I was about 18 years old when I first felt the nodule on my throat and didn't think much about it and didn't make mention to anyone about it. It was about the size of a pea then and when it was removed, when I was 29, it was a little smaller than a ping pong ball. It was thyroid cancer. My thyroid was removed, started the synthroid, had a little radioactive iodine, etc, etc, etc. If you have experienced thyroid cancer, you know the drill. And that is what it was for me; a drill, a procedure, a way to "get better", but I knew, I knew the reason why it came into my experience. I created it. I created the cancer in my body, simply by my thought and belief that I could not express myself.

For those of you who have experienced thyroid cancer, know exactly what I am talking about. When I was a kids growing up, I had no idea how to express myself. I always silenced my thoughts and feelings from the outside world. I would just blatantly lie to someone and tell them something I thought they wanted to hear when they would ask, How are you?, What are you up to?, questions about ME. My brain would say, "No way I am not letting you in..."

Well, I am here to tell you that the cause of my cancer was directly related to my lack of self expression. I would allow myself to build up all this emotion, energy, fear, rage, anger, resentment and I would put it into a big pot that I would close and lock up. Over time, I would put this closed pot over heat and allow it to simmer, until one day, and many times over the course of a year, the pot just exploded.

My family, my friends, my colleagues, my ex-wife, my daughter all knew what that looked like and each time it would happen I would make myself wrong for it which would intern perpetuate the cycle of lack of self expression.

I knew it was time for me to start becoming self expressed in who I am. This is part of the journey that landed me into coaching and public speaking. The purpose of who I am is to have a global impact to society in this conversation of self growth and personal power. To support that purpose, who I am is honesty, truth, integrity and commitment.

Even just the word cancer is an interesting illusion because when we hear the word cancer, we immediately equate to death and someone we know, who had cancer. Its no wonder why so many people are generating cancer in their bodies, fear perpetuates fear and the more fear about getting something, the more we get it into our experience.

Remember, I was exactly where you are and understand the experience that is showing up in your life. It does not matter if it was thyroid cancer, brain cancer, liver cancer, breast cancer, we created it all and we can create something other than what is there right now.

Now, I coach others, just like you and me, on moving from the experiences of cancer and dis-ease in our immediate now into the experience of who they truly are in their expression of the true self. I believe that all dis-ease and illness, ailments, etc. are a direct causation from our thoughts about ourselves over time that have manifested in our bodies. I am here to tell you that each one of us has attracted the experience in. I am also here to teach you how to attract the experiences you want in your life through the laws of attraction. The very same laws that attracted the dis-ease we didn't want into our lives. You can use the laws of attraction to your advantage and sustain the experiences you want in your life.

Patrick J. West
Executive & Relationship Coach

(p) 631.767.1427

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Patrick_West