By Tania Hackner

Most people think that once the cancer has been treated and chemotherapy and surgery are no longer needed, the ordeal has come to an end. But, this is far from true. Cancer is a life-changing disease and returning to a normal life after treatment is very difficult. As a cancer survivor, you are probably exhausted, afraid, depressed, have trouble sleeping or performing the simplest tasks. The key to healing is gradually regaining control of your life, step by step. Try focusing on the fact that you emerged victorious in the battle against cancer. And if you can do that, you can do ANYTHING.

Tackle each day at a time. Make a conscious effort to appreciate the little things. Indulge in a hobby that will occupy your mind like gardening, listening to music, learning pottery or art or how to play a musical instrument, writing poetry, cooking. Make exercise a part of your daily routine. If strength permits, walk, jog, swim, go hiking, ride a bike, or just fool around with the kids. If possible, join a volunteer program at one of the NGOs in your city. Helping those less fortunate than yourself will give your life a sense of purpose.

Join a cancer support group. A support group is normally led by a doctor, counselor, psychiatrist, or social institution. Being a part of a group can be comforting and give you hope because its members know and understand what you have been through. You can talk about your fears, listen to survival stories, and get tips on how to deal with your life after cancer. Ask your doctor or hospital about a support group in your area. There are also many online support groups with cancer survivors from around the world. If you prefer a more individual approach, you could see a counsellor or a therapist to help you cope with your feelings. Most importantly look for support in your friends and family. Talk to them and let them know your fears, what your are going through and what should they do. Many times families are confused about what they should do. A strong support group can help you steer through your cancer aftermath and emerge a winner – which you really are, you have survived cancer!

It’s tough getting back on your feet again. Give yourself time and space to heal and remember that the worst is behind you.

Good health is not a struggle, nor it is an extraordinary feat. Healthy living is about understanding what your body needs and what is good for it. Re-discover good health in a simple way with Tania Hackner and make good health a way of living!.For more information and advice on General health please visit us at What You Need to Know.

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