If you want the results of being healthy to live Cancer Free For Life, you need to find the causes of health and follow them. You need to understand the reasons why you get sick and avoid those. Of course, this approach is in direct conflict with the more conventional philosophy of medicine that believes disease is a matter of bad luck, where people have "risks" of disease that only occur by chance.

Conventional medicine wants you to think that disease happens to you purely by chance and that you have no control over it. “It’s just bad luck. There’s a flu epidemic.” But the reality is that disease (or a lack thereof) is entirely under your control. If you wish to be healthy and to remain Cancer Free For Life, there are certain things you can do that reliably and consistently produce a healthy outcome. And if you wish to be diseased, there are other things you can do to reliably and consistently produce disease. Researchers have found that there is a cancer personality and that there are personality traits of people who have cancer, and that there are traits unique to people who are super healthy, and have remained Cancer Free For Life. These are described in great detail in the second chapter of the book Cancer Free For Life, and there are clear steps and explanations for you to determine what personality you have, and how to change it. This book is available on http://cancer-free-for-life.com. Visit us there.

It fascinates me that some people are more prone to cancer while others can remain Cancer Free For Life, even if they have cancer in their family for instance. Out of all of the research I’ve conducted in the past few years, the most astounding thing I've discovered is not one particular herb or nutritional supplement, but rather that the best and most powerful healing strategies, or what I call health habits, are available to you free of charge.

Some people drink grape juice or swallow massive doses of vitamin C; others pray, take herbal remedies, or simply cheer themselves on. These very diverse patients all have one thing in common, though. At a certain point in their disease, they suddenly knew, with complete certainty, that they were going to get better, as if the disease were simply a mirage, and they suddenly passed beyond it into a space where fear and despair and all sickness were nonexistent.

The entered the place called perfect health and spontaneous remission. The found a place where they could be Cancer Free For Life. Was it spontaneous? Did it just happen?

I have spent these past years looking for what causes disease, and to find the healing mechanisms in the body. I have found that it is the same way that thousands of documented cases of people who recover from cancer, leukemia, arthritis and many other diseases use to put their disease ‘in remission’ and beat all the doctors’ prognostis. I become fascinated with the healing system that doesn’t appear in any medical books. I discovered there is a way to remain Cancer Free For Life.

Less than a third of old people show no sign of cancer, heart disease, arthritis, diabetes, osteoporosis, and other generative disorders endemic to old age. Who heals the sick person anyway? And why are we not allowed to use the word “Cure”? Are people with extraordinary health super-humans, or do they have abilities we can all share and learn from? Imagine if we were taught simple disease prevention habits and strategies that cost absolutely nothing, are easy to obtain, and work to improve the health of everyone, regardless of genetic makeup or background.

All in one book, I have combined the results of the ancient healing techniques that have been forgotten. I share with you the aspects of quantum physics that I have discovered make us healthy. And it’s not rocket science. I explain in clear terms how you can use them for your own life. This book is available for immediate downloading at www.cancer-free-for-life.com . And as you may have guessed from the title of this book, it's all about ways that you can apply right away to take care of your health.

I must tell you right away that there is no such things as "miracle" shortcuts to health. There is no such thing as a magic weight loss pill. There is no such thing as results without effort. Where you find yourself today is the result of years of abuse to your body. You need to start changing that by making changes to your life. Cancer has been or can be your wake up call. Your life WILL change. There are some strategies that are far smarter than others. There are strategies that have a big payoff, versus others that have a small payoff.

Cancer Free For Life focuses on those strategies and methods that are available to you with the least amount of effort. It's not about taking shortcuts; it's about being efficient.

Author:Dr Magne specializes in spontaneous healing of cancer. With 25 years of research, she compiled all her discoveries on the causes and origins and diseases and presented them in her book Cancer Free For Life to help you speed your healing of cancer. Visit www.Cancer-Free-For-Life.com today for a FREE report on the 10 Ways to Stop Cancer.

Article Source: www.iSnare.com