The Five B's of Living
I discovered the five B's of living as I traveled an amazing transformational journey healing from terminal cancer.
Be Present Now
Our attachment to the past and future is the GREATEST cause of stress in our lives. This moment is the only thing that is real. Choose to celebrate what is happening NOW. The past is gone, the future is yet to be, so all we have is NOW, which is the present. That is why it is a true gift. Every emotion, action, relationship, role, and every experience we ever had is in the files of our human self. Each moment we can choose to pull from our files or create something new in the present. It is our choice!
We can really only create and experience life right now in this moment.
Be the Creator
You and only you are the creator of your reality. Somewhere along our journey, we come to believe something outside of ourselves is creating all these things in our lives. What happens in your life, inside and out, comes from you, either consciously or unconsciously. We spend too much time, emotion and energy focused on what we don't want or don't like, and then we wonder why it keeps showing up in our life.
What is it you really want in your life? Dream big!
Be the Observer
Becoming the observer will help you stay present and create in the moment. The OBSERVER is a part of you that is always watching what is happening. It stands aside and just watches. It has no agenda for what "should" happen. It just watches. Become more aware. Observe yourself, what's around you, and how you react, think and feel.
Be Love
The more you love and accept yourself exactly as you are, the more love you get from others, and the more loving, empowering, and abundant experiences you will have. Loving yourself is the greatest way to improve yourself, and as you improve, you improve your world.
"I accept, approve, appreciate and love, myself exactly as I am."
Be Grateful
The easier and fastest way to feel better and create goodness in your life is to be grateful. When you live in a world of gratitude, you naturally feel the divine love and abundance that is always present inside you and all around you. Embracing gratitude is like opening the door to a brilliant new world, where the sun is always shining and you feel totally and amazingly alive all the time! The heart is always thankful.
Open your heart, breathe deeply, and tell yourself the many things you are grateful for.
Pass on the love and gratitude to all at this special time of year.
Sheila Ulrich Article Source: |
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