The revised edition of my book Called into Life by the Light was published in late July of 2006.
Just before Christmas 2006, I e-mailed David Tumey for an update on what had happened since his and Sheline’s original work on the Royal Rife Ray Tube in terms of developing a method for isolating the offending organism in each specific case and finding the exact frequency which causes that organism to disintegrate, and being able to do so in a more precise and time efficient manner.
On December 22nd he e-mailed the following response together with a power point presentation that shows the system and it’s components and how it works, as well as the real data collected from some experimental subjects. Mr. Tumey wrote:
"With regard to the detection of Mortal Oscillatory Rates (MORs) in vivo, after Rife perfected his light-heterodyning technique for imaging live bacteria viruses microscopically, he next discovered that a radio frequency (RF) plasma (light) could destroy the pathogens if it was modulated at a resonant frequency. This frequency he called the Mortal Oscillatory Rate or MOR. To discover frequencies that had the desired destructive effect on a given targeted pathogen, he would observe the bug under his microscope while he painstakingly tuned a frequency generator until devitalization was observed. He would then repeat these experiments until a precise MOR could be determined. These were the treatment frequencies he used as part of his therapy. He developed his cancer-fighting protocols through this technique having discovered that certain forms of cancer could be transmitted via a filterable virus – a virus that could be destroyed in vivo if a patient was exposed to this properly modulated RF plasma energy field.
The question of course is: Is there a more efficient way to obtain the MOR frequencies, and further, can the MOR frequencies be obtained in vivo?
In the late 90’s, early 2000’s Dr. Lu Lala of Dayton OH began work trying to solve this problem. Dr. Lu is a Chiropractor and had been practicing medicine for his entire adult life. He used to work with instruments called galvanometers and Pico ammeters used in measuring small electrical potentials and currents. As a chiropractor, he used these devices to diagnose subluxations (pinched nerves). His idea was to locate electrical sensors along spinal dermatomes connected to a multi-channel Pico amp meter. His protocol called for tuning a frequency generator across a band of potential MORs while observing the electrical activity of the selected dermatomes. He would mark any resonant frequencies that were acquired as potential therapeutic frequencies. Thus his idea was to "Scan" a human subject and determine in vivo all of the various resonant MORs that would subsequently be used in later treatments. To help automate his procedure, he used a video camera with time-lapse photography and a programmable frequency generator. He would run a scan on a patient (which normally would take about 2 hours) then review the video that showed both the MOR frequency and dermatome response. He would record the actual frequencies of interest in a lab notebook. This review process took several hours to complete and was done after a scan had been recorded." 1
When Mr. Tumey got involved in the project around 2001/02 time frame, he developed a software algorithm that completely automated the entire process. Using a computer, and a computer–controlled frequency generator, his system would scan a patient and automatically record the electrical response from the Pico amp meter. Once the scan was complete, all the relevant data was already in the computer, all the operator had to do was to go through the data and "click" on the potential MOR frequencies which were subsequently loaded into a therapy table that would be used in future treatments. This technique reduced the entire scan, recording and analysis time to approximately one hour. Since this time, he has developed an improved system that is anticipated to reduce these times to about 20 minutes.
Currently there are two working prototypes. One is located in a medical clinic in Hermosillo, Mexico and is being operated by a Dr. Romero. The other is located in a lab in Dayton, Ohio where research into this technique continues.
I have the Power Point presentation that shows the system and its components and how it works as well as real data collected from some experimental subjects. This is a fascinating presentation that shows that light is playing and will continue to play an ever-expanding role in highly effective non-invasive therapies. Light is the medicine of the present and the future.
1 David Tumey and William H. Sheline, "Royal Rife Revisited: Reconstruction of the Original Rife Ray Tube" (Ohio, a paper written by the aforementioned authors describing their years of work researching and reconstructing a working replica of Royal Rife’s Original Ray Tube Apparatus, 1994) pp. 1-2. Used with permission of David M. Tumey who sent the paper to me and his December 22, 2006 e-mail update.
Bernard J. Fleury, B.A. History and Classical Languages, Ed.D. Philosophy, Government, and Administration, is Professor Emeritus of Philosophy, and Educational Administration. Dr. Fleury's lifelong interest in history and a firm belief in the synthesis of faith and reason (theology and science) as two aspects of a single reality - The Light: God, is clearly evident in his book Called into Life by the Light (website:
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