By Jitesh Arora
What a person is eating,how he is living and what he is drinking are the factors which can change into risk factors of the cancer.
First of all let's talk about tobacco smoking tobacco it is related to about 15 different cancers. Most of the deaths nowadays are due to tobacco chewing or smoking. If you are smoking tobacco you are not only harming yourself but the loved ones around you. So the best thing you can do at this moment for you and for your loving family and friends is to quit smoking.
Second factor which also causes many types of skin cancers and melanomas are sun uv rays.There are lots of methods which can protect you from harmful sun rays like wearing hats, sunglasses, finding shade and sunscreen creams. If you are having family history of skin cancer or you are exposed to excessive sun rays due to your work or due to some other reasons you are at risk of skin cancer.
Your health status and your food habits also plays an important role in your prevention from cancer. Add lots of fruits and vegetables to your daily diet it will cut off risk of getting many types of cancer. Keep yourself in a good shape and be regular in your exercises. If a person is having an active life style it prevents him not only from cancer but from lots of other diseases. So keep in your mind that your diet can affect your risk for any type of cancer.
There is one more factor known as environmental factor which can also have a great affect on your health there are some things around you which can also cause cancer to know about them log on to
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