By: Suzanne Early
Other Signs Of Breast Cancer And General Symptoms Of Cancer
I know about breast lumps, nipple discharge and swollen lymph nodes, but there's more? Yes, I'm afraid so. Being proactive in breast cancer detection.I wanted to be aware of other general symptoms of cancer. This means I am more prepared. Are you?
Signs of breast cancer can be a red flag in your life. They are like an alarm bell ringing, meaning you must take notice. These bells can encourage you to seek help sooner rather than later. Some symptoms of cancer do not make themselves known until quite advanced, so it is important to tune in to your body and be aware. Increase your chances not only with breast cancer detection, but with all cancers. Early detection is key.
So What Are Some More General Symptoms Of Cancer To Be Aware Of?
Hot flushes, fever, sweating at nights, hot sweats, hot flashes and night sweats. Whatever you call them, they produce heat and wetness, causing discomfort and embarrassment.
Poor appetite, no appetite, or sensation of fullness. Struggling to eat your normal food portions? Reduced appetite? Lost interest?
Unexplained weight loss or unintentional weight loss. Weight comes off without trying.
Unexplained pain or discomfort. General aches and pains that you can't put down to anything in particular or that have developed and become worse.
Fatigue and tired with low energy. Hard to get the energy to do what you have always done effortlessly, or need more rest than usual.
No sleep, can't sleep, insomnia and not sleeping well. Lie awake at night with sleep insomnia?
Different skin sensations or colour changes. Rashes, eczema, itchy skin and sensitivity, or changing of shape or size. Discolouration of moles, sores, or legions.
You may have some bowel or bladder changes. Going more often, less often, changes to consistency, colour and frequency.
Found any lumps anywhere? Swelling, tenderness, or thickening. May or may not be painful.
Noticed unusual bleeding? Blood in urine or bowel movements.
Have any discharge? Weeping sores, wounds that will not heal, areas that ooze.
Developed any throat problems? Discomfort and difficulty swallowing or talking.
Have a cough? A tickle or dryness. May or may not be associated with throat issues, difficulty swallowing or talking.
Swollen lymph nodes, tenderness and discomfort in lymph node locations with lymph node pain.
Nipple discharge, a breast lump or swollen lymph nodes need not mean you have signs of breast cancer, or any other sort of cancer. Symptoms need to be considered before ruling out any routine or minor health issue. Have a chat to your medical professional about signs and symptoms you are concerned about. Seeking medical advice, asking questions and doing some research helps me to feel informed and in control. It is very empowering!
Wishing you the best of health.
Suzie is a passionate Adult Educator, encouraging women to be proactive in their breast health. She helps to educate women on the importance of being breast aware, so that they understand the signs of breast cancer and about breast self exam. Early detection is key.,
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Self breast exams for women and self testicular exams for men are the best way to notice new changes to one's body. After all, who knows your body better than yourself.