Till acidity does us part... should have been your vows. Am I being too cynical? It depends on who's reading this article. But those who have an interest in health issues, cancer, and diseases in general, don't think so.

Let me explain... about 10 years ago, a certain doctor sounded an alarm "Detox or Die". But 10 years ago those who are in their 20s now, were only about 10-12 years old. And those who are on 30s now, were only in their 20s , and so forth, and didn't pay too much attention. Did you when you were 20?

But medical facts don't lie. In the past 2 - 3 decades, more young women are getting breast cancer than any other time in history. And more men are getting cancer younger than any other time in history.

And this is because our bodies have become the world's toxic dump sites! Every bodily system and organs has a distinctive role to play and perform, as well as to respond to this arsenal of artificial stuff against which our bodies have really no defense because it wasn't designed (by God) to deal with these chemicals.

Without employing detoxication strategies for eliminating these toxins, one organ begins to succumb followed by others. Hence you have an epidemic of cancer, chronic diseases, and a failing immune system that can no longer protect us.

In 1999 the New England Journal Of Medicine published the results of an international study which examined the lives of over 90,000 twins. The goal was to see if cancer was genetic. As it turned out... this was a lot of crap. Genetics had nothing to do with who gets cancer and diseases. So, stop giving in to the "Ok, well I inherited it " or "it's in my genes" mythology.

The environment and our unhealthy lifestyles... are the only ones to blame!

As an example... human breast milk is so contaminated with Dioxin (the active ingredient in Agent Orange which caused a lot of Vietnam vets to get cancer including my Navy Seals brother in law who has since been compensated by the US government), that it's disposal would have to be done according to toxic waste regulations.

And if that weren't enough... within the first year of a baby's life, if breast fed, it may ingest eighteen times a "life time's" allowable safe limit. And get this... the EPA said that 100% of the North American population (Canada & USA) carry the carcinogen styrene in their bodies. Styrene (remember styrofoam cups) is the main culprit in the last decade's 200% increase in children's cancers. Are you reading this?

More alarming is that semen, human eggs, and our entire system is so contaminated with toxic residues from plastic products, heavy metals, pesticides, chemicals, parasites... that even the most conservative scientist would tell you that detoxication of both parents' bodies before even considering pregnancy, would be a good idea.

The reality is the following... I keep harping on post WWII, for a reason. It is not until about 50 to 60 years ago did our bodies start getting bombarded with these different synthetic chemicals... undetectable through smell, taste, and ingestion. Our bodies were unable to metabolize any of this garbage and hence passed on to our offspring. It's the kind of stuff that screws up our DNA and causes cancers and chronic diseases.

I could go on and on and bore you with statistics, but the undeniable truth is you're dying of a slow, creeping disease!

And the solution is right in front of your eyes!

Jon G. Michel is a successful webmaster, author, and published freelance writer. Heavily concerned and involved in self-preservation and health issues, you can view other related topics by clicking this link.

The complete and natural way of flushing your system of toxins.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Jonathan_G._Michel