By: Kade Masters

It's a known fact, everyone wants to live a longer and happier life. And really, all that is required to achieve this is to have a healthy mind and a healthy body. A healthy body is one which is full of energy, good immunity and a great detoxification system. I'm sure you agree, you need to have all the three for the best results. However something that you may not know is one nutrient specifically plays an important role in providing all three of these, and it is known as 'Glutathione'. Your body itself synthesizes this vital nutrient and all you have to do is to support your body ability to produce glutathione in adequate amounts.

Glutathione - the anti-oxidant and free radicals

Our body undergoes wear and tear continuously. It is exposed to so many harmful things. It is exposed to stress, pollution, radiation, infection, drugs, poor diet, aging, injury, trauma etc. All these pile up a dangerous group of chemicals called free radicals. These get accumulated in the cells. These free radicals meddle with the normal functioning of the cells.

Free radicals need to be removed if your bodies cells are to function normally. This is where anti-oxidants play a major role. They neutralize these free radicals and prevent them from causing further damage to the cells. Glutathione is the super anti-oxidant that is present inside the cell itself. It is present in all cells and efficiently nullifies the effects of free radicals. The incredible thing is that Glutathione is produced naturally in our body. However as we age we produce less and less, eventually allowing free radicals to run freely in our body. Creating disease and other problems we call, "the signs of aging"

Glutathione and immunity

A weak immune system is helpless in preventing various infections. If your immune system is low, for example if you have an HIV infection, even bacteria that are very mild without causing any disease can enter your body producing various symptoms. The vital molecule glutathione is present in all cells including the cells of the immune system. They readily ward off any kind of infection. You have to keep the optimum level of glutathione inside the cells. All you really have to do is keep a diet rich in glutathione and help your body to create more of it.

Glutathione and detoxification

There is a wonderful organ in our body - the liver. It synthesizes protein, stores energy and removes the toxic substances from the body. Whatever is considered a foreign substance and deemed toxic, are removed from the body by the liver. With the help of a few chemical substances and a few chemical reactions involving them, the liver neutralizes these toxic substances by a process called detoxification.

Detoxification occurs in two phases - phase I and phase II reactions. A number of chemical substances are involved in this. And the most important one is the glutathione. Though glutathione is available in many natural food substances like fresh fruits and vegetables, the liver can synthesize glutathione on its own when necessity arises.

Glutathione and cancer

With improved standard of living and better medical facilities, the diseases caused by infections have decreased. But there is an increase in the incidence of many non-infectious diseases including cancer. Research has shown that people who suffer from cancer have low levels of glutathione in their body. By keeping the glutathione at normal levels, cancer can either be prevented or its progression can be stopped.

About the Author
For more information on Glutathione as well as our Glutathione supplement Maxgxl, visit:

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Painless Cancer Treatment

Posted by oneself | 7:47 PM

Sheila Ulrich

As a skin cancer survivor I used the painless and easy arts and sciences of energy balancing and energy healing

to heal myself from terminal melanoma--that is, fatal skin cancer.

I overcame Stage 4 skin cancer through the use, among other things, of natural cancer treatments including energy

work. Now I dedicate myself to giving cancer support and facilitating cancer healing to anyone who suffers from this

terrifying condition.

One thing I want all people to know is that they need to understand something basic about cancer: everyone in the

world can have cancer cells. The question is do you have the body, mind and spirit to kill the cells. What this means for

each one of us is that we can all get cancer under the "right" circumstances. But it also means that we are clearly

equipped to deal with and survive cancer through natural healing, too.

Cancer has only become a regularly occurring disease since the beginning of the 20th century. And it only became the

virtual epidemic that it is in the last 50 or 60 years. Our lifestyles and diets coupled with the ever increasing use of

powerful synthetic medications are the culprit behind this tragic fact.

The use of natural energy work to treat and heal from cancer involves adopting an understanding that is at one and the

same time ancient but new. The body is an energy field and naturally has an energy field all around and throughout

itself. This fact is well-established and well known to people who practice ancient healing sciences involving the

Chakras and Qi ("chi") energy meridians that extend like a web throughout the body.

For some reason, the Orient wound up remaining more in touch with this knowledge than the West in the last few

hundred years, as the West became more advanced in other areas of medicine. The ironic tragedy is that the West's

religion of Christianity is largely responsible for the loss of this knowledge, as the Church sought to suppress any

teaching that authorities could not find a foundation for in the bible.

But of course modern Western science knows full well that energy is all around us, that all matter is a state of energy

and can become energy, and that the human body and brain create measurable energy fields. And the knowledge of

how to use the body's energies for healing, including healing from cancer, is on the rise in the West once more.

The ancient wisdom concerning this natural cancer treatment tells us that we have an Aetheric Body, an Emotional

Body, a Mental Body, and an Astral Body, all of which come together within the physical body. This fact is analogous to

the "mind-body" connection that more and more medical professionals and health experts are taking with scientific

seriousness. So, it follows that one of the most important parts of the use of energy work to heal from cancer is the

power of positive thinking and meditating on positive imagery--that is, thinking that you can and will heal, and being able

to "see" your cancer diminishing and an image of yourself whole and healthy, rid of the cancer.

Imagining these things as real visions of the near future and not "just" fantasy generates a certain kind of energy in the

body by this action's nature--and that energy is cancer-fighting and healing.

If you have ever heard of people who had a terminal illness like cancer making themselves well without even really

trying by watching hours and hours of comedy movies on DVD, you have heard a tale of energy healing. The people in

question, probably without realizing it, were altering the energy state of their Emotional Body; instead of feeling defeated

and dying, they made themselves feel joyful about life, they laughed in the face of Death until Death lost all dominion

over them. The rest of the bodies picked up on this alteration and together they acted to kill the cancer.

One type of energy healing work that is making strong inroads now in the West is Reiki. A Japanese word roughly

meaning "universal life energy", Reiki practitioners are skilled in using light touches upon the body to positively influence

the Aetheric Body, the personal energy "bubble" that surrounds us. Highly skilled masters can even influence healing

from a distance, as long as their target patient has a receptive attitude.

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Stomach cancer treatment largely depends on the stage the disease has reached. Surgery is an option any stage.

The purpose of surgery may be

* to remove the cancer itself, or
* to relieve discomfort from the symptoms of cancer.

The first step is normally a CT scan or a laparoscopy. This will help your doctor determine the stage.

However, it may be impossible to determine the stage without surgery because specimens may need to be taken from the stomach. But your doctor may not be able to tell you exactly how far the cancer has progressed with a lab analysis, and that requires getting a surgical sample from the stomach itself. A pathologist looks at the specimen under a microscope and makes a judgment which give the most accurate measure of the cancer stage.

Stomach cancer can sometimes be cured by removing the cancerous part of the stomach. The percentage of the stomach that will be removed depends of course, on where the tumor is located and how big it has grown.

A subtotal gastrectomy is a common surgical treatment for stomach cancer. This is when surgeon removes a part of the stomach, and possibly some lymph nodes. The procedure might also include removing the spleen.

If the cancer has spread to the lymph nodes or to the liver, you may also need chemotherapy.

In some cases, surgery is performed to relieve symptoms. The goal is to give the patient a better quality of life for as long as possible. Surgery of this kind is typical if the tumor has blocked the entrance or exit areas of the stomach.

An important part of stomach cancer treatment is determining if the Helicobacter pylori bacterium is present in the stomach. Helicobacter pylori, which is also known as H. pylori, appears to be a cancer-causing agent. It's believed this bacterium damages the DNA in the cells of the stomach lining, which may eventually lead to a tumor. If H. pylori is discovered during the course of surgery, the doctor may prescribe an aggressive antibiotic therapy to kill it.

If the disease has reached an advanced stage, radiation therapy, or chemotherapy may be necessary in addition to surgery. Chemotherapy is intended to kill cancer cells or prevent them form dividing and growing. It can be done orally or intravenously. It can also be accomplished or by directly introducing the chemotherapy compounds into the spine, organs, abdominal cavity.

Chemoradiation, which is also called adjuvant therapy, combines radiation with chemotherapy.

There's a growing body of research into stomach cancer treatment. Some treatment regimens are considered standard, while others are experimental.

As always, it's best to work closely with a physician to determine the best possible course of treatment.

Ask a question, offer a tip to others about stomach by visiting the The Stomach Health Forum.

For more information on topics related to this article, click on Stomach Cancer.

George McKenzie is a retired TV anchor, medical reporter and radio talk show host. He is a frequent contributor to Health Information Articles, a resource site about health and wellness.

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By: Bertil B Hjert

Most people tend to mistake enlarged prostate as prostate cancer. However, it is not so.

Enlarged prostate is an uncomfortable condition. You would have to face a lot of stress due to this problem. Enlarged prostate gland is also known as Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia. It is a condition that usually develops in man once he completes the age of forty. This may be a common problem after the age of sixty.

The main cause of enlarged prostate is still a mystery. However, medical science has come to a conclusion that explains and provides something reasonable.

A normal and healthy enlarged prostate is of the size of walnuts when it grows, it tends to squeeze the urethra and then turns narrow. The bladder thereafter feels compelled to push urine via the narrowed urethra forcefully. Thereafter, it results in facing the individual to make more trips to the bathroom.

When the problem gets serious, the bladder tends to get irritated and is usually unable to empty itself completely. As soon as the problem grows, patients find it quite difficult to control and get trapped with acute urinary retention problem.

This is a stage of absolute shut down of urination. The condition is very serious and should be followed by a visit to the nearest health care centre.

1) Here are some of the symptoms of enlarged prostate:

a) Leaking of urine

b) The inability to empty the bladder completely.

c) Frequent trips to the bathroom

d) More than usual trips to the bathroom at bedtime

e) Difficulty in starting urination

You must keep your eyes on all the symptoms of enlarged prostate mentioned above in order to go for frequent trips to your doctor for regular checkups. Remember that early diagnose is necessary for effective treatment for enlarged prostate.

2) Here are some of the main causes for enlarged prostate:

a) Hormonal changes

Male hormones, also known as androgens play an important role in the growth of prostate. Testosterone is the most important androgen. This is produced throughout a man’s life. The prostate works towards converting this testosterone into powerful androgen known as Dihydrotestosterone or DHT.

DHT tends to stimulate cell growth inside the tissue that provides lining to the prostate gland. This results in enlargement of prostate. If enlarged prostate is detected in late adulthood, it is mainly due to DHT.

b) Defective cell death

This is a theory where cells self destruct via a natural process and results in proliferation of cell.

c) Late activation of cell growth

In a certain portion of the gland, cells become active and this make sit sensitive to hormones that stimulates growth.

d) Blood vessel injury

Blood vessels tend to deteriorate with age in men. This results in abnormal flow of blood and loss of oxygen. This also results in enlarged prostate.

All the conditions mentioned above are main causes for enlarged prostate. Hence, you must look out for symptoms and then visit a health care practitioner immediately for early diagnosis.

For more Articles, News, Information, Advice, and Resources about PROSTATE CANCER please visit PROSTATE INSIGHTS

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By: David T Smith

One form of the colon cancer is Adenocarcinoma. This usually stems from the epithelium lining the large intestine. The function of the colon aka the large bowel is to absorb water from the stool and patients of adenocarcinoma colon cancer usually report excessively hard stool.

Although adenocarcinoma colon cancer is not uncommon, it is rarely found in young adults. The greater your age the higher the chances of your suffering from adenocarcinoma cancer and especially women aged over 50 years are supposed to be at the greatest risk from adenocarcinoma. Although adenocarcinoma colon is found all over the world, it is primarily found in places of low fiber diet which make America, Europe and Australia soft targets.

Adenocarcinoma colon cancer is usually found in people who have some heredity of adenomatous polyposis or even non-polyposis colorectal cancer especially if the family history is from first-degree relatives. Hereditary factors can be to an extent that adenocarcinoma colon may be found in persons as young as teenagers. Certain types of polyps have a potential for malignancy. People having a high fat yet low fiber diet especially with a high intake of red meat are the ones that are most likely to suffer from adenocarcinoma. Even obesity is a cause of adenocarcinoma colon.

Adenocarcinoma colon cancer is known to spread after invading the wall of the bowel. On crossing the muscular layer of the bowel's wall the tumor enters the lymphatic vessels and thereafter spreads to local as well as regional lymph nodes. Sometimes the tumor can also spread through the bloodstream to the liver and even other organs of the body including the lungs, bones and even the brain. In case a lot of the tumor has passed the bowel's wall then they float about the abdomen as small amounts of fluid and can seed the bowel's covering. Adenocarcinoma colon is known to produce small nodules within the abdomen to irritate tissues to cause the production of huge quantities of ascites. If adenocarcinoma colon is detected at a young stage then the prognosis can be really good as at early stages treatment via surgery is really easy and predictable. However once the muscular wall has been breached by the tumor, only three fifths of the total patients are able to survive another five years!

The treatment of choice for early adenocarcinoma colon cancer is surgery. For tumors that are still proceeding to reach the muscular layer within the bowel wall, this will be curative in more than 90% of cases. Colon cancer surgery is usually carried out to remove the primary tumor for all cancers except those that have spread to distant organs.

For some more information about adenocarcinoma colon cancer or visit our website for colon cleaners and cleansing information.

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By Dr. Donna Schwontkowski

My neighbor is a woman who lives in the house across the street and she has cancer. For the past five months, she has been undergoing debilitating cancer treatments, primarily chemotherapy and the corticosteroids afterward that destroy her immune system so the chemo will work better. After her first chemotherapy treatment she began losing her hair and decided to shave it all off. She said she could retain her dignity if she was in control of her hair loss.

One thing I've noticed about her is that she doesn't sleep through the night. When I'm working through the night on a project with a deadline, I'll find her lights on around 11 p.m., off by 11:30, on again at 1:30 a.m., off at 1:45 a.m., and then on again at around 3:15 a.m., and off by 3:30.

Like many other cancer patients, she can't get a good night of rest. Insomnia and cancer goes together.

That night of good sleep is exactly what she needs to restore a sense of peace in her life. Don't we all feel much better after a good night of sleep? How much more would it improve her quality of life if she would have a good night of sleep? Insomnia, cancer and high quality of life don't go together at all.

In a medical journal that focuses on alternative cancer treatments, it was reported that about 70% of those diagnosed with cancer had an emotional disturbance prior to their diagnosis. This woman was no different. She had been experiencing extreme financial hardship prior to her diagnosis. Almost every time I spoke with her, she exhibited signs of stress, depression and anxiety.

I am not a psychologist so I can't directly help her with the stress, depression and anxiety that is contributing to her lack of a full night of peaceful sleep, but there is something I can do. It is something that you can also do to help out those who are in similar situations, suffering from cancer or other medical illnesses that keep them up all night as an insomniac.

That something is a non-addictive, all-natural herbal formula that is safe and has no side effects. I found out about it from a friend who watched several of her own friends die from cancer. She became very concerned about their quality of life in the last days of their lives and found that the herbal formula was great for easing conditions related to insomnia, nervousness, and anxiety. When a research study was completed on the product, the researchers found that it promoted optimal sleep patterns by increasing the amount of Slow Wave Sleep and the total amount of sleep. Patients in the study fell asleep easier, deeper and longer.

There are herbs that have no known side effects and this formula contains eight herbs (jujube, coptis, dong quai, pona, astragalus, Chinese skullcap, rehmannia, ophiopogon, and oriental arborvitae), that calm the body and mind, help regulate the nervous system and affect neurotransmitter levels so that people can sleep better. It's called Relazovac®.

My neighbor trusts her medical doctor too much without thinking for herself and considering any alternative medical treatments. It's sad to me that she is like this, but I realize it's her choice. We can all choose to look at and consider all the extensive research that the Chinese have done on herbs or we can look away and ignore it. It always comes down to a choice.

If you have a friend suffering from cancer and insomnia, please tell them about this natural solution. At least give them the choice.

For more information, see

Find out more about natural health at

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By Dr. Donna Schwontkowski

Know someone who has cancer? If so, then you know that a compromised immune system goes hand in hand with the disease.

And if you have been following any of the alternative and complementary medicine treatments for cancer on the internet, you also know that one of the most consistent things that cancer survivors do is boost their suppressed immune system.

Every alternative medical practitioner and complementary medicine practitioner familiar with cancer patients will agree that what every cancer patient needs is an immune system makeover. And the way to do it is with a great diet of natural, wholesome foods and fresh juices high in antioxidants, enzymes and also herbs.

It's not surprising that herbs are used for immune system makeovers. Hundreds of studies have come to the forefront of scientific discovery proving that there are herbs that act against infectious organisms, sometimes better than antibiotics, and these herbs don't have any side effects. There are herbs that can suppress an overactive immune system, such as in someone with allergies. There are dozens of herbs with anti-cancer properties, and herbs that activate the white blood cells, the red blood cells, and the natural killer cells that kill cancer cells directly.

In fact, every culture has their own herbs growing wild waiting for us to discover them. The Chinese have the most amount of data supporting their herbs; they have researched herbs long before the herbal revolution hit America. Their journals are filled with herbal research and Chinese health practitioners often mixed herbs with acupuncture in their treatments.

Thus, it's not surprising to find that the Chinese herbalists have created an all-natural herbal formula for those in need of an immune system makeover.

I had been searching for something that could help friends and clients with cancer, something that could be helpful when used as an immune system makeover. A friend/colleague pointed one out to me.

There are formulas out there that will help boost the immune system. The ones that contain Chinese herbs such as astragalus, ginseng, reishi mushrooms, and green tea would be a good start. Other formulas add additional vitamins which makes sense because the antioxidants can quench free radicals and other chemicals produced inside the body that accelerate reactions that contribute to cancer. Some of those vitamins include vitamin C (known to prevent metastasis), vitamin A, E, B vitamins, folic acid, and vitamin D. One can't neglect the minerals either. Selenium has known anti-cancer properties, zinc builds the immune system and molybdenum is involved in detoxifying reactions.

The bottom line is always to support the body nutritionally in every way possible and by so doing, you can help create an immune system makeover. Once you have all these functions taken care of, there is no reason why a person wouldn't feel energized and restored the longer the person takes it. That is because there is healing going on.

It's really not amazing. It's simply science. Immune system makeovers can happen.

For more information, see

For more articles on cancer and herbs, see Check the April 2008 article section.

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Breast Cancer Surgery

Posted by oneself | 6:04 AM

Giles Bre
The Breast Clinic

Your doctor will always discuss the most suitable type of surgery with you anyway, depending on the cancer, its size and its position and you may also be given a choice of breast cancer treatment as well. The treatments actually can have different benefits and obviously different side effects. Research has actually shown that in early breast cancer, lumpectomy followed by radiotherapy is as effective at curing the cancer as mastectomy whether you are using a private breast cancer surgeon or not. Taking the decision of which treatment to use is surely not an easy decision to make. It is important to discuss all options fully with the doctor, breast care nurse, or one of the support organisations so that you feel confident you have made the choice that is right for you.

Women who have had a mastectomy or double mastectomy due to breast cancer are often put through emotional confusion when faced with the prospect of losing such an important part of their breast. But fortunately, cosmetic surgery practices can offer breast cancer patients the chance to recover the confidence they may have lost after the surgery, with natural-looking breast reconstruction using absolutely safe implants.

Breast reconstruction techniques today are so advanced that you can actually conceal a mastectomy, which is great news for breast cancer patients. As research and development continues in that specific field, each new generation sees great progress in the area of breast reconstruction.

A surgeon doing breast reconstruction should completely understand the needs of their clients as a breast cancer patient, and deliver very personal surgical counselling before and after the surgery. The cosmetic surgeon, breast cancer surgeon or oncoplastic breast cancer surgeon and support team will discuss their client's personal appearance goals in depth before designing your procedure in order to rebuild the breast and restore the shape and size as perfectly as possible.

Modern techniques even now allow for reconstruction of the nipples and areolas which actually was not possible in the past. While women could be frightened or unsure on how reconstructed breasts might look, surgeons and their staff will always be available to answer questions.

If single mastectomy in only needed, an experienced breast reconstruction team can match the reconstructed breast to your natural one from the beginning. Although there is actually no real guarantee as to the reconstruction potential, you will experience a real improvement in the appearance of your breast.

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Research shows that the newly renovated and new furniture in the house primarily formaldehyde, benzene, ammonia, volatile organic compounds, radioactive radon, and other five major pollutants, inappropriate control would endanger the human body, even carcinogenic. In addition, the renovation of pollutants released a long period, reaching 3 to 15.

The decoration pollution hazards

It is understood that the renovation of pollutants endanger mainly embodied in the following aspects: First, the body's immune function, liver damage and nerve center of the affected and the other is ocular, nose and throat, upper respiratory tract and skin damage; Third, Harm caused chronic health and shorten the life of the fourth is a serious can cause cancer, fetal abnormalities, infertility and other women; five of the children's normal growth and development of large, leading to leukemia, memory decline, growth retardation; 6 The appearance of women is against the skin.

In addition, because of formaldehyde on the skin mucosa have a strong stimulating effect, post-exposure would change wrinkle the skin, reduce the secretion of sweat, would hinder the pores of offal from the human body and metabolism.

Judgement means more indoor air pollution

Experts point out that the adoption of the following ways people can judge the seriousness of indoor air pollution.

First, newly renovated rooms or buy a new home smell the smell, but still more than a year Youwei and the other is to get up every morning, was Biemen, nausea, dizziness, blinking or even third is access to new home after living easy A cold; Fourth, do not smoke, rarely contacts smoking environment, but often do not feel comfortable voice, a foreign body sensation, respiratory poor; five family members is a mass of skin allergies, a total of six family members is a disease, And leave this environment, there is significant change in symptoms and improved seven are new or newly renovated after the move, not the survival of indoor plants, the leaves to yellow and wilt, especially in some very strong vitality of the plants can not grow normally, domesticated pets Cats, dogs or tropical fish, will be baffled die.

The most effective ventilation

Doctors pointed out that ventilation is to eliminate indoor air pollution the most effective and economical way. On the one hand, the fresh air into the indoor pollutants can be diluted and is conducive to indoor pollutants emissions; On the other hand, contribute to the decoration of toxic materials harmful gases released as soon as possible.

No one in residential ventilation when the most appropriate, such as no pre-or on travel. Ventilation best choice in the sun out, the ventilation window a day to as long as possible, preferably no less than two hours.

In addition, the room should maintain a certain humidity and temperature, or temperature and humidity too high, the majority of pollutants from decoration materials will be distributed by quickly.

The use of pesticides, deodorants and incense agent when appropriate, these substances on indoor pests and smell a certain treatment, but will also produce some harm to the human body. Especially in the use of wet spray, the spray-like particles can be substantial absorption of harmful substances, it is easy to enter the human body, the harm than the use of the spray dry much more serious. Confined in the indoor environment, containing the essence of air pollution enters the human body, likely to cause physical fatigue hypoxia, and other allergic symptoms and, if pregnant women to anti.

Worth reminding that the new decoration and furniture just buy a new house, it's best not eager to stay, furniture, the harmful gases released as soon as possible; buy new furniture should not rush into the room, conditional on the best room air , For a period of time then.

In addition to raising plants could be contaminated

In addition to ventilation, can raise plants to absorb the harmful gases in the air, or micro-organisms, bio-oxidation, decomposition, which is to eliminate pollution in the decoration tips.

A Hippeophyllum, Guibei Zhu can remove harmful substances in the air, the Tiger Diaolan Diaolan can absorb indoor and more than 80 percent of formaldehyde and other harmful gases; aloe absorb formaldehyde is the players can absorb in one cubic metre of air 90% of formaldehyde; Milan, Lamei, and so can effectively remove the air of sulfur dioxide, carbon monoxide and other harmful substances; Orchid, Osmanthus fragrans, Lamei plants such as the cilia can interception and absorption of floating particles in the air and dust.

Chang sinomenine, Tieshu can effectively absorb the indoor benzene, Diaolan to "devour" indoor 96 percent of carbon monoxide, formaldehyde and 86 percent of the nitrogen oxides, Araceae also can absorb 80 percent of the benzene, 50 percent of the triclosan B En. Rose, osmanthus, violets, jasmine, carnation scent of flowers, such as volatile oil material also has significant sterilization.

In addition, a wide variety of cactus plants, can absorb the carbon dioxide in the room, manufacture oxygen, while making the indoor air increased the concentration of negative ions.

By:Robin Zhao

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In the movie "Erin Brochovich", Julie Roberts plays the leading lady who finger pointed at the industries for having illegally dumped hazardous waste, leading to a cancer cluster in the neighborhood.

So, what is a cancer cluster? And how does it affect your health?

A cancer cluster is the repeated occurrence of a particular type of cancer in a specific community or neighborhood. Because of its health hazards, a cancer cluster requires medical intervention and investigation to determine the causes of the outbreaks of cancer.

Cancer occurrence may be due to the pollution of the air, the underground water, the toxic waste dumps, and the power lines, among others.

If repeated outbreaks have occurred in a specific neighborhood or at workplace, then there should be concern from the authorities about the formation of a cancer cluster.

For example, in shipyards, due to the greater exposure to asbestos, shipbuilders are more prone to lung cancer; or in factories where there is greater exposure to vinyl chloride, workers have higher risk of liver cancer. These work environments are grounds for cancer clusters.

Although there have been many cancer cluster investigations, very few of them have produced tangible results, that is, a definitive connection of a cancer outbreak with a certain chemical or toxic material. In addition, given that cancer may take many years to develop in an individual, proving the cause and effect of cancer due to an external factor is extremely difficult, if not impossible.

To illustrate, breast cancer has increased significantly in recent years. This drastic increase may be attributed to several factors. Nowadays, many women tend to bear children later in life because of their career, and this trend may affect their hormone balance. Having children earlier may decrease breast cancer risk, while delaying childbirth may increase the risk. Other factors, such as obesity, diet and lifestyle, also play a critical role in the incidence of breast cancer. Therefore, to pin down the cause of breast cancer to a specific agent is almost impossible. For this reason, common cancers, such as breast cancer, do not fall into a cancer cluster.

Indeed, given that each type of cancer has its unique causes and risk factors, only the frequent causes of the same type of cancer, which does not occur frequently elsewhere, can be counted towards a cluster and compared against background rates.

There are approximately over one million cases of cancer diagnosed each year in the United States. So, to prove or to investigate into the possibility of a cancer cluster, there must be many cases of similar type of cancer outbreak in a specific geographic area. In addition, this type of cancer must be uncommon, or at least apparently less frequent elsewhere. Furthermore, there must be an evident source of environmental pollution as the cancer agent.

That said, it is still difficult to prove the formation of a cancer cluster, simply because of the power of the establishment to stop it, as portrayed in the movie "Erin Brochovich."

The moral of the story is this: Be vigilant of the environment - the place you live in, the place your work at, and the chemicals or toxic substances you may be directly or indirectly exposed to. Prevention is better than cure. Beware of the health hazards, whether it is a cancer cluster or not is irrelevant.

Copyright (c) 2008 Stephen Lau

Stephen Lau is a researcher and writer. He has published several books, including "No Miracle Cures" on natural healing; he has also created many websites on health, eating disorders, and mental depression. For more information on cancer cure, go to:

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By:Giles Bre
The Breast Clinic

The management of breast cancer has changed substantially over the past twenty years.

Improved screening techniques, better adjuvant therapy options, and refined surgical practices have led to a huge fall in mortality and improved survival from breast cancer by a huge rate, which is actually very good news. This trend is likely to continue as these modalities of treatment are continually improved to give better results and better care. The beginning of a multidisciplinary approach to patient care, earlier diagnosis, improved survival, quality of life issues and a more holistic approach has resulted in tailored and individualized surgical planning to give better results and allow a better healing of breast cancers. The fact that patient and doctor expectations raised has actually resulted in a need to optimise cosmesis and minimise psychological morbidity whilst maintaining safe removal of the cancer.

Traditionally the breast cancer surgeon would actually resect the breast cancer, and subsequent restorative surgery would be completed immediately or at a later date by a plastic surgeon that would have no connection with the surgeon who did the work on the cancer. Patients who underwent mastectomy were often not offered immediate reconstruction and this unfortunately remains the case in some private or public centres in the United Kingdom today. Worldwide, the traditional model of a general surgeon with an interest in breast disease is changing where cross-specialty skills acquired from breast oncology and plastic surgery are leading to the emergence of the "
oncoplastic breast surgeon" trained in new techniques such as sentinel node biopsy and skin-sparing mastectomy that could help patient even more. The result of that is seamless specialist breast cancer surgery in which ablation of the cancer is merged with reconstruction. These require careful planning and a balancing of oncological need with aesthetic aim. Any patient with a breast lump should be subjected to rapid "triple assessment".

This triple assessment involves a detailed history and physical examination, imaging of the breast using mammography, ultrasound and MRI scanning if required, and biopsy of any specific area of concern. Any breast clinic offering oncoplastic breast surgery usually also offer a rapid triple assessment of all symptomatic breast patients in a convenient and comfortable environment.

So whether you go for a private breast cancer surgeon or a public one, do no wait if you think you have a breast cancer. Remember that breast cancer is actually the second most common type of cancer right after the lung cancer.

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By: Helen Cox

It has been stated that one in three people will develop a form of Cancer at some point within their lives, making it one of the most prolific diseases that we are now seeing. Due to this doctors have to be highly aware of the possibility of Cancer when making a diagnosis.

The importance of an early diagnosis when it comes to Cancer cannot be emphasised enough; in many cases an early diagnosis is the difference between life and death. An early diagnosis is also the deciding factor on your life expectancy. Early diagnosis is crucial regardless of what type of Cancer you have; this is especially true in the case of lung, ovarian and stomach Cancer as they have a much lower mortality rate if they receive a prompt diagnosis.

Sadly some people aren’t treated as early as they should be. There are many reasons for this such as a patient didn’t think anything of their symptoms and dismissed them as something else so they didn’t bother going and seeing their doctor. Also many people go to their doctor with symptoms but these symptoms are similar to another disease with the same symptoms so they could easily be dismissed. All of these are common human error but it is important that a doctor goes down all avenues when they are diagnosing you.

An example of why it is so important to catch any form of cancer early is people who are diagnosed with ovarian cancer at the earliest stage they have a 92% to 93% of a five year survival but this can quickly be reduced to 11% or 12% if the cancer has seriously advanced.

An example of when a diagnosis goes beyond simple human error is if a smoker goes to see a doctor with a cough and the doctor merely puts it down to the fact that they smoke. This is completely unacceptable as a cough is one symptom of lung cancer. In a case such as this the doctor should have examined the matter further and investigated the possibility of lung cancer, if for nothing else than to rule it out.

There are many different types of cancer so in order to make an accurate diagnosis you need a medical professional to correctly interpret your symptoms and by looking at your test results thoroughly. Failure to accurately diagnose allows the cancer to spread and grow, which can be at an alarming rate depending on where the cancer is and how advanced or aggressive it is.

If a cancer diagnosis is failed to be made then your correct treatment will be delayed, which will increase your chance of dying from the disease; however this problem can also be turned around, which basically means that if a doctor makes a diagnosis of cancer and there is no cancer present then this can cause a person a lot of unnecessary emotional suffering and shock and it may even lead to them receiving the incorrect treatment. Any situation such as this will be viewed as a form of medical negligence.

If you feel that you have suffered from medical negligence in the past three years due to actions that were taken or actions that were failed to be taken when it comes to your Cancer diagnosis then you could be entitled to make a claim for compensation.

Thousands of men and women across the UK have already claimed the compensation that they deserve after being involved in some form of a medical negligence claim, now it’s your turn so get in touch with a legal team today to find out where you stand with making a claim for compensation.

About the Author
Helen is the web master of Accident Consult, specialists in all aspects of Medical Negligence Compensation Claims.
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