by Art Krause
This is about a fellow, whom I will not name in this article, who was suffering some very serious headaches for several months. They became worse and he had a seizure in Sept of 2006. He was unconscious for a day and a half. During that time he was airlifted to a hospital and had emergency surgery to remove 2 tumors, one being the size of a golf ball. The unfortunate thing was the third tumor was not operable because he would have become paralyzed and unable to talk. Those were not good options as you may well surmise.
The remaining tumor was known as Glioblastoma multiforme. When you research that you will find if you use Wikipedia:
Glioblastoma multiforme (GBM), also knwn as grade 4 astrocytoma, is the most common and aggressive type of primary brain tumor, accounting for 52% of all primary brain tumor cases and 20% of all intracranial tumors. Despite being the most prevalent form of primary brain tumor cases GBM's occur at only 2-3 cases per 100,000 people in Europe and North America.
Treatment can involve chemotherapy, radiotherapy and surgery; all of which are acknowledged as palliative measures, which means that they do not provide a cure (no surprise there). The five year survival rat of the disease has remained unchanged over the last 30 years, and stands at less than 3%. This is even with the complete surgical resection of the tumor, combined with the best available treatment, the survival as stated is very low.
I want to note in passing that there are many cancers that do well with chemo therapy but in all with all of the research dollars being spent on cancer, you would think that there would be a better result or at least greater advances. I am a cynic and I believe that it is the amount of money both private and public (government grants and such) which is keeping scientists from finding a cure for this pernicious disease or at least publishing them.
To continue with our story: Now this man was told he had maybe 6 months to live. Within a few weeks he was on chemo AND radiation therapy. (These methods darn near kill you while trying to kill the cancer as well). With these treatments he found that the tumor was growing as a matter of fact DOUBLED IN SIZE..
Now with that information he did this: ASKED FOR ANY kind of help. Does ANYONE know of anything that can help?? Time to panic and try any type of potion or lotion or pill or tea ANYTHING. Prayer helps too!! Now, a friend of his said I may have something you might want to try. (NOW HE was ready to listen to anyone you bet).. Now his friend told him that he did not know if this would help. BUT...there have been some really great recoveries with a juice containing the rind and fruit called the mangosteen. His friend just had been introduced to it. This Mangosteen Juice he learned, was effective in a number of areas, including the breaking down of tumors. So, this friend wanted to make very sure that he understood that it could be a very long shot that it would do any good at all given the prognosis he was given by his doctors. This man was very amused because ANYTHING now is worth a try.
There is a 21 day challenge with this juice. It involves drinking a bottle a day along with a lot of filtered water. After 11 days of this regimen there was a MRI scheduled. The results of this MRI was STUNNING! The tumor SHRUNK! In addition ALL CANCER activity had ceased...
Going back to when he was told that with Chemo, one of the side effects was DEATH and once he learned that he said STOP the treatment.. To him that was not an option which is why he went with the HELP ME option from the community at large..There just had to be something else out there that the doctors could not recommend.
He continued drinking the mangosteen juice, and had another MRI. The radiologist was just too busy to read it, so he took it home to read for himself. Something was wrong because he could not see any kind of growth in the resuts he had. Could he have been given the wrong MRI? So he called the radiologist and asked what is wrong with this MRI as he did not see any tumor. The radiologist said, that is because there is NO TUMOR. HE was in total disbelief. GONE??? Was he happy?? Did he call everyone he knew? BET on it.
To this day he still is drinking this beneficial juice. No one will say that this is a cure for anything. The FDA would come down on everyone if they did. However, who knows was it prayer or an answer to many prayers? This way let the FDA go after people who pray and let us drink a drink and smile for didn't God put on this earth something that may answer a prayer?
Okay, now here is the payoff for you. You need even more information about this and there is a lot more to it. The above article is only the tip of the iceberg. Go to the following web address and get the facts. Click on a second opinion and find out what doctors are saying.. Is there someone you know or love that may need some help or hope? I don't know if anyone else can experience what one man in this article experienced. Learn for yourself what is in this juice that is in NO other. What are the chemicals that are in this product that may be beneficial for many other ailments. For me, it is the cessation of symptoms for acid reflux.
To Your Health, Art Krause
About the Author
I am an entrepreneur and I share with people what I have learned over the years. If I come by some knowledge I pass it on. I feel that we are all adults and can make our own decisions on what we see and hear. In some instances the knowledge I have can have a positive effect. I let people decide and I share.
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