Sandy Tonsing

Smoking and the ill effects of smoking need not be illustrated any further. Both the topics have been discussed to no ends. Countless numbers of programs, advertisements, campaigns, have been continuously conducted all over the world in order to spread awareness regarding the ill effects of smoking. Inspite of all the awareness campaigns and the sorts, there is doubt if there has been any change in the scenario as regards smoking. The number of people taking to smoking is only constantly increasing.

Smoking is one of the worst possible addictions. Smoking not only harms the people who are addicted to it but also the ones around them. There are a number of diseases that attack specially on smoking and there are many others that are worsened on smoking. Smoking increases the risks of having many diseases. Still the addiction of smoking is only gaining force. The fear of bad health and even the fear of death have failed to be a deterrent in making people give up smoking. The only way to make people give up the puff is banning the tobacco industry. But this is almost an illogical option. The governments of all the countries are earning huge profits and hence they can't even think of banning the industry. However some countries have implemented laws and have banned smoking in the public places. The United Kingdom is one of them. However banning smoking in the public places is not a way out to make people stop smoking.

Anyways, coming back to the topic of diseases, smoking only increases the risks of dangerous diseases like cancer. But recently there have been a very strange revelation from the medical world. Studies have shown that smoking does not worsen breast cancer. The results have been arrived at by conducting a study on about six thousand women over a period of thirty years, with breast cancer. Smoking didn't even hamper in the process of treating breast cancer nor did it react with the breast cancer medications.

Interestingly, smoking has been proved to be a risk for lung cancer, head cancer, and cancer in the neck, esophagus, and bladder. Smoking is also dangerous in the case of leukemia which is commonly termed as blood cancer. But breast cancer is a rare exception.

However, there is no need of exalting in pleasure as smoking has been proved to be dangerous for a number of other diseases. Hence you would do yourself no good by avoiding breast cancer and getting its other versions in return. Smoking can only bring harms to the mental and physical health of the smokers and the others around. There can be no better alternative to quit smoking.

It's only for the purpose of quit smoking that the medical giants Pfizer launched the quit smoking drug Chantix. Pfizer chantix is one of the most popular quit smoking pills in the market today and you can easily buy chantix from any local medicine store. And those of you who are eager to give up smoking but are falling short of the will power as well as time just go to the net and order chantix online. Enjoy a smoke free life ahead

About the Author:
The author is a health expert and writes articles on various issues related to the causes as well as consequences of smoking and also on the quit smoking medicine
chantix. For more information, details and advice on smoking related matters, visit the website
