A promising new therapy that is being used at an Arkansas medical clinic is showing very good results as an alternative to the normal surgical, chemo, radiation therapy. Still in it's infancy and being applied to cancers that are no more than four inches under the skin surface, it has shown remarkable results for the treating of breast cancer and skin cancer.

Light Induced Enhanced Selective Hyperthermia is the name of the therapy. The procedure is non-invasive although access to an affected site might involve surgical methods if used for internal organs. The procedure involves laser beams which reduce the chance of cancer cells migrating to other parts of the body if you relied on the current method of surgically removing them.

An enhancing agent is directly injected into the malignant growth and instantly spreads throughout the entire mass of the unwanted growth. This enhancing agent increases the cells sensitivity to the laser light used in the treatment, ensuring that all the "bad cells" are treated. The enhancing agent is completely soluble and has been compared to a saline solution as far as side affects. Once the enhancing agent is applied, the laser is then used on just those cells to destroy them with a beam of high temperature.

Several sessions are usually necessary to completely kill all of the cancer cells. These sessions are usually done on a daily routine outpatient visit to the clinic. The number of visits necessary depends on the type of cancer and the size of the growth. The internal breast cancers have shown, after therapy that the cells left inside are dead and it is then up to your body to expel them in it's normal fashion. A follow-up with independent clinical tests every three months is essential to prove that the cancer is indeed gone.

If there is a re-occurrence, the therapy can be applied again with no undue harm to the patient since there is no bleeding, no chemicals are being used to affect the immune system and there is no need for harmful drugs afterwards. Most patients leave the office within an hour or two feeling great! How does that compare to the standard methods of treating breast cancer.

The company that is providing this therapy has a patent for the protocol to insure that the way that it is implemented is followed correctly for best results. I expect that more medical offices will be offering this procedure in the near future, but for now the therapy is available at the Lase Med Inc office in Arkansas.

Jackie Martin has researched alternative/natural medicine for treatment of cancer for the past five years. Her blog: When Cancer Hits Home reports many of her findings as well as her reports of the journeys of family members diagnosed with this disease.
Must have information if you or a loved one is diagnosed with cancer: Cancer - Best Alternatives

  1. Bob Criscuolo September 14, 2009 at 8:55 PM  

    LASE MED INC moved from Little Rock to Oklahoma because the University in Arkansas found DR. Carpenters L.E.I.S.H to be a waste of the University time. Also there are malpractice lawsuits against LASE MED INC from the Little Rock Office. Also make note that DR. Carpenters claims that NASA has positive information on fighting cancer with laser. This is true but NASA didn’t test LASE MED INC L.E.I.S.H treatments in their testing.