A recent study at Rutgers University found that caffeine and exercise may help prevent skin cancer. The tumor suppressing protein, phospho-p53, is boosted by 18% with exercise and is boosted 27% by drinking two cups of coffee. When exercise and caffeine are combined the effects are much more dramatic...the levels of this protein are doubled!
Although it appears that exercise and coffee each have health benefits, combining them together seems to have the greatest impact. The ability to double the level of a tumor-blocking protein is outstanding news.
"We think this points out a need for more studies to see if the combination will protect people against sunlight-induced skin cancer," said the study's Senior Researcher, Allan Conney, the Director of the Laboratory for Cancer Research at Rutgers University.
This research was conducted as a result of a previous study on Green Tea. It was found that only the caffeinated version of Green Tea helped get rid of DNA damaged skin cells. The decaffeinated Green Tea had no effect to repair damaged skin cells.
Here is a Great Way to Combine Caffeine and Exercise for Maximum Benefits
1) Don't eat anything 4 hours before working out
2) Drink 3-4 cups of green tea or two cups of coffee, 30 minutes before your scheduled workout
3) Perform intense interval training cardio for an extended time to take advantage of caffeine's fat burning potential
See...I knew my "Double Tall Iced Americano" was doing me some good! Yeah...I live in Seattle and espresso is consumed about as much as water. Now don't think you can order all those fancy drinks with caramel, chocolate, cream, etc...you have to go plain...stick with black coffee or tea without sugar.
About The Author: Rusty Moore is the author of a controversial fitness blog called the Fitness Black Book. Learn workout routinesthat give you a sexy lean body instead of a bulky one! Too much muscle is "cheesy"...find out how to look attractive! Visit his site today... www.FitnessBlackBook.com
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