By Donald Mckenzie Jr

1) Treat the person the same as before.

Do not approach the person as though their body will crumble. Just treat the person the same as you would if they had not been diagnosed with this condition. However, if the situation is terrible, you should adapt your attitude accordingly and not look over serious implications.

2) Offer guidance and assistance.

Whenever you have free time, run errands or help the person in some way. A few examples include shopping, and mailing. Depending on how well you are acquainted with the victim, you might want to come over and spend some time to clean or cook meals.

3) Help with transportation.

If the person grows weak or is unable to drive, ask if you can take them around when you are available. Getting around is one of the greatest challenges facing people who have serious illnesses.

4) Be an encouragement.

Send a funny care card or a get well letter. Even suggest praying together before you leave. Ask the person if you can tell other close friends and use them to help build inspiration. Try to keep them company as long as possible.

5) Become a great listener.

Sometimes those facing a serious illness such as cancer, may simply want to talk about the past, plan their future, or even just share random thoughts and feelings. Just being available to listen can provide a great source of support. But remember, you must wait until the person is ready to talk on their own.

6) Try to help with finances.

You may want to send a card with some cash or a check that could help pay for certain occasions or medication. Try not to overdo this too much. Keep in mind that a little can go a long way.

For more important health articles visit Donald's Health Website.

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