By: Gordy Weiss
Before we discuss the benefits of the magnets if there is any that would at least reduce the risk of ovarian cancer in ladies, let us discuss what actually ovarian cancer is? It is a deadly disease in which cancerous cells are found in the ovaries (that is two in number and is found to be located on each side of the uterus that store eggs or germ cells and produce female hormones estrogen and progesterone). The input treatment options and the outcome for the patient depend on the type of ovarian cancer and how far it has spread before it is diagnosed because the tumor that forms in the ovary can be benign or even malignant. If it is benign then it can be remove surgically and if it is malignant then it requires long term treatment involving various processes.
HRT or Hormone Replacement Therapy is prescribed to women who are going through the menopause which is very expensive. Though it gives protection against Osteoporosis in later life as well as a significant reduction in the intensity of the symptoms associated with the menopause such as hot flashes, mood swings etc at the same time there have been various scares like Breast cancer, Strokes and Heart Disease with two other major health issues for women currently like the increased risk of contracting Ovarian Cancer, the increased risk of dying from Ovarian Cancer among the women aged 50 and above that links with HRT. Such headlines will surely persuade the women to search and go for seeking alternatives like Magnetic Therapy which is inexpensive and effective option that just might work for you.
Magnetic Therapy is a non-invasive method of applying magnets to body to improve circulation, relieve pain and inflammation. Recently a tiny magnet the size of a 50p was given to a group of women who were going through the menopause to study the effect. Survey revealed that that the entire woman experienced some benefit from the magnet that they were provided with. The symptoms that generally arise due to menopause like anxiety, mood swings, fatigue, sleeping problems, incontinence and breast tenderness were reduced by up to 70 % which could be said one of the enormous benefit provided by the magnet. Wearing the magnet on their underwear for 3 months also improves the Hot flushes, night sweats and irritability. Magnetic Therapy helps to reduce weight loss in women. It is suggested that before you decide to switch on to alternative Magnetic Therapy you need to educate yourself about the alternatives and then take action.
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