. At a critical juncture in the treatment she decided to leave and go back to her country. Highly disappointed, her doctors gave up on her survival since they believed that she could not survive without their treatments.

Surprise! She returned a year later happily married, with a baby and tested negative for cancer. She informed her physicians that she was healed. A medicine man advised that she fall in love, and eat the fresh food of her country she explained. Whatever she ate had a powerful positive effect on her immune system.

Can the right diet miraculously boost immunity and heal? I am betting on it. The American Institute of Cancer Research (AICR) has this idea as its mission. So I suggest, first change your mind about the ability of your body to heal, and adopt a 'food as medicine' attitude.

1. Fall in love with this idea and then pur sue knowledge about food and healing as if it was a new lover.

2. Cook and eat hearty whole grains, especially in bread.

3. Get excited about the miracle minerals of vegetables. They are natural cancer prevention kits. Flush out body toxins with fresh fruit and vegetable juices.

4. Rethink every thing you know about fats and carbohydrates especially if you lean towards high – low diets.

5. Make healthy informed food choices preferably not heard on a television commercial. It is either this, or become caught in a cycle of fear and fighting dangerous diseases with newly designed drugs; as we ignore long pages of contraindications which no one reads except lawyers.

Eating like this nips disease in the bud, boosts your immune system, and leaves you enjoying a healthier, happier body .

Celia Westberry M.S is the author of Eat Yourself Younger Effortlessly- The easy way to slow aging, feel great, and look good. She is a health and wellness professional who helps people to eat their best every day to be healthier, happier and more fulfilled.

To get her free eBook: Secrets of Healthy Eating Revealed click: Here

To get her book with healthy eating recipes for one or two click here: EYYE
