by Mordechai Welt
Despite the medical establishment's best efforts, the hoped for cure for cancer is still far away. The anticipated increase in life expectancy for patients using conventional treatments is close to zero.
A woman facing breast cancer today has no better chance for recovery than she did in 1920. Chemotherapy and radiation have failed as healing modalities.
Studies show that 38% of all disease related deaths in America are the result of cancers, and the number is expected to grow.
Yet, there is a means of preventing cancer that is largely ignored by our society. That prevention is to be found in whole, unrefined food.
The anti-cancer diet, as recommended by Dr. Joel Fuhrman, in his best selling book, Eat To Live, is based on consuming foods that are rich in vitamins, minerals, phytochemicals, anti-oxidants, and fiber. The foods that best meet this requirement are vegetables and fruits.
Below are listed six steps that you can take to design an anti-cancer diet and prevent and possibly even reverse disease.
The Five Components of the Anti-Cancer Diet
1. Avoid all animal products - This includes all meat, dairy, eggs, fish and fowl. Cutting back on your intake of animal foods will not suffice. Studies of populations throughout the world have shown that as a nation diminishes it's consumption of animal products there is a corresponding decrease in the incidence of cancer.
Animal products do not contain phytochemicals, antioxidants, fiber or other anti-cancer nutrients. Instead they are high in cholesterol and saturated fat and pose a serious health risk.
2. Avoid all refined and processed foods. This means no cakes, cookies, candies, white flour pasta or white bread.
Epidemiological evidence supports the direct association between simple carbohydrates and risk of colon cancer. There is a particularly heightened risk when a diet high in refined carbohydrates is associated with a sedentary lifestyle.
3. Avoid refined vegetable oils. I used to think olive oil was a health food. I was wrong. Olive oil is 100% fat and offers no nutritional value.
4. Eat lots of vegetables, fruits, beans, legumes, seeds and nuts. Make salad your main dish. Try to consume two big salads a day.
Cruciferous vegetables (the cabbage and broccoli family) are simply the most powerful weapon against all forms of cancer and especially colorectal cancer.
Steamed vegetables in general are an excellent source of phytochemicals and cancer fighting anti-oxidants. Try to eat a pound of cooked vegetables each day.
5. Eat at least five pieces of fresh fruit daily.
6. Exercise - Try to get in at least 3 hours a week. I find that going out for a half hour morning walk is a great way to start the day.
By adopting this anti-cancer diet you will add "years to your life and life to years."
If you or a loved one are concerned about preventing, treating, or even reversing cancer and are open to exploring a dietary healing approach, visit our website:
About the Author
The foods we eat have a direct impact on our physical and mental well being. Dr. Joel Fuhrman's book Eat To Live teaches us how to prevent and even reverse disease by eating right. To learn how you can reach optimal health and lose weight visit our website:
Breast Cancer Facts: Knowing These 3 Breast Cancer Facts Can Save Your Life
by Michael Lee
Breast cancer is one of the most common types of cancers in the world. Even men are susceptible to this, in some cases. But not a lot of people can say much about it. Until they themselves are afflicted with the disease, they don't have a lot of breast cancer facts to tell.
It's highly important that you know the 3 breast cancer facts in this article. This information won't only protect you from this killer disease; but it will also help you understand what many breast cancer patients are going through.
Breast Cancer Facts # 1: It is often discovered by a lump.
It is a well-known fact that 80% of breast cancer situations are discovered because of a lump in the breast or near the armpit. This is why women all over the world are encouraged to give themselves a self-breast examination every month.
Breast Cancer Facts # 2: Women in the United States have the highest incidence of breast cancer.
If you live in the United States, it might be wise to double-check your lifestyle. However, this does not mean that the further you live away from the States, the lower your chances are of getting the disease.
Breast Cancer Facts # 3: Women in an urban environment are more prone to breast cancer.
Medical experts attribute this to the fast-paced lifestyle of city women. A study was actually done on the breasts of women living in urban areas and rural areas. Those who live in urban areas are revealed to have glandular breasts, thus making them four times more susceptible to breast cancer.
Don't take these breast cancer facts too lightly. It's surprising how people don't even think breast cancer is something that could happen to them until it is too late. This information is around for a reason. Save yourself with the right knowledge.
About the Author
If you want to uncover the truth about a new cancer cure said to be scientifically proven to cure cancer and ALL types of diseases (including AIDS, heart diseases, diabetes and many others), go to
by Joshua McCarron
Have you ever wondered which foods are best to avoid when trying to prevent cancer?
The secret is to be able to identify which foods contain ingredients that are carcinogens, or cancer promoters. Once you know which ingredients will end up giving you cancer, you can read labels and avoid those foods altogether.
So, what are the ingredients to avoid?
Let's start with sugar. One of the ways cancerous tumors develop is by feeding on sugar in the bloodstream. If you are continuously overloading your body with sugar you're giving your body what it needs for cancer to flourish.
Next is sodium nitrite. This chemical is added to certain foods... mostly lunch meats and bacon...on purpose in order to make it look reddish and fresh. Once upon a time, meats were preserved with salt, but manufacturers eventually switched to this much more dangerous form of meat preservation.
Then there's hydrogenated oils. When oils are heated in the presence of hydrogen and metal catalysts, it makes them hydrogenated. this preserves the shelf life, but also creates trans fats. Aside from causing cancer, trans fats are bad for your heart and can even interrupt metabolic processes.
Finally, there's the acrylamide factor. Acrylamides are created during the frying process, when starchy foods are subject to high temperatures.
And so, taking all of the above into consideration...the top 5 cancer causing foods are:
Hot Dogs - Usually preserved with sodium nitrite and full of fat (among other things!) Donuts - These contain hydrogenated oils, sugar, white flour and acrylamides. Talk about the perfect cancer causing food! French Fries - Often made with hydrogenated oils. There would also be acrylamides present. Processed meats and bacon - Lots of saturated fat and nitrites. You can find some without, but you'll have to ask. Chips & crackers - Usually have white flour, sugar, and trans fats. many manufacturers also hide MSG in the form of yeast extract, and mess around with serving sizes so you actually take in a lot more bad stuff than you think.
There you have it. Avoid these foods most of the time and you're well on your way to avoiding that dreaded 'C' word altogether.
You'll discover 350 gentle, non-toxic cancer treatments when you click here now: Natural Cancer Treatment
About the Author
Joshua McCarron lost both his mother and mother-in-law to cancer within a four month period in 2006. After conventional treatment failed within his own family he was determined to educate himself on more natural cancer treatments that might actually help others.
By: Kendra Fagan
Everyday household items like deodorant, hairspray and cosmetics may be making you sick? In fact some of the most common everyday items used by women may even be causing them to get breast cancer.
There is no known cure for breast cancer. More than 1.5 million people will be diagnosed with breast cancer this year worldwide. Scientists don't know why most women get breast cancer, yet breast cancer is the most frequent tumor found in women the world over. A woman who dies of breast cancer is robbed of an average of nearly 20 years of her life. Breast cancer knows no social boundaries. It's a disease that can affect anyone.
Many scientists believe parabens, most commonly found in spray-on deodorants, can be absorbed directly into the skin. The chemicals are also thought to disrupt hormones in ways that can lead to cancer.
They are present in other cosmetics as well, and in some food and pharmaceutical products, but permitted levels in these items are so low that scientists do not believe they carry significant medical risk.
The new research, carried out on tissue from 20 cancer sufferers, shows the level of parabens that had been absorbed in four of the tumours was so high that it could have had a damaging biological effect on cells.
Also, take a look at the ingredients on the back of those lotions, moisturizers, hair conditioners, wrinkle creams, or baby wipes. Just about everybody has at least one of these five products in their homes. If you check the back of the label of those products just mentioned, most likely you will find an ingredient called Propylene Glycol
Did you know that you can find this same ingredient in the back of a container of prestone antifreeze? That ingredient has been proven to cause kidney and liver damage once it's absorbed into the bloodstream.
Next, take a look in the back of a label of a bottle of shampoo, or a tube of toothpaste. Most likely, you will find something called Sodium Lauryl or Laureth Sulfate (SLS or SLES) which are found in engine degreasers and garage floor cleaners. Once these lethal ingredients are absorbed into the bloodstream, studies have shown that they can cause abnormal development of children eyes, cataracts, and even hair loss
This information wasn't given to you to scare you, but to help you make a wise decision about your health and your families as well when it comes to personal care products. Scientists say that long term exposure to ingredients such as Sodium Lauryl or Laureth Sulfate (SLS or SLES) could start to build up on your liver, kidneys, and many other vital organs and tissues, which could eventually lead to cancer. The government knew that these ingredients were being added to these personal care products and didn't do anything about it.
To Learn More About The Latest Breast Cancer Research Please Visit:
To Learn More About The Latest Breast Cancer Research Please Visit:
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An Overview of Hodgkin’s Disease and How New Hope Medical Center Can Help Those Who Suffer From This Cancer
By: Jason Amiot
It is estimated that in 2008, 8,220 men and women were diagnosed with Hodgkin’s lymphoma, also known as Hodgkin’s disease. Of the total cases, 4,400 of them involved men and 3,820 of these cases involved women (National Cancer Institute).
This type of cancer starts in the lymphatic system, a part of the body’s entire immune system. The lymphatic system consists of the body’s organs and tissues that fight infections and other diseases by producing, storing, and carrying white blood cells. The lymph nodes, spleen, bone marrow, thymus, and lymphatic vessels all make up the lymph system. Hodgkin’s disease was named after the British physician Thomas Hodgkin, who in 1832 first described this disease and its differentiating characteristics from other lymphomas.
Hodgkin’s disease occurs when the lymphatic system’s cells grow abnormally and as this abnormal cell growth progresses, the body has a hard time fighting off infection. Hodgkin’s disease is one of two types of cancers that can affect the lymphatic system. Hodgkin’s lymphoma, which is less common than non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma, is different in that the presence of an abnormal cell called the Reed-Sternberg cell becomes abnormal and copies itself, producing extra cells collectively called a tumor. In non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma, the abnormal cells form but the cell that starts growing abnormally is not referred to as the Reed-Sternberg cell.
Symptoms of Hodgkin’s disease include, but are not limited to, overall lymph node swelling in the neck, underarms, or groin, unexplained weight loss, recurring fevers, coughing and chest pain, itchy skin, night sweats, loss of appetite, and overall weakness and fatigue that do not leave the body. Some people, however, experience few if any symptoms at all. Diagnosis of Hodgkin’s disease can be done after doctors perform exams and tests including a physical exam, blood test, and/or chest x-rays. A biopsy can also be performed. This is the only sure way to determine whether a person has this type of cancer. During a biopsy, a doctor removes part of all of a lymph node and examines it under a microscope, searching for abnormal cells growth.
Those who suffer from Hodgkin’s lymphoma have several treatment options, including the alternative cancer treatment options available at New Hope Medical Center in Scottsdale, AZ. The entire staff at New Hope Medical Center works diligently to provide each patient an individualized alternative cancer treatment plan, in hopes of fighting cancer, no matter what type it may be, and boost immune system health. With over fifty years of experience, the doctors, nurses, and other medical staff have worked together to develop the New Hope Treatment Method, a highly individualized alternative cancer treatment system. These alternative cancer treatments involve immune system enhancement and nutrient supplementation with the use of vitamins and minerals, body detoxification, acupuncture, massage, relaxation techniques, stress management, hormone therapy, and more.
Hodgkin’s lymphoma is not the only cancer New Hope Medical Center treats with the use of its alternative cancer treatments. More information can be found on the New Hope Medical Center website at or by calling 480-473-9808.
About the Author
Mark Branyon collaborates with international experts in continually improving existing protocols. Their treatment strategy incorporates the best modalities of both worlds mainstream and alternative according to individual needs.
By: Peter Kent
Racial Disparities Found Among Lung Cancer Patients
Researchers have found that disparities may exist between the survival of lung cancer patients between various races, particularly among African Americans who are at a greater risk of fatality following a lung cancer diagnosis compared to those of other races, according to a report from the University of Washington, Seattle researchers.
The study used informational data from 17,739 patients that were of the average age of 75 years old. The data was collected during the time period of 1992 to 2002. Of the patients, approximately 89 percent were of the Caucasian race while only 6 percent were African Americans. According to the research, "black patients recommended to surgery had lung resections less frequently than white patients."
The report found that as long as African American patients received "recommended appropriate treatment" the disparities shrank considerably, however, that has not been the case thus far, according to a Science Daily news article. Researchers are unsure as to why the disparity is occurring particularly among African Americans compared to their Caucasian counterparts, but explored the following reasons as potential differences:
* patients may be less inclined to undergo surgery
* patients may be have limited access to appropriate care
* patients may be less likely to visit the physician
However, if these patients had received a proper adjustment or treatment, then "no significant association between race and death" would have occurred, according to the news article.
Lung Cancer Causes
While the Oncology Channel notes that tobacco smoke is responsible for "80 percent of lung cancer deaths in men and 75 percent of lung cancer deaths in women," there are a significant number of other risk factors that can lead to an individual's diagnosis of lung cancer. The following are several risk factors including:
# secondhand smoke
# asbestos
# radon
# occupational exposures
# age
# race
# sex
# hereditary
It is imperative that in order for a lung cancer patient to receive the best appropriate method of treatment that he/she contact a medical professional at the first signs and symptoms of their potential condition. The Mayo Clinic reported the following as several signs and symptoms common among lung cancer patients:
* hoarseness
* wheezing
* chest pain
* coughing up blood
* development of chronic cough, also smoker's cough
* new cough that does not go away
Defining Mesothelioma
Mesothelioma is a deadly form of lung cancer that is caused after the inhalation of asbestos fibers and dust particles has occurred. Individuals who are at the most risk for developing mesothelioma cancer are those working predominately in a construction industry or similar type of field such as the following, according to New Zealand's National Occupational Health and Safety Advisory Committee:
* asbestos workers
* auto mechanics
* miners
* millers
* machinery fitters
* boilermakers
* firemen
* waterside workers
* railway workers
* construction workers
Individuals who have worked in any of the above fields or a similar work environment are advised to seek medical attention if any of the above signs and symptoms develop. Additionally, it is important that an individuals suffering from mesothelioma cancer contact an environmental toxin attorney to learn about developing a mesothelioma lawsuit.
It is often necessary to create such litigation as a mesothelioma diagnosis is frequently delivered with expensive treatment options and a short life expectancy. By creating a mesothelioma lawsuit an individual is increasing their chance of receiving monetary compensation as an award for their debilitating condition.
Peter Kent is the best-selling author of 50 books and hundreds of articles for magazines and newspapers. He manages, a website hosting a variety of information on legal issues, including Mesothelioma.
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By Giselle Sanchez
What is Sarcoma Cancer?
Sarcoma is not one disease. There are hundreds of diseases that are grouped under the term "sarcomas" or "sarcoma cancer".
Sarcoma refers to a growth of cells whose normal function would be to hold the body together. These are called connective tissue cells and include such things as muscle and bones. If these types of cells turn cancerous - they are called sarcomas.
Let's take a look at some of the types of sarcomas.
Uterine sarcoma cancer
Uterine sarcoma cancer is a rare type of cancer that begins in the muscle or other tissues of the uterus. Most often, uterine sarcoma cancer is found in women who have completed menopause.
Kaposi's sarcoma cancer
Kaposi's cancer is the presence of malignant cells in the tissues under the skin that line the mouth, nose or anus. Most of the Karposi's Sarcoma is just blotchy, but there are some circumstances where patients have horrible looking skin and various milky fluids coming out of it.
Ewing's Sarcoma
Ewing's Sarcoma is a cancer that usually affects the bones of a human person. It is an exceptionally aggressive form of cancer and can cause a person to die within months of diagnosis. It spreads throughout the body quickly and there is no cure.
Treatment of Sarcomas
When a family member or a loved one is diagnosed with Sarcoma cancer, there are decisions you have to make and quickly. You should straight away seen expert opinion at a sarcoma clinic center.
There are 2 main primary treatments for sarcoma cancer. They are surgery and radiation therapy. Also chemotherapy, and hormone therapy are sometimes used.
The most frequently used treatment for uterine sarcoma is surgery, and even if the surgeon removes all visible cancer cells, surgery is most often followed by chemotherapy and radiation therapy in an attempt to kill cancer cells that the surgeon couldn't get rid of.
Radiotherapy can be an important part of treatment for Ewing's sarcoma for example. It can shrink a tumour and make it easier to remove. After surgery, you usually have radiotherapy to try to kill off any cancer cells that are left behind. It's a complicated process but it may lowers the risk of the Ewing's sarcoma coming back in the future.
by Giselle Sanchez - Freelance writer. Looking for more info on sarcoma? Check out the Rainbows for Kate Foundation and advance the research into Sarcoma Cancer by becoming a supporter.
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Pancreatic Cancer Patients Find Promising Treatment That Diminishes Tumor Size
By: Peter Kent
Pancreatic Cancer Patients Find Promising Treatment That Diminishes Tumor Size
The University of Colorado Hospital has recently embarked on what news reports have deemed a "groundbreaking medical trial" for patients suffering from pancreatic cancer. The trial uses a new technique designed to "shrink the tumor with very concentrated, very localized medication," according to 7 Denver News, a local television news casting station.
Physicians have been using a combination of the drug known as Tumor Necrosis Factor along with Imaged Guided Radiation Therapy technology. The therapy works in two phases, with the first phase administered each week as "doctors use an endoscope through the mouth to the stomach to deliver the drug and inject it directly into the tumor," reported 7 Denver News. In the second phase, the tumor, which is now drug-filled, is subject to a daily blast of radiation, which attempts to stimulate the drug until the tumor begins to break down.
While the trial continues to be conducted, physicians with the study have already noted that, "patients with the standard treatment survive about eight-and-a-half months and that patients with this new treatment live about eleven-and-a-half months."
Pancreatic Cancer Signs and Symptoms
Pancreatic cancer occurs when cancerous cells "begin in the ducts of the pancreas, but they sometimes develop from the cells of that make the pancreatic enzymes," according to the American Cancer Society (ACS). The Mayo Clinic also explained that there are several signs and symptoms of the pancreatic cancer including the following:
* loss of appetite
* depression
* weight loss
* yellowing of the skin
* yellowing of the whites of the eyes
* upper abdominal pain
There are a number of reasons that pancreatic cancer can occur, however, one of the most recent risks is that of Byetta consumption.
Byetta is a type 2 diabetes drug that is prescribed to patients as an injectable form of insulin to regulate glucose levels in individuals. The drug was released in 2005 from Amylin Pharmaceuticals and Eli Lilly and Company. Recently, the drug was linked to the onset of pancreatitis, which can develop into pancreatic cancer if left untreated.
In 2008, approximately six patients were hospitalized for their Byetta-induced side effects of acute pancreatitis. Of the six patients, two resulted in fatality. Patients who have experienced the Byetta dangers are advised to discuss their case with a pharmaceutical attorney who can offer a free legal consultation as to the development of a Byetta class action lawsuit, which may result in the reward of monetary funds for a Byetta patient.
Peter Kent is the best-selling author of 50 books and hundreds of articles for magazines and newspapers. He manages, a website hosting a variety of information on legal issues, including Byetta.
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by Mai Brooks MD
Using known risk factors for breast cancer, mathematical models can be developed to help answer important questions. These mathematical models are useful tools for researchers and for patients as follows:
1. Research on risk factors - The Claus risk assessment model was used to discover the subpopulation of people who had an autosomal dominant genetic allele that increased their risk from 10% to 92%. This led to the discovery of the BRCA genes associated with breast, ovarian, and prostate cancer. 2. Clinical trial eligibility - The Gail risk assessment model was developed to help researchers determine who to enroll in the NSAPB Breast Cancer Prevention Trials where chemoprevention was shown to reduce breast cancer risk. 3. Guidelines for doing BRCA testing - BRCA testing is very expensive and practically worthless if done on everyone (because it is so rare to be homozygous for BRCA1 or BRCA2). Mathematical models such as the BRCAPRO, BOADICEA, and Tyrer-Cuzick models can help determine what patients should undergo BRCA testing. The decision for testing is usually made when one of these models predicts a 10% or greater chance that there is a mutation of the BRCA1, BRCA2, or both genes. 4. Guidelines for doing MRI screening for breast cancer - MRI screening for breast cancer is not a cost effective screening test for the general population, but in specific groups, there are clear cut reasons to do so. In general, screening MRI is recommended for women with 20-25% or greater lifetime risk of breast cancer. The BRCAPRO and Tyrer-Cuzick models have been used to help make clinical decisions about ordering MRIs for breast cancer screening. 5. Guidelines for breast cancer therapy - The Gail model is used clinically to help determine who should be put on tamoxifen or raloxifene for chemoprevention. Other models have been used to help make decisions about breast cancer risk reduction with prophylactic mastectomy.
For these reasons, it is important to understand these models. These models are collectively refered to as "risk assessment tools". The following paragraphs summarize the most popular and most widely used risk assessment tools. Keep in mind that none of these risk assessment tools apply to breast cancer survivors. No mathematical model has been widely accepted to determine cancer risk in cancer survivors.
General Risk Assessment Tools
Gail Model: The Gail model is a validated risk-assessment model that focuses primarily on nonhereditary risk factors, with limited information on family history. It was developed by scientists at the National Cancer Institute and the National Surgical Adjuvant Breast and Bowel Project (NSABP) to assist health care providers in discussing breast cancer risk to determine their eligibility for the Breast Cancer Prevention Trial. The tool allows one to project a woman's individual estimate of breast cancer risk over a five-year period of time and over her lifetime. It also compares the woman's risk calculation with the average risk for a woman of the same age. The Gail Model is an on-line quiz that has 13 questions and is interactive. This calculator is based on published risk statistics and methods gathered from peer-reviewed journals, and has been extensively tested for its validity. The major limitation of the Gail model is the inclusion of only first-degree relatives, which results in underestimating risk in the 50% of families with cancer in the paternal lineage and also takes no account of the age of onset of breast cancer. It may underestimate risk in certain groups, such as obese patients. National Cancer Institute Model: The NCI risk assessment tool is essentially a simplified Gail Model that also factors in race. Race is a factor in determining breast cancer risk but is excluded when determining eligibility for clinical trials. This tool is probably the most popular risk assessment tool available to the public as an on-line, interactive risk calculator. The on-line quiz is a shorter, nine-point questionnaire that includes multiple factors, giving a woman her future five-year risk of breast cancer and her lifetime risk of breast cancer. The NCI tool does not account for a lot of risk factors that can be modified. For this reason, it is difficult to use this test as a motivation tool to show people how lifestyle can alter their risk of breast cancer. It also cannot be used in breast cancer survivors, in patients with DCIS, LCIS, or people who carry one of the BRCA genes.
BRCAPRO model: This is a statistical model available as a computer program that uses two different algorithms to evaluate family history and helps a doctor determine the likelihood of finding either a BRCA1 mutation or a BRCA2 mutation in a family. The results of this can be used to determine if BRCA testing is indicated. This is very useful in light of the high cost of BRCA testing ($3,000). None of the nonhereditary risk factors can yet be incorporated into the model, however. In a comparison of four different methods for estimating breast cancer risk in patients with a family history of breast cancer, the BRCAPRO model was the least accurate. It predicted only 49% of the breast cancers that actually occurred in the screened group of patients with a family history of breast cancer. Harvard Center for Cancer Prevention Risk Assessment Tool: This is another breast cancer risk assessment tool that includes more lifestyle factors than the NCI or Gail Model tools. It has not been studied as extensively as the Gail Model or the simplified NCI model, but it is promising in that it includes many lifestyle factors that people can do to modify their risk of developing cancer. It is also an on-line questionnaire that can be used by both women and men to estimate their breast cancer risk.
Making all this practical
Now after a thorough and confusing discussion of all these statistical models, it's time to make all this information practical. What is the best way to help a patient accurately assess her risk of breast cancer and if possible, show her what positive factors are reducing her risk and what negative factors can be changed to reduce her risk? If possible, it would also be great to show the patient the value and indications for testing, imaging, chemoprevention, and in some cases surgery. A discussion of the practical aspect of each of these is addressed in a Q & A format below:
Q: What (free) online programs can be used to help a patient assess their risk of breast cancer?
A: Several of the risk assessment tools mentioned above can be accessed for free by the public. Here are the tests and their websites: 1. Your Disease Risk - English version: Spanish version: This is a great interactive questionnaire that calculates five-year and lifetime risk of breast cancer developed by the Harvard Center for Cancer Prevention and made public online in 2000. In 2005, they launched the Spanish version of the site, "Cuidar de su Salud". The risk calculator includes lifestyle factors such as weight, dietary vegetables, alcohol intake, as well as Jewish ethnicity. It does not include other ethnicities, however, and is not accurate for BRCA mutation carriers or breast cancer survivors. Despite these issues, this is by far the best free online risk calculator since it is very interactive and gives you a personalized description of your risk in the form of a colored bar graph, which they can electronically manipulate to experience "virtual" risk reduction. The bar graph is a seven-level scale that compares users to a typical man or woman your age. Users learn where to focus their prevention efforts and how to make lifestyle changes by "clicking on" personalized strategies. With each click, the bar graph shrinks, and the user watches his/her predicted risk drop. This is a great concept to motivate people to participate and comply with lifestyle modification measures.
2. The NCI Risk Assessment Tool -regular web: Mobile web: This is the easy to use, on-line questionnaire based on a modified Gail model that also includes ethnicity. It does not factor in a personal history of breast cancer, DCIS, or LCIS. It does not account for other factors such as BRCA status, hormonal replacement therapy, lifestyle factors, breast feeding, menopause, or mammographic density. Despite these issues, it is a very useful tool that gives a woman her five-year and lifetime risk of breast cancer. It is the only risk assessment tool that can be used via mobile handheld devices (any type). A version of this can be downloaded for PDAs with Windows Pocket PC operating system as well.
Q: What programs can be used to help a doctor make decisions about ordering a breast MRI?
A: The American Cancer Society has developed some very good guidelines for breast cancer screening with MRI. It should be emphasized that MRI is an adjunct to mammography, not a replacement. Four programs can be used to help in clinical decision making. They are as follows:
1. A Cancer Journal for Clinicians -
2. BRCPRO - ver.4.3 available @
3. Claus Model - available as a palm based software product version 1.0 at
4. IBIS - Breast Cancer Risk Evaluation Tool, RiskFileCalc version 1.0. This is the Tyrer-Cuzick model that includes hereditary and nonhereditary risk factors. Contact:
About the Author
Dr. Mai Brooks is a surgical oncologist/general surgeon, with expertise in early detection and prevention of cancer. More at, and