By Andrea Dilea

Information about cancer treatment balding.

Hair loss during chemotherapy can be very embarrassing to many people and affect their self confidence. Considering the life and death aspects of chemotherapy as a cancer treatment, losing some of your hair rationally should be a minor issue. However, we don't always think very logically, and the psychological effects can be devastating as the hair loss brings home the disease inside to a very real outside manifestation of illness.

One of the worst and frequently reported side effects of chemotherapy is that it induces loss of hair, which is emotionally very upsetting both for men and women. However, in such cases the loss of hair and the degree of hair loss largely depends on type of medicines, quantity of dosages taken per day and period of medical treatment

Generally, the reasoning behind its occurrence is same as the reason why chemotherapy works for the treatment of cancer. Both cancer cells and type cells involved in hair growth are attacked rapidly by the drugs. The hair loss, in most cases, is temporary and it grows back on the completion of chemotherapy. It takes about one to two months for your hair to grow back after the end of chemotherapy. The initial color and texture of your hair may be different than before.

There is no certain way to avoid hair loss in chemotherapy, but there are a variety of methods which have shown some promise in dealing with the situation. Minoxidil (Rogaine being the best known brand) doesn't stop hair loss but there is some indication it might slow the loss and re-growth may happen faster. Another rather radical method is the application of ice packs to the scalp to during chemotherapy to slow the blood flow and attempt to minimize the damage to this area. There is some indication that this works to some extent in many people but it is reportedly uncomfortable and may have some increased risk of cancer in that area due to the same reason it reduces the chemotherapy hair loss.

You can lessen the visual impact of hair loss during chemotherapy treatments on your life by thinking ahead. Before beginning treatments, you should not do anything that could cause damage to your hair, such as coloring, bleaching or any other chemical process. Try to think ahead and decide if you are going to want to wear a wig during your treatments, or if you are simply going to cut your hair short or if you want to go ahead and shave your hair prior to treatment.

You can learn more about hair loss here: Hair Loss News. Check out our other hair loss articles including chemotherapy hair loss at http://Hair-Loss.Teach2.Us

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