by Katie Kelley
The TNF blocker known as Cimzia was recently linked to the development of cancerous cells among patients. Cimzia, which treats autoimmune disorders, has been associated with the condition specifically among young adults and children.
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) launched an investigation into the TNF blockers after at least 30 cases of cancer among children consuming the drugs were reported during a ten-year period from 1998 to 2008, according to a September 2008 news article from Reuters.
TNF Blockers Under Investigation
TNF inhibitors were first approved by the FDA in 1998. Although TNF blockers such as Cimzia were described as "miracle" drugs by authors of a book, "Arthritis Without Pain," the FDA is finding that these drugs are in fact not miracles, but very dangerous cancer-causing medications. Of the TNF blockers under investigation are those that are used to treat autoimmune disorders and include:
* Remicade (infliximab)
* Humira (adalimumab)
* Enbrel (etanercept)
* Cimzia (certolizumab pegol)
According to the Mayo Clinic, TNF blockers are most often associated with the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis, in which the "wear and tear on joints" causes inflammation within the bones and joints. Nearly 2 million individuals in America suffer from the arthritic condition and it is most commonly found in women rather than in men. Additional TNF blocker side effects include:
* headache
* fever
* nausea
* chills
* myalgia
What is Cimzia?
The drug is used specifically to treat Crohn's disease a condition in which the digestive tract becomes inflamed and adversely affects the gastrointestinal (GI) tract, according to the National Digestive Diseases Information Clearinghouse (NDDIC).
Additional Cimzia Side Effects
In addition to the serious risk associated with developing cancer while consuming the drug also contains other various side effects that may cause severe damage to an individual's health, according to an article in the Atlanta Journal-Constitution (AJC). The drug's side effects include:
* headache
* diarrhea
* fever
* abdominal paint
* upper respiratory infection
* nausea
* reactions to the injection area
The drug was approved in April 2008 for use on the market by the FDA and while results from a clinical trial published in The New England Journal of Medicine, the drug is already being investigated for the potential risk of cancer as well as the risk of developing life-threatening infections.
Pharmaceutical Legal Assistance
Patients who have taken Cimzia or any of the additional TNF blockers and those who may be at risk for the potential Cimzia-induced cancer risk should seek medical attention immediately. The earlier a cancer is caught, the more likelihood of overcoming the condition.
While the FDA has found an alleged link between TNF inhibitors including Cimzia and an increase in developing cancerous cells, they have not recalled any of the drugs nor have they increased the warning label of the drug, although all of the TNF blockers allegedly carry a cancer warning label. All additional reports of cancer development among Cimzia and other TNF inhibitors will be required to be reported to the FDA as part of their investigation.
Manufacturers of Cimzia, UCB, are currently preparing for a 10-year study to better understand the the drug's side effects. The study will begin in 2009. However, patients who have taken the drug and currently are at risk for or suffering from the drug's dangers are advised to contact a pharmaceutical attorney regarding the development of a Cimzia class action lawsuit. Developing a pharmaceutical case may allow for monetary compensation for damages that were attributed to the consumption of the drug.
About the Author
To learn more about TNF blockers and Cimzia visit or . Here, individuals can also learn about other legal issues such as the latest on mesothelioma treatments or how to develop a Byetta class action lawsuit.
By: Felipe Bird
Cancer is mainly the quick enlargement of cells beyond their usual numbers. The large number of damaged cells may harm surrounding organs, and if not stop in time can result in damage on the human body which is irreversible. It is still unclear why such cells develop inside the human body. Doctors have thought that all people live with these abnormal cancer cells within the bodies. However the researchers are still not exactly surewhat causes these abnormal cells to react in one body versus another. Scientific research proves that certain chemicals can prompt abnormal cells to grow and develop. Due to the fact that the chance for cancer keeps on a high level for everyone and increases as we get older, cancer insurance ought to be considered. In a world where there is a solution to everything, you must not feel as if having cancer is truly the end of your life. This article will explain what cancer insurance is, how it can be of assistance, and how it is connected with ordinary medical insurance.
Cancer insurance has a number of benefits. To begin with, cancer policy will cover the therapies applied while struggling against cancer including radiation therapy, surgery, injections and pills and others still being tested for effectiveness. The next benefit to cancer insurance is that it pays for transportation and lodging and it can help with the expense of ambulance services. Cancer insurance allows to afford surgical procedures namely reconstruction and prosthesis. Keeping in mind the cost of treatments, medications, lodging, transportation, nurse care one might practically give up the ghost from drowning in bills, than from the fatal virus itself! Furthermore cancer screening tests are at your disposal through this investment. The cost of cancer insurance varies, and is based on four different levels. The customer, as the insured, makes his choice on which kind of cancer insurance is most appropriate for him according to his own desires. The insurance coverage costs 125 dollars maximum and 25 dollars minimum per year.
Without looking further into detail, the public would come to a conclusion that ordinary health insurance policy would pay for their expenses at the time of emergency. The answer given is: while health insurance may give the money for certain treatments, a lot of health insurance organizations do not pay for the expenses in full. While different treatments for cancer are obtainable the most effective may not be the one covered by the insurance you possess. More then that, trips to some other regions of the US to consult cancer specialists are pricey, and ordinary health insurance may refuse to pay the cost. Possessing cancer policy is a great addition to your health insurance coverage because it lets you pay for any spendings that might not be covered in full and it offers extra assistance to pay for treatments. Good health is essential, so if your family is at risk of cancer apply for cancer insurance to go along side your original health insurance!
Get the best updates and advice on applying for cancer health insurance rates by browsing , a consumer beneficiary site that provides a comprehensive list of articles about supplemental cancer insurance, tips and advice provided by financial pros.
Cancer Article Source:
By: David Servanschreiber Md Phd
Genes account for at most 15% of cancers. What matters most in prevention or getting the most of treatments is not our genetic makeup but the biology we create within our body to support our natural defenses against tumor growth.
The Genetic Fallacy Most of us live with the false belief that cancer is a genetic Russian roulette. As one in three of us will die of cancer, the odds are indeed as bad -- worse actually -- than those of that dreadful game. But it is NOT genetic. A large Scandinavian study of identical twins (who share exactly the same genes) found that in the majority of cases they did not share the risk for cancer. In fact, the authors concluded, in the New England Journal of Medicine, that "inherited genetic factors make a minor contribution to susceptibility to most types of [cancers]. This finding indicates that the environment has the principal role in causing common cancers."
A New Approach to Cancer: Changing the Terrain When it comes to treating cancer, there is no alternative to conventional treatments: surgery, chemotherapy, radiotherapy, immunotherapy or, soon, molecular genetics.
However, these treatments target the tumor much like an army wages war: focusing all of its efforts on destroying the cancerous cells. Yet, it's as important to change the environment that supports the growth new cancer cells as it is to continue to pound them with targeted attacks.
We all need to learn to change the "terrain" -- our biology -- to make it as inhospitable as possible to cancer growth. As much for prevention as to increase the benefits of treatments.
The new model of cancer that has emerged from the last 10 years of research moves us away from genetics and squarely into the life-style factors that we can control.
Indeed, another New England Journal of Medicine study showed that people who were adopted at birth have the cancer risk of their adoptive parents rather than that of the parents who gave them their genes. At most, genetic factors contribute 15% to our cancer risk. What matters for 85% of cancers is what we do -- or do not do enough of -- with our life.
Since we all carry cancer cells in us, what determines whether we do develop cancer is to a large extent the balance between factors that promote cancer, and factors that help resist cancer.
Common promoters of cancer are:
* Cigarette smoke and more than two alcoholic beverages per day * Refined sugar and white flour * Omega-6 fatty acids and trans-fats (corn, soybean, sunflower and safflower oils, hydrogenated and partially hydrogenated vegetable oils) * A variety of chemical agents present in some foods and household products (parabens, phthalates, PVCs, pesticdes and herbicides) * Complete lack of physical activity * Responses to stress that lead to feelings of helplessness and persistent despair rather than a sense that one can help oneself or count on the support of others
Factors that slow down the growth of cancer are:
* Several phytochemicals contained in some fruits and some vegetables, some herbs and spices. * Omega-3 fatty acids (fatty fish, canola and flaxseed oil, flaxseeds, walnuts, some green vegetables) * Physical activity (at least 30 minutes of walking six times a week) * The ability to manage stress so as to avoid helplessness (emotional management through meditation or yoga or good psychotherapy) or benefiting from the support of intimate relationships, or both.
Knowing that genetics are only a minor contribution to cancer helps us realize how much is in our power to help our body be a stronger partner in nourishing life and resisting cancer.
David Servan-Schreiber, MD, PhD, is a clinical professor of psychiatry at the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine and cofounder of the Center for Integrative Medicine. He lives in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, and Paris, France. He has been a cancer survivor for 16 years, and is the author of the International Best-Seller Anticancer: A New Way of Life, coming from Viking September 2008.
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A Startling Fact About Stopping Cancerous Thoughts – The First Step to a Cancer Cure?
The first step to a cancer cure – did you know that the single most important thing to get right when you’re diagnosed with cancer is your thoughts? Your mindset.
Because many people believe that cancer is a death sentence. But that’s simply not true. Certainly people do die from cancer - there’s no doubt.
But have you ever stoped to consider that your thoughts play a huge role in the outcome? Have you ever considered that your thoughts may even have contributed to your cancer?
Let me tell you about what happened to me. A dozen years ago I was diagnosed with cancer. For years before my diagnosis, I kept telling my wife “maybe I have leukaemia or something?” And I kept saying this over and over again.
Then it happened - I was diagnosed with lymphoma cancer. Well, I was pretty close wasn’t I? Leukaemia and lymphoma are both forms of blood cancer.
So, now the question arises. Did I give myself lymphoma cancer by constantly verbalizing and repeating the same negative thoughts? I truly believe so. And I think many people would agree with me.
Can positive thoughts be the key to the first step to a cancer cure?
I’m still alive today because I believed I’d beat cancer. Your thoughts are vitally important. When you understand how your mind works you are better able to change it. And change it for the better - change it to serve you.
Your mind is made up of two parts. The conscious mind which is your intellect. And the subconscious mind which is the feeling part of you – your emotions.
Most of us would associate the conscious mind with our head. We would also associate the subconscious mind with our head, but this is incorrect. Your subconscious mind resides in every single cell of your body.
Your mindset is extremely important because it is the first step to your cancer cure. What you think (conscious) impacts on the way you feel (subconscious). And what you feel has a direct affect on your body.
For years, I kept thinking I would get seriously ill. I kept repeating this over and over. My conscious mind believed the thought and this was transferred into my subconscious.
My subconscious mind then set about carrying out my wishes(?!) and affected every cell in my body – I manifested cancer.
So, what you think affects the way you feel. This, in turn, causes you to do or act in certain ways or to get certain results. Put simply, what you think affects what you get.
What you need to do is take control of your thoughts because now you understand that what you think directly impacts what you get. Don’t be controlled by your thoughts.
Much of what you think comes from what you believe. Many of your beliefs are ingrained—we all have an existing belief system that started way back in childhood. How?
As children we believed everything our parents told us. Then we believed everything our childhood peers told us. Then, …… you get the picture.
We never learned to question.
It has been my experience that most of my limitations were put upon me – not by others, but by me. Me! Not because I wanted to, or even meant too. But I simply wasn’t aware that I was doing this. You see, if you hear the same things over and over you begin to believe them without question.
So, what you need to do is use your analytical conscious mind to help you cure cancer. Decide for yourself what you believe. Question everything you hear – inside and outside of your head.
Ask yourself, about your thoughts and beliefs - do these serve me?
Let me give you an example. How often have you heard yourself say “I can’t do that” or “that won’t work for me!”
Do these thoughts serve you? Do they really help you? No, they don’t. Like me, these are most likely limitations you have put upon yourself. And they aren’t based on your reality. They’re a figment of somebody else’s imagination.
Question all the negative thoughts that you have. Ask yourself “Do these thoughts serve me?” And if they don’t serve you, then ask yourself “What thoughts would serve me?”
When you control your thoughts you begin to change your mind set and your life. Replace negative thoughts with better thoughts, so that you build a storehouse of thoughts that serve you.
Better thoughts do exist. Think about them and you will find them. If you can’t find any better thoughts, you’re not looking hard enough. Try again.
It’s worth the effort because you are worth the effort. Start with a good thought and begin your own cancer cure today.
About the Author
Michael Mihalcic is a cancer survivor, enduring a coma and near death experiences. Michael and his wife, Barbara King, spent the last 10+ years researching alternative health. Visit to read all about how Michael overcame cancer with his 6 step formula.
By Kate Savage
Chemotherapy is very effective and standard treatment for cancer patients. Mostly, the chemotherapy drugs act on those cells that move through their respective cell cycle including the normal cells from hair follicles, bone marrow, gastrointestinal lining, ovaries, testicles and cancer cells. It helps to determine the side effects occurred by chemotherapy such as hair loss, diarrhea, mouth sores and low blood counts.
Most of patients experience chemotherapy toxicity because it's heavily protein bound drugs.
Chemotherapy drugs may affect normal cells or their processes that include synthesis of DNA and RNA, cellular division and many other chemical reactions within the cell. There are some complementary medicines that can lighten these side effects without compromising the benefit. You can move towards acupuncture, nutritional, massage and Reiki therapy.
Patients having chemotherapy of heavily protein bound drugs such as celecoxib, amlodipine and omeprazole along with chemotherapy drugs may experience hematologic side effects such as low count in white blood cells. Patients may experience nonhematologic unpleasant effects from chemotherapy such as diarrhea and fatigue by taking the drugs that reduce cytochrome P450 enzyme such as ketoconazable and amiodarone.
Other factors may influence chemo-toxicity that include higher body mass index, tumor stage, lower mean albumin and higher serum aspirate aminotransferase before starting chemotherapy. Adjuvant radiation and chemotherapy give excellent benefit in breast cancer. However, both can damage normal tissues in way and affect the quality of life. This effect on normal cells causes due to apoptosis of normal cells.
Ectopic over expression of the anti- apoptotic molecule Bcl-2 may slow down the chemotherapy and radiation induced apoptosis of normal cells and helps to reduce the toxicity of chemotherapy and radiation treatment.
Chemotherapy drugs may also cause skin toxicity. There are skin rashes such as Alopecia that is hair loss, acral erythema, recall reactions, skin necrosis, photosensitivity, acneiform reutions, nail changes, neutrophilic eccrine hidradenitis, mucositis, hyperpigmentation, sclerotic dermal reactions, vascular injury, xerosis and other reactions.
Acral erythema is also known as palmoplantar erythrodysesthesia or hand foot syndrome. It is noticeable with redness of the skin of the palm and soles. This system may come first by sensation of the skin and gives severe pain that may affect on daily activities.
The Chemotherapy toxicity cause symptoms like cardiodepression, central neurotoxicity and myelosuppression that can make the treatment complex and to know more about chemotherapy click here.
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Author: PKP IYER
Cancer, according to recent reports, kills more people than do road accidents and air accidents put together. Cancer has become the single most dreaded killer disease, striking more and more people. World over there has been a whopping increase in the number people being afflicted with Cancer. While in the US it is mostly Colon,Breast and Lung Cancers that afflict people most, in Australia ,Skin cancer too joins the list. In the developing countries like India, Breast Cancer, Lung Cancer and Liver Cancer dominate, along with Oral Cancer because of the large number of Tobacco-chewing people.
ancer patients are on the rise, but the heartening factor is that great advancements are being made in treating cancer. New effective drugs are being used, new pain alleviating methods treatments are in place and advanced surgical techniques are being deployed. This phenomenon of great developments in Oncology (the study and treatment of Cancer) is spreading throughout the world without exception. The far-reaching and beneficial results of the untiring research in the field of Oncology, are definitely going to reach out to the suffering millions of Cancer patients, imparting them hope and alleviation.
Cancer is a double-edged sword. It strikes a patient physically and it causes untold mental trauma. They say Cancer is curable if detected early. Early detections do occur but these constitute an abysmally low percentage of the total number of Cancer cases detected. In developing countries like India, routine health checks are unheard of. People approach the hospital or the doctor only when they fall sick. Here most Cancer cases are detected only at an advanced stage, with metastases already in progress.
Cancer gives one the stark realization that an incurable affliction has struck entailing huge treatment expenses with negligible chances of survival. On top of this the concern that the surviving members of the patient's family would face serious financial issues, wreaks mental havoc on the patient as well as the family. But still the treatment has to be somehow undergone. The initial shock at being told by your doctor that you have Cancer, is followed by dejection and self-pity. It is very hard indeed to accept the fact that one has Cancer. Then follows the protracted courses of treatment -Chemotherapy, Surgery and Radiation, not necessarily in that order.
Cancer treatment is indeed traumatic,both physically and mentally. The cost of treatment apart, the treatment itself leaves long-standing scars on the mind as well as the body. The Chemo Injections have a wide range of side-effects like loss of hair, nausea and lowering the vital blood count, leaving the door open to infections. Continuous care and monitoring are vital. Surgery of course ,means removal of the affected part. Radiation too leaves scars and permanent discomforts to the patient's body, the most prominent being the unbearable burning sensation on the skin.
Cancer patients have to somehow generate the will to survive and withstand the traumas of treatment. Keeping the mind diverted during the treatment helps. Listening to Music, Listening to Cancer patients who have survived the crusade, Reading -all these things help. Everything helps- the kind words from a well-wisher, the soothing prayers of the believers, the constant attention by the nurses and the doctors- every little thing helps.
Cancer patients, best of all , have to believe in themselves. But thanks to modern medicine, new cancer-fighting drugs are available. It has been found that in the case of even advanced Breast cancers , hormone treatments are providing miraculous recoveries. Transplants are too helping the cause, like liver and lung transplants. Even the dreaded Leukemia which meant certain death, today is being treated with a great amount of success. New medicines, New technologies, New treatment approaches are working together to rid humanity of this great malignancy that is Cancer.
Cancer care today lays the emphasis on treating not only the patient, but the patient's family as well. The goal is to get patients home as quickly as possible, for as long as possible, helped by home nursing aides. The philosophy is to let the patient have a say in his own treatment, to the extent it is medically safe.
Cancer treatment has shown that the key is not to lose hope at any time. It may sometimes seem that life is going to ebb away. You may come perilously close to the edge. But do hold on. Have faith! In God or the Doctors or the people around you. It doesn't matter who it is that you are banking on. All that matters is that you hang on!
Cancer today is becoming curable. Is this not enough to help you to transcend the trauma of this great malice?
Finally, on the phone, from the laboratory somebody saying, it is ready, allowed me to go (this time by myself) to a specialized laboratory. They handled me an envelope with the report, I acknowledged and came out slowly, with the envelope that weighed in my wet hands.
Then my request to the Lord, my couple has done this from the very beginning. Outside, I opened the envelope, unfolding the report, squamous cell carcinoma was written, it was like a bad dream, I read it for a second time, it was still saying the same thing.
After a few minutes with a blank mind I began to react, I read again the piece of paper, which spoke about me. In addition to what I had already understood, it was written "low mitosis." Here my veterinary knowledge almost gone, began to reappear, the pressure of the situation, I think, low mitosis means of slow growth. That's good!
I took the cellular phone, I thought for a while and called her. "Be calm that everything is going to be O.K."
Before returning home, visited a Cyber Cofee, Google, larynx carcinoma…… .. and then several pages concurred: "It is highly feasible their recovery or not regression, with radiotherapy and monitoring for several years.
The next day we went back to the surgeon specialist, a nervous waiting and prognosis, "it is curable in a high percentage" (My God… put me within the majority), the surgeon continued, with radiotherapy sessions we had been successful in most cases.
I was also subjected to a CT scan to ascertain whether there were lymphatic nodal touchs. Beyond that we had been notified that this was difficult, because the vocal cords do not have lymphatic vessels.
The result was negative. The embrace when leaving the place, was full of relief, support, transmission of emotions and feelings.
An oncologist told us, I recommend 35 sessions of radiotherapy. He warned as that the treatment could cause an important throat irritation (perhaps I could be able to tolerate only liquid food) and local skin burns.
In July (always 2006) we achieved a place in a well known Oncologycal and Radiotherapeutic Clinic. On July 26th, nearly 6 months after the aphony started. We choose early morning turn.
That morning, at 5 am, this poor human being, was removed from bed, prompted to a shower and get dressed. We caught a bus at 5.55 am. Close to 7 am we were at the Clinic and after a short and tense waiting, the call, a technician guided me to a room where a stretcher and something like an enormous hammer above the stretcher, were, the Cobalt 60 Pump.
The technician told me to lay aside in the stretcher, moved the device down and opened a small window, "stay quiet" said and disappeared. A few seconds the device made a sound like a distant ignition (still hear it) tnnnnnnnn. And began, now silent to emit, whatever it was.
To pass the time, I began counting the seconds (obvious, until 180). At the end, another noise, like a mechanical sigh. The technician reappeared, turn to the other side said, back on the stretcher and over again.
I acknowledged and left. On the street I explained her, as I could, how it was. Later, at home, again breakfast and work.
The following days again, early wake ups, shower, breakfast, same bus, with almost the same people, Clinic, technician, stretcher, 3 minutes on each side (counting seconds).
The skin burns did not appear, thanks to an aloe gel cream applied every day and the throat inflammation minimized with a mixture, Kombucha tea with medicinal herbs, no difficult swallowing problems.
Were 35 sessions, were 7 weeks. I had a mild throat irritation, which prevented an immediate exam by the surgeon, viewing that my voice had recovered, even before starting radiotherapy, he said things are going well. 15 days later we returned back, this time with laryngoscopie, and the diagnosis, I was clinically cured, but for about 4 years I should come every 6 months to be controlled.
We are in 2008 winter, soon we have a new control, but I am still with normal voice and without symptoms of something unusual. Thanks God!
Arnoldo Echavarren Retired vet. More than 20 years working on medicinal plants. To know more go to my websites:,
Article Source:
In January 2006, I began to suffer a persistent aphony, up to the point to difficult me to communicate with other people. I started to think in written cards in my pocket. Local treatments, didn’t get results.
More than anything my couple and reality led me to a doctor. The specialist, after a quick checking said "I do not like this", "I want you to see a throat surgeon." Here, my couple and I, began to worry.
The surgeon (otorhinolaryngologist), made me a laryngoscopy, and there it was, a pretty sore, just over 1 cm in diameter protruding on my left vocal chord. I looked at the screen, as if that were of someone else.
While writing the report, the surgeon commented us that it should be necessary to schedule a "microsurgery".
We were on April 2006. The surgery was scheduled for May 31. Anyway, he commented that, although we have to wait the outcome of the biopsy, "he believed that it was malignant", though with a high healing possibility.
Then we began a tour, visit a cardiologist, my first electrocardiogram (64años). After a centellogramme. It was a new experience for me, to ensure that my heart would accept a general anesthesia. Next days, other checkups followed and all results were fine.
Finally May 31 arrived. At 12 am o’clock, washed and neat, we went to the Sanatorio Americano (Montevideo). After a while, I was prompted to a room to get changed and I had to put a diaper, a skirt and a cap (all disposable) on, pity not to have had a photography camera.
On a stretcher, after a handshake with my couple, I was transferred to the operating theatre (again, my first time).
Around of an imposing central light focus, the surgeon, an anesthetist and two nurses, were waiting for me. Blood pressure measure, intravenous via connected and conversation, to "break the ice" until 10 minutes or less when, I was gone.
In a bit more than 1 hour I woke up in the get changed room, with my couple besides me, with a worried face, asking me not to speak. I could not control myself and in a whisper I recalled her details of my experience (euphoria post-anesthesia). Shut up please, she pleaded, watching me with very big eyes. After a couple of hours, they gave us permission to leave. Back home, no words. Each of us with our own thoughts.
They were about 3 weeks quite tough. The suspense is catching in movies or books, but not in my own throat. My experience allowed me to think of something dangerous, but as the voice was recovering fast, I was convinced that total healing could be possible. She still did not talk about it.
A few days later, she not endured over and told me, The surgeon said that suspicions were confirmed, the sore is clinically malignant, although we must wait for the pathologist's diagnosis.
Meanwhile the curiosity was too strong, PC, Google, larynx tumor, look, please! thousands of pages, which of them more shocking. We decided to stop that and wait.
Arnoldo Echavarren Retired vet. More than 20 years working on medicinal plants. To know more go to my websites:,
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By Kate Savage
Chemotherapy is the treatment used to treat cancer. It is also used in a combination that gives excellent results. Folfox is one of the combination chemotherapy treatments, which is used to treat bowel cancer. Folfox combination includes combination of drugs such as Folic acid (FOL), Flurourcil 5FU (F) and Oxaliplatin (OX). Folic acid vitamin is taken with 5FU that makes the chemotherapy more active against cancer cells without any side effects. However, sometimes it may cause high temperature but very rarely.
Chemotherapy is a cycle treatment and the number of cycles depends on your situation or stage of cancer. Mostly, you may have it up to 12 and each cycle lasts 2 weeks. At the beginning of each cycle of treatment, you have to inject these drugs intravenously that is into your blood stream. Also you may take it through a central line in which a long plastic tube is gone put into central blood vessel, through chest or vein in your arm. It stays until your treatment complete.
On first day, folic acid and oxaliplatin is given through drip over two hours and injection of 5FU is injected through central line. Mixture of 5FU is also given through drip for over 22 hours. On second day, the same process is done. On day 3 to 14, you have no treatment. After day 14, the cycle starts again.
There is standard folfox chemotherapy treatment that is known as Folfox-4 that is advanced treatment for colorectal cancer. Folfox-6 is the modified chemotherapy, which is active as first line chemotherapy for AGC patients.
Folfox chemotherapy also gives some common side effects. Combination may increase or decrease the chance of getting side effect. You may fill side effects such as fatigue, numbness or tingling, weight loss, sickness, risk of infection, drop in bone marrow function, diarrhea, pain in vein during infusion, mouth sores, loss of fertility etc. There are some occasional side effects like hair thinning chipped, brittle and ridged nails and sensitivity to sunlight. These side effects may be mild or more severe.
Side effects depend on your health, amount of drug and for how many time you are haven it and other drugs that you are taking along with chemotherapy. However, you may cure these side effects by taking other medicines, consulting with you doctor or care giver.
Folfox chemotherapy is one of the way using combination chemotherapy treatments and to know more about chemotherapy click here.
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Five Ways You Can Help Leukemia Charities And Other Cancer Related Organizations Fight Cancer
by: Britt Estep
When it comes to helping others affected by leukemia, you can do many things that don't involve donating money from your own pocket. Let's face it, some of us just don't have much money to donate. But don't let that deter you from helping when you desire to do so.
Here are a few ideas you can use to help leukemia charities and touch those who are affected by the disease.
1. Donate To Leukemia Charities For Research – The Leukemia and Lymphoma Society and St. Jude Children's Research Hospital are two places that you can donate money that you raise with fund raisers. It will take time and organizational skills on your part to have a successful fund raiser but the results are worth the effort. A few fund raiser ideas are:
bake sale
spaghetti dinner
sandwich sale
yard / garage sale
beaded bracelets (children will enjoy taking part)
craft sale
2. Donate Blood and/or platelets – Cancer patients undergo blood and platelet transfusions due to the effects of chemotherapy. Donating your blood and/or platelets is a priceless gift you can give that only requires a little time.
3. Donate Hair – If your hair is long enough you can get it cut and donate it to organizations that make wigs for cancer patients that have lost their hair due to chemotherapy. Hair loss can have an emotional effect on cancer patients and having a wig made of real hair can help make them feel better about their appearance.
4. Relay For Life – This is an event organized by the American Cancer Society. You can form a team and help raise money through fund raising. Participating in the event will also show your support for those affected by cancer. Fund raising and forming a team will again take time and organizational skills.
5. Send Cards – Another way to touch the lives of people affected by cancer is by sending cards to lift their spirits. There are organizations that provide the contact information to do so.
These are just a few ideas of ways you can help those affected by cancer. For more ways you can help please visit .
Britt Estep is the owner and webmaster of . Since her son's leukemia diagnosis last year she has been devoted to finding a leukemia cure and helping others affected by the disease.
Alternative and Non Toxic Cancer Treatments That No One Wants You to Know!
By Rando Meresmaa
A study completed in 1993 by a German biostatistician named Ulrich Abel found that the overall success rate for most cancers treated with standard allopathic treatment (chemo, radiation, & surgery) was just 4%. That is a ridiculous number compared to the amount of money it costs for a average person to cure their cancer. If the cancer does not kill you it will certainly kill your bank account. More people die because of the treatments of cancer than because of cancer itself. Chemotherapy, radiation and surgery are the main killers. So why don´t the governments use other methods for treating cancer? Maybe they do not want to use other methods.
The fact is that organized medicine is a business and the goal is to make profits to the big boys who run the business not to cure cancer. If there was a easy and fast way to cure cancer a lot of people would not be very happy about it, because they would lose money. Cancer treatment can cost thousands and thousands of dollars for an average person or even more and there are millions of cancer victims all over the world. If you put the numbers together you can imagine the profits the people who run the business make. That is the way it is.
Doctors are told from day one that the only ways to treat cancer is with chemotherapy. radiation and surgery. Your likelihood of success is lowest if you depend on conventional treatment and highest if you employ Nature-based, non-allopathic therapies.
What Causes Cancer?
Many people have a strong fear of getting cancer because they do not know how they can get it. The orthodox medicine does not give enough information. Smoking, drinking, radiation exposure, asbestos exposure, radon gas, etc can cause cancer but then why do not everybody who smokes or drinks get cancer? The internal biological environment and the spiritual/emotional state of mind is not discussed by the cancer industry, because again they simple do not want you to know. It's much easier to cure yourself of cancer once you understand what causes cancer malignancy and how to stop it.
The truth is that most medical research is organised, paid for, commissioned or subsidised by the drug industry. Celia Farber said:"Modern medicine, the entire industry and social machinery of it is, at its root, a totalitarian system. By that, I mean that there is a central ideology that seeks to enforce its domination by methodically obstructing any ideas that run counter to it."
Despite all the super technology the greatest danger to your health is the doctor who practices Modern Medicine. When a doctor's primary job is to blindly hand out drugs that often do more harm than good, or inject their patients with poisons for the sake of doing good, than something is very wrong indeed. Holistic methods focus on working with the body and boosting whatever immune system the patient still has. Chemotherapy and radiation by contrast, usually devastate the immune system at the one time in you life that you need it the most. Dr. Martin Henry Fischer:"Half of the modern drugs could well be thrown out of the window, except that the birds might eat them."
The natural purpose and driving force of the pharmaceutical industry is to increase sales of pharmaceutical drugs for ongoing diseases and to find new diseases to market existing drugs. By this very nature, the pharmaceutical industry has no interest in curing diseases.
Learn about more than 350 drug-free, alternative cancer treatments used by thousands to aid their recovery from cancer. People have used these gentle and non-toxic treatments instead of or alongside conventional treatment, or after conventional treatment has failed. What's more, thousands of people are using them RIGHT NOW and beating their cancer!
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By: Dr. Anthony Martin-8975
Sudbury, ON - Senator Edward Kennedy's brain tumor, known as glioma, is incurable. His doctors admit that at this point even surgery and follow up radiation won't stop the spread of the cancer.
�I'm pretty confident they could have caught Kennedy's cancer 5 years ago," says Dr. Anthony Martin author of �Medical Crisis: Secrets your doctor won't share with you."
Dr. Martin did not treat the senator, but believes Kennedy was experiencing warning signs for half a decade before his May 20th seizure.
�His seizure was prompted by the size of the tumor, but before it got that large the bell would have been ringing 'check the engine - something's wrong!"
It takes more than 5 years for most cancers to grow to the size of the tip of a ball point pen. By the time cancer is found by routine tests or massive symptoms (like a seizure) the patient may have missed precious time.
�Your car has dashboard warning lights to alert you that the oil is low or you're out of gas," says Dr. Martin, �the body has those same warning signals. You just have to know how to read them."
As a U.S. Senator Kennedy had access to the best health care and routine exams, but Dr. Martin says the doctors wouldn't have been running the tests they should have.
�By the time routine blood tests come back abnormal, the disease has already spread. It takes quite a long time for tests to show the body has broken down. That is precious time for someone with a growing cancerous tumor they don't know about."
Dr. Martin says Kennedy would likely have been experiencing a high free radical count, fatigue, inflammation and an acidic PH level. All those things could have been 'caught' by a urine test, two blood tests and a saliva test.
Most doctors know these warning signs, but few sit back to contemplate how these symptoms work together to affect your health.
�More than half of people who make appointments with their doctors complain of fatigue," says Dr. Martin, �but doctors rarely bother to ask why you're tired or how that affects long-term health. They (doctors) wind up prescribing sleeping pills or dealing with the short-term affects of exhaustion. They don't stop to think that lack of energy is a big, red, flashing warning sign that something is seriously about to go wrong with the body."
Dr. Martin suggests once you've got a realistic idea of where you stand you can start giving yourself the antidote. �Change your attitude, change your diet, change your exercise habits and change your supplements."
�So much of what Americans are dying from these days is 100-percent preventable," says Dr. Martin. He believes breast cancer and prostate cancer are among the diseases that don't need to be fatal.
It is too late to catch Senator Kennedy's cancer in the early stage. It remains to be seen how he will recover - if he recovers at all.
Dr. Martin is a certified as a Natural Medicine Practitioner as well as a qualified Chiropractor. He is a respected and renowned nutraceutical consultant, nutritional practitioner, author and medical spokesperson. He is a world famous research leader in the fields of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Fibromyalgia and environmental toxins and has spoken at seminars across the United States, Canada, France, China and South Korea. Dr. Martin is also a frequent guest on television and radio across the US and Canada, where he also hosts his own radio show �Ask The Doctor." He heads up his own practice, The Martin Clinic, in Sudbury, Ontario and is passionate on educating people about the importance of proper nutrition. His says his personal purpose in life is to help people regain their health. Dr. Anthony Martin's website can be found at
Cancer Article Source:
By: Donald Saunders
Once prostate cancer has spread beyond the prostate gland localized therapies are no longer sufficient to stop the growth of the cancer and treatment generally involves a combination of both radiation therapy to kill the cancer cells and hormonal treatment to slow the growth of the cancer by cutting off its fuel supply.
The aim of hormonal therapy is to cut off the production of the male hormones, such as testosterone, which fuel the growth of prostate cancer, or to render them ineffective, and this essentially means castration, either surgically or by other medical means such as using an antiandrogen drug to block the circulation of male hormones in the blood.
There are various different approaches when it comes to hormonal therapy and it is often a case of testing different combinations of drugs to discover what works best in individual patients. One approach is what is known as a 'maximum androgen blockade' which is a blanket approach using a wide range of drugs combined with either surgical or medical castration. This approach has proved effective in some patients but many doctors question whether it is in fact any more effective than standard hormonal therapy.
When it comes to considering whether or not to opt for the surgical removal of the testes or to choose medical castration this is not always an easy decision as surgical castration is understandably a major and life-changing step for many men. It is however an ultimate solution to the problem of the production of male hormones, unlike hormonal therapy which will simply block those hormones for as long as the therapy continues. If however you stop the therapy then, although it will generally take some time for cancer which has been slowed or halted to begin growing again, it will inevitably do so within a matter of months or at best within two or three years.
In either case there is also often a problem with some cancer cells which do not require testosterone to grow and here it is often necessary to use a second tier of hormonal drugs such as progesterone or hydrocortisone to deal with the problem.
One approach with hormonal therapy is not to use this simply as a treatment for advanced prostate cancer but in fact to start hormonal therapy as soon as prostate cancer is diagnosed, even if it is confined to a small area of the prostate gland and is slow growing. The aim here is to slow the growth of the cancer, and in some cases to actually shrink the tumor, so that it can possibly be confined to the prostate gland where it can do relatively little harm for the remainder of a patient's life.
Despite the fear which surrounds prostate cancer, because it often appears late in life and does little if any harm as long as it is contained within the prostate gland, many men live quite happily with the disease and indeed die from a variety of other total disassociated conditions, including simple old age. provides information on a variety of prostate problems and covers topics such as enlarged prostate treatment and the therapeutic use of prostate massage
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If you knew you might have only one chance to defeat prostate cancer what would you do? This is a decision that many American men face annually. Advances in technology and robotics have opened the door to alternative laparoscopic procedure.
A laparoscopic procedure used to treat prostate cancer is known as the da Vinci Radical Prostatectomy. This surgery was initially hailed as a dramatic advancement in prostate cancer surgery because of its quick recovery time and decreased blood loss (relative to traditional open radical prostatectomy). However, the robotic radical procedure has recently come under scrutiny for having an increased chance of long term complications. Given this new information, each man considering prostate cancer treatment options should question what the trade off he is is willing to take for comfort over potential effectiveness.
Short Term Comfort versus Potential Effectiveness:
How much are you willing to sacrifice for effectiveness? It is not an easy question to answer, especially with the ease some patients have reported in recovering from a robotic radical prostatectomy procedure. In many instances men experience a hospital stay of less than two days, with less pain and less blood loss. From a first impression standpoint the surgery seems like a natural choice and maintains this impression until you start to review long term data.
The Most Effective Prostate Cancer Cure Rates:
Prostate cancer patients look to an open prostatectomy when they need assurance of effectiveness and cure rates. The open prostatectomy, as performed by Dr. Patrick Walsh at Johns Hopkins University, has the second-highest documented cure rates in the world at 80%.
The physicians that maintain the highest documented cure rates in the world are located in Georgia at Radiotherapy Clinics of Georgia (RCOG), home of the oldest and largest seed implant program for prostate cancer in the country. The overall cure rate for prostate cancer at RCOG is 84%.
Being effective means using the same standards for cure rates. Prostate cancer cure rates should be calculated using a PSA cutpoint of 0.2 ng/ml, which provides an "apples to apples" comparison of treatment options. Any man facing a decision about prostate cancer treatment options has to consider two things – what treatment gives the best opportunity to be cured of this disease, and what are the complication rates for each treatment option.
ProstRcision Prostate Cancer Treatment:
The ProstRcision prostate cancer treatment relies on two forms of radiation therapy, brachytherapy and external beam treatment, to destroy the cancer cells. The first patient was treated with this procedure in 1979 and annually about 1,000 men elect for this operation. Currently Radiotherapy Clinics of Georgia is the only location where this prostate cancer treatment is available. Over 12,000 men for all 50 states and over 40 countries have journeyed to RCOG to seek cure of their prostate cancer.
Consider the Long Term Risk:
So much is known and has been discussed about the robotic radical prostatectomy procedure. The da Vinci Radical Prostatectomy might provide the benefit of short term comfort relative to the traditional radical, but compared to the ProstRcision procedure performed at RCOG, it’s actually more arduous. ProstRcision is an outpatient procedure – men go home the same day.
Also, it is critical to consider the long term risk. In a May, 2008 published study Dr. Jim C. Hu examined the outcome of minimally invasive radical prostatectomy procedures. Notably patients of the robotic radical procedure had a 40 percent increased risk of scarring that interfered with organ function when compared to patients that elected for an open prostatectomy. To correct this additional corrective surgery could be required.
There was also a noticeable difference in need for hormonal or drug therapy six months after surgery. Patients of a laparoscopy procedure typically needed this additional treatment almost a quarter of the time, compared to about ten percent of open prostatectomy patients.
Selecting the Right Treatment:
Finding the right treatment begins with doing your research. The opening sentence discussed the concept of having only one opportunity to defeat prostate cancer. It is a tough subject to deal with. Ask questions. Ask about the short term and the long term impact of different treatment options. Work with your doctor to tailor treatment to your condition. Your decision around your treatment could be the biggest decision you make in your life.
About the Author
John Critz helps inform men about prostate cancer treatment options . His company, RCOG offers the ProstRcision prostate cancer surgery , a leading prostate seed implant treatment .
By Trevor R. Price
Because early diagnosis is so critical to improving survival rates, those at risk for the disease need to be able to recognize kidney cancer symptoms. If you're curious about whether you're at risk for this cancer and any potential signs or symptoms you should watch out for, keep reading.
Symptoms of the Disease
Bloody Urine: Bloody urine is a common sign. However, like many symptoms, it can also be associated with bladder cancer and other bladder-related ailments.
Back Pain: Many people diagnosed with kidney cancer experience low back pain that isn't associated with an injury or other physical ailment.
Lump or Bump: In many cases, a mass or lump can be felt in the stomach.
Fatigue: Fatigue is a common symptom of many patients. They feel weak, lethargic and unable to maintain high energy levels. Unfortunately, this is a very general symptom associated with numerous diseases.
Loss of Appetite: Unintentional weight loss that happens quickly can be a symptom of the disease. Many patients lose their appetites, have trouble eating and digesting, and tend to lose weight quickly.
Fever: Frequent fevers that aren't connected to some other infection, flu or cold are often associated with it.
Swelling: Edema, also known as swelling in the lower legs is a typical symptom most apparent in women.
Higher Blood Pressure: Like many of the other symptoms listed above, high blood pressure can be attributed to numerous other diseases. However, if discovered alongside other symptoms, it can often be a good indicator for the disease.
Risk Factors for Kidney Cancer
Smoking: Smoking is the cause of 30% of renal cell carcinoma (common kidney cancer) cases in male smokers and 25% of cases in women.
Analgesic Abuse: Overusing and abusing pain killers that contain phenactin (no longer prescribed in the U.S.) can increase the risk for the disease.
Occupational Exposure: Exposure to carcinogenic materials at work like asbestos, petroleum products, camium and certain organic solvents can all increase the risk for developing it.
Genetic Disorders: Genetic disorders that affect the kidney (e.g.: tuberous sclerosis) will increase the risk. In addition, a strong family history (at least two close family members diagnosed with the disease) will also increase a patient's risk.
Weight Gain: Obese people are at a higher risk for developing this cancer than others who keep their weight at a reasonable and healthy level.
Long-Term Kidney Failure: Persistent and consistent kidney failure can cause cysts to form in the kidney, therefore increasing the cancer risk.
Advancing Age: Typically, renal cell carcinoma only develops in adults over the age of fifty and under seventy.
Gender: RCC (renal cell carcinoma) is twice as common in men than women.
If you have or have been exposed to any of the above risk factors for kidney cancer, it's critical that you be aware of kidney cancer symptoms. Should you experience any of the listed symptoms, be sure to talk to your doctor without delay.
For helpful information on various cancers, please visit, a popular site providing symptom and treatment insights, such as a treatments for Leukemia, Chemotherapy effects, and many more!
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By:Richard Jackson
So you've been diagnosed with inflammatory breast cancer .
I know this can be difficult for you,thats why i want to let you know that
Just because you have inflammatory breast cancer or any other kind of cancer it doesn’t mean you’re going to pass away.You will definitely be ok because cancer kills some but those who learn to be strong will always survive
Inflammatory Breast Cancer
So here is the 411 on inflammatory breast cancer. yes it is an rare cancer to get but once you have these breast cancer cells it becomes very aggressive and hard to deal with. This is why it is so hard to handle and most women are required to under go breast cancer chemotherapy. See these cancer cells block the lymph nodes in the inner layer of the breast skin. so with inflamatory breast cancer you have cancer cells attacking your lymph nodes at an alarming rate.
As you can see this type of breast cancer is actually one of the worst forms of breast cancer. Although it sounds worse than it is. So no need to worry women if your breast feel a little warm, thats normal there will never be any form of ignition or fire from your breast.thats just the name they give it because of the redness that occurs... The good news is that inflammatory'>"> inflammatory breast cancer only occurs in 1 - 7 percent of all breast cancer patients. so like i said this is a rare form of cancer, but what i want to do is help those who do suffer from it. i feel sorry for all cancer patients, i wish i could buy you all breast cancer gifts, so ill give you the information you need to be healthy.
We know that not many people have inflammatory breast cancer because it is rare but the one thing that most studies have found is that unlike other forms of cancer, inflamatory breast cancer normally occurs inyounger women instead of older women. The more common, form of breast cancer starts to show in women over 35,not so with inflamatory breast cancer. This basically means tons of young women will be dying before their times, so if you can ever participate in any breast cancer event please do so, every little bit helps. Another oddity about this form of breast cancer is its ability to form cancer cells in older men.This has not been studied much but it has shown to be true for the most part.
Lastly there have been signs that inflammatory'>"> inflammatory breast cancer might be effected by your family geneology. So if you have a female relative who has had inflamatory breast cancer i highly recommend that you continue reading this blog and and consult a physician asap as you could be effected. Until doctors are able to find more about this form of breast cancer you are basically left to defend yourself….please take all thesteps that you can to prevent anything from happening to you. Inflammatory breast cancer kills everyday, dont be a victim.Dont let your life go. in order to stay strong you must take steps, well get into that more next week.
By: Donald Saunders
For most men passing the age of forty-five is not only a sign of the dreaded 'middle' age but is also the point at which they might well expect to see the arrival of prostate problems at any day. Enlargement of the prostate (also referred to as benign prostatic hypertrophy, or BPH) is a normal part of the ageing process and, as its name suggests, it is not a life-threatening condition.
In the vast majority of cases the symptoms of an enlarged prostate will be relatively mild and, although most men are aware of them, they simply choose to live with them as something of a nuisance and merely a sign of getting old. In some cases however symptoms can be become more than a simple nuisance and then you will need to consult your physician and seek one of the many different treatments available today.
The prostate gland, which is an important part of the male reproductive system, partly surrounds the urethra, which is the tube that caries urine out of the body from the bladder. This means that, as the prostate grows it will start to press on the urethra gradually narrowing it and interfering with the normal flow of urine. It is here therefore that the first signs of a problem usually become evident.
It is common for example to begin to experience difficulty in starting the flow of urine and this will be seen as a need to strain in order to start passing water. Once the flow of urine does start it may be weak and tend to stop and start. You may well also experience a dribbling or urine after you have finished and will often feel that you have not emptied your bladder.
It is also very common for people with an enlarged prostate to visit the bathroom more frequently and often with a sense of urgency, feeling that you can no longer 'hold on' as you used to do. Many men also find that they increasingly have to get up during the night to visit the bathroom.
Interference with the process of emptying the bladder can also lead in some men to an increased risk of urinary track infection and this is often felt as a burning sensation when urinating. In these cases you should always seek treatment from your physician or an urologist.
But should you consult your doctor when the symptoms of an enlarged prostate start to appear or, since it is simply a part of the normal ageing process, ignore it unless it becomes too much of a nuisance?
The simple answer is that you should always consult your physician for two reasons. The first is that prostate enlargement can lead to other problems such as damage to the bladder and kidneys which can be serious. The second is that, in addition to an enlarged prostate, many men will also develop prostate cancer and the symptoms of an enlarged prostate may well mask this until the cancer is too far advanced to treat it effectively.
About one in six men will contract prostate cancer and well over ninety percent of these cases can be effectively treated if they are caught early enough. provides information on a wide range of prostate problems and their solutions, including the therapeutic use of prostate milking
By: Alphonso Smith
A colonoscopy is an examination of the large intestine using a flexible tube which can be inserted the whole length of you large intestine. This examination will reveal danger signs of cancer and other things you would like to know about your health.
Polyps are abnormal growths in the mucosal lining of the large intestine. There are various kinds of polyps; some are benign, others may be the precursors of colorectal cancer. Although the presence of polyps is not always apparent,signs to watch out for include blood in the stool, and rarely, watery diarrhea. If your doctor suspects polyps,diagnosis is usually made via barium enema and colonoscopy examination. Polyps are removed with a specially equipped colonoscope and examined for the presence of abnormal cells.
There are two different preparations depending on your physician’s choice:
(1) You may be put on a clear liquid diet for a day or two before the test and you are instructed to take a laxative the night before the examination.
(2) You may be instructed to drink a gallon of special liquid which is prepared by a pharmacist. Enemas may be given before the test.
An intravenous line will be started in your arm before the test begins. You must tell the nurse if you have any allergies and what medications you take.
The test is done in a special room called the Endocopy Room or in the X-ray suite.
You will take off all of your clothes, fold them, place them in a laundry bag and put them away securely. You then put on the hospital “Johnny” with the opening in the back. You will be placed on a special table lying on your left side with your knees drawn up towards your chest. The scope, a fiber optic tube, will be inserted though your rectum and passed into your large intestine. Air may be introduced so that your doctor can see the folds of the lining of your intestine. Because your cooperation and responses are important, it is essential that you be awake during the test. (I honestly don’t remember anything during the examination.) You are given medication thru the IV to relax you before the scope is inserted and if necessary during the test to keep you comfortable. As the scope is inserted you may have the urge to move your bowels. (Don’t worry about it, it’s mostly air.) There will also be some crampy feeling if air is introduced. Both of these will pass when the air is expelled and the scope removed. Otherwise this is not a painful procedure.
You should have no discomfort but you might feel tired from the examination. If a biopsy is done or a polyp removed you may have some slight bleeding. This is usually of no consequence. Your physician may want to observe you for a short time after the test before sending you home.
It is important to make arrangements for someone to accompany you to and from the hospital as you will not be able to drive after the test because of medication.
Alphonso Smith, flegdling author with two books in the works. GOOD HEALTH MATTERS AND PROSPERITY MATTERS,Go to; Mr. Smith is attempting to understand the workings of the internet. Hints,tips,advice made available free at
by: Kathleen Blanchard
According to new data published online August 4 in Cancer, a significant number of cancer survivors use complementary methods of health care (CM) in conjunction with conventional medicine. A 2002 National Health Interview Survey (NHIS) revealed that 36% of 31,044 survey respondents used at least one form of CM during the previous year. The percentage jumped to 62% when prayer was included as a complementary therapy. Included in the respondents were 1904 cancer survivors - 40% of whom used at least one form of CM during the previous year. The survey also found that 62% of cancer survivors polled used prayer for healing. Spiritual practice and prayer were found to be the most prevalent practices used of the 19 complementary methods studied.
Past studies have focused on the use of complementary methods practiced by patients during the cancer treatment period. The current study authors sought to address CM "use further along the cancer continuum".
White higher income survivors, younger than 55 years of age were most likely to seek complementary health practices following cancer survival, the prevalence was strongest in breast and ovarian cancer survivors, and lowest in those who have survived melanoma and kidney cancer.
Ted Gansler, MD, MBA, from the American Cancer Society , and lead author of the study explains, "CMs are much more popular among breast and ovarian cancer survivors than among people with other cancers, and this is not simply because ovarian cancer is limited to women and breast cancer is extremely rare among men. For example, all types of CMs were used more often by breast and ovarian cancer survivors than by uterine cancer survivors, who are also female. And, when multivariable models were used to consider the effects of gender, stage of disease, age, and several other factors, the type of cancer still remained a significant predictor of CM use."
The use of complementary medicine has become increasingly popular in the United States for a variety of health problems. Current study data revealed the following:
•Relaxation (44.3%),
•Faith and spiritual healing (42.4%)
•Nutritional supplements and vitamins (40.1%)
•Meditation (15%)
•Religious counseling (11.3%)
•Massage (11.2%)
•Support groups (9.7%)
•Hypnosis was only used in 0.4% of those surveyed, biofeedback, 1.0%, and acupuncture/acupressure 1.2%.
Women were more likely to use complementary methods, as were non-Hispanic whites, and those with incomes levels greater than $40,000 annually. Over half of the respondents were women, 31.7% were 65 years of age or younger, and 31.7%, non-Hispanic white.
Dr. Gansler advocates that oncologists become more familiar with reputable practitioners of complementary healing methods, as well as which therapies work and those that may cause harm. Recommendations for more studies into the biological basis of complementary methods of healthcare, as well as the perceived benefits would also prove valuable. "… someone needs to advise patients on which other complementary therapies are likely to be beneficial to them and which local providers are reputable."
A population-based study of prevalence of complementary methods use by cancer survivors: a report from the American Cancer Society's studies of cancer survivors.
By:Elhusseiny Shahin
Mesothelioma is a type of cancer that can be malignant or benign, the malignant type is very dangerous type and may be deadly in most cases. Scientists can classify the types of mesothelioma cancer according to the place of the tumors as following.
Pleural type, in this type the tumors will be developed in Pleura. The Pleura is the most outer membrane surrounds the lungs and has protections functions. Pleural type is the most famous type and the most cases are diagnosed as Pleural mesothelioma.
Peritoneal type, in this case the tumors will be developed in the Peritoneum. The Peritoneum is the outer membrane that surrounds the internal organs of the abdomen and has protection and movement functions. It is less common type but it is more dangerous that the Pleural type.
Pericardial type, in this case the tumors will be developed in the Pericardium. The pericardium is the outer sac that includes the heart and its great arteries. Pericardium is a protective systems for our hearts and the mesothelioma cancer in that systems is very deadly.
The treatment options of mesothelioma could be one of these options. the first options is the surgery when the doctor has decided to remove the tumor and the tissues surround it. The surgery will be effective options especially when they use the second option with it, I'm talking about the chemotherapy option which will be very good assistant treatment.
The third option is the radiotherapy, doctors will use some radiations to kill the remaining cancer cells after the surgery. Doctors can use the all three option to make a strong treatment for the mesothelioma.
Learn more about Mesothelioma Diseases and Mesothelioma Treatment Ways. Article by Online Business Blog.
By Verite Reily Collins
OK for use in all areas
Britain lags behind when it comes to providing new drugs for cancer treatment. European patients have quicker access to these drugs, but if British patients ask for the same treatment, not only do they have to pay for drugs that are often free to other EU citizens, but the 'dog-in-the-manger' NHS turns round and charges them for their normal treatment, which up until then they would have received for free.
But charities are on the war-path.
A recent study by Dr. Dyfrig Hughes, highlighted by the BBC, says that the NHS relies on charitable donations for the treatment and support of children and teenagers with cancer. "Up to half of funding in NHS specialist cancer centres in England and Wales comes from charities". Some oncologists said without charity support many services would not exist. However, Hughes says, "the charity figures could be an underestimate, as they did not include the many hospital and local charities which also provide funding".
This method of funding raises questions about the government's responsibility for cancer care. It is almost impossible to provide accurate expenditure figures, but in one year alone, estimates are that between £25m - £38m came from national charities, with possibly between £38m and £55m coming from the NHS. "For things which might be labelled as luxury that's fine, but essential things should come from central resources to ensure equal access."
Added to which, many nursing and doctor's posts are funded by charities; Macmillan funds Macmillan Cancer nurses across the NHS, and CLIC Sargent's cancer charity say they fund over 60 medical and clinical posts within the NHS.
Heavy-handed NHS
But the goodwill from charities is running thin. Recently the NHS caused anger with draconian measures demanding payment from patients who dare to top up treatment to pay for new drugs. The same drugs that would automatically be given to them the other side of the Channel, and funded by the appropriate health service. In Britain NICE takes so long to approve these that patients could wait years. Years when time is of the essence.
If a patient's Oncologist believes a certain drug might extend their lives, he or she has two options: the Oncologist can keep quiet, knowing the NHS won't pay for the drug. Or if they tell them about it, and the patient decides to pay for it themselves, the NHS steps in and says it is against NHS principles for patients to top-up their own treatment.
Pay thousands out of their own pockets for the drugs, and the NHS insists they also pay for all of the rest of their ongoing treatment, even if they would receive this under the normal NHS regime. A double and undeserved whammy.
Critics of NHS policy have pointed out that anyone wanting dental treatment will automatically have to pay top-up fees. The Daily Telegraph called the NHS's action illegal, pointing out that when taxpayers have paid into the system all their lives, it is against the law to demand they pay for something to which they have already contributed.
In Britain not only is approval procedure cumbersome - and oncologists say inefficient - but recent think tanks have questioned why NICE doesn't 'stop re-inventing the wheel' and use information obtained from drug trials abroad? With European post cancer survival rates superior to Britain's (we lag around 17th in European tables) it is surely only arrogance that stops NICE from using the same data?
The NHS's narrow-minded attitude has incensed the public, and caused the cancer 'czar, Mike Richards, to call for a review, promised for October - but there might be an explosion before this.
Verité Reily Collins
Article Source:
By Kate Savage
Adjuvant chemotherapy is the additional treatment along with drugs used to destroy the leftover cancer cells after the removal of tumors by surgery. It helps to prevent cancer from coming back. This treatment is very effective to treat cancers such as testicular cancer, breast cancer, ovarian cancer etc.
It is very effective treatment, if the chemotherapy drugs are given immediately after the removal of tumor. The patient who received adjuvant chemotherapy tends to live longer. The patients suggested for adjuvant chemotherapy are considered to be having high risk of reappearance of cancer.
For detecting reappearance of cancer the characteristics of tumor are studied. Necessity of adjuvant chemotherapy depends on the size of tumor, proliferation rate and histology. The prognosis is better after the well differentiation of tumor, because the cells look like normal cells.
Adjuvant chemotherapy is very important when the cancer is aggressive. Other prognostic factors such as degree of lymph node are based on the type of cancer. For breast cancer, consideration of lymph node degree is very important.
Cancer that spreads to lymph nodes can easily spread to other parts of the body and it indicates the high risk of cancer reappearance. If there is high level of estrogen and progesterone present, then your care giver or doctors need to decide about whether to treat patient with adjuvant chemotherapy.
Most of the women with primary breast cancer are treated with adjuvant chemotherapy. As within six months after surgery the adjuvant chemotherapy is started, so the preference as well as general health of a patient is important before going to give adjuvant chemotherapy.
Adjuvant chemotherapy done after six months of surgery is less useful than the therapy done in three months as overall period for treatment is also reduced. The intensity of adjuvant chemotherapy depends on the total number of doses given in a week.
During chemotherapy injections of proteins called growth factors may be needed by some patients and these injections help to produce blood cells. Chemotherapy gives some short term and long term side effects such as omitting, hair loss, lower in blood count, nausea, mouth soreness, diarrhea, neurological toxicity, weight gain, fatigue, memory loss, hot flashes menopause etc.
Visit website which provides detailed information on adjuvant chemotherapy and other chemotherapy types
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By Felipe Bird
Cancer is mainly the quick enlargement of cells beyond their usual numbers. The large number of damaged cells may harm surrounding organs, and if not stop in time can result in damage on the human body which is irreversible. It is still unclear why such cells develop inside the human body. Doctors have thought that all people live with these abnormal cancer cells within the bodies. However the researchers are still not exactly surewhat causes these abnormal cells to react in one body versus another. Scientific research proves that certain chemicals can prompt abnormal cells to grow and develop. Due to the fact that the chance for cancer keeps on a high level for everyone and increases as we get older, cancer insurance ought to be considered. In a world where there is a solution to everything, you must not feel as if having cancer is truly the end of your life. This article will explain what cancer insurance is, how it can be of assistance, and how it is connected with ordinary medical insurance.
Cancer insurance has a number of benefits. To begin with, cancer policy will cover the therapies applied while struggling against cancer including radiation therapy, surgery, injections and pills and others still being tested for effectiveness. The next benefit to cancer insurance is that it pays for transportation and lodging and it can help with the expense of ambulance services. Cancer insurance allows to afford surgical procedures namely reconstruction and prosthesis. Keeping in mind the cost of treatments, medications, lodging, transportation, nurse care one might practically give up the ghost from drowning in bills, than from the fatal virus itself! Furthermore cancer screening tests are at your disposal through this investment. The cost of cancer insurance varies, and is based on four different levels. The customer, as the insured, makes his choice on which kind of cancer insurance is most appropriate for him according to his own desires. The insurance coverage costs 125 dollars maximum and 25 dollars minimum per year.
Without looking further into detail, the public would come to a conclusion that ordinary health insurance policy would pay for their expenses at the time of emergency. The answer given is: while health insurance may give the money for certain treatments, a lot of health insurance organizations do not pay for the expenses in full. While different treatments for cancer are obtainable the most effective may not be the one covered by the insurance you possess. More then that, trips to some other regions of the US to consult cancer specialists are pricey, and ordinary health insurance may refuse to pay the cost. Possessing cancer policy is a great addition to your health insurance coverage because it lets you pay for any spendings that might not be covered in full and it offers extra assistance to pay for treatments. Good health is essential, so if your family is at risk of cancer apply for cancer insurance to go along side your original health insurance!
Get the best updates and advice on applying for cancer health insurance rates by browsing , a consumer beneficiary site that provides a comprehensive list of articles about supplemental cancer insurance, tips and advice provided by financial pros.
Cancer Article Source:
One quote from one book inspired me in my fight with cancer. "Every adversity, failure, and setback carries with it a seed of an equal or greater benefit." This quote from Think and Grow Rich became a daily mantra of hope and inspiration during my senior year of college. On September 11th, 2002, I answered a phone call that forever changed my life. It was my doctor and he told me I had cancer. That moment became a turning point in my life. After going into remission, a new passion for life was born inside of me. The desire to share my story with others became a driving force. A seed of greater benefit was beginning to grow. On Mother's Day 2004, after a successful bone marrow transplant I walked out of the hospital cancer free and have been in remission ever since. What an awesome feeling walking out cancer free. The first night that I was in the hospital, the lead nurse shared how her sister was a cancer survivor. Her sister told her having cancer was the best thing that ever happened to her. At the time, I thought her sister was crazy. Now looking back at my experience, I can echo her statement. Cancer is something that I would never want to go through again but am grateful for the experience. The lessons learned have been life changing. Cancer may have taken away my youthful believe that tomorrow will continue forever but instead the blessing of helping others through speaking has been gained. Every day is now a precious gift, one to be cherished and lived to the fullest. My experience with cancer has been turned into a positive. It has shown me my purpose, demonstrated the importance of a positive attitude and given me a greater passion for life. Now as an inspirational speaker the seed of adversity has grown into a giant tree of greater benefit. Matt Jones is a Professional Speaker, 3x cancer conqueror, author three books and completed a marathon. For more information or to contact him to speak visit Article Source:
Seven months later, just when life was getting back to normal, the cancer came back. This time my doctor recommended a bone marrow transplant. While lying in the hospital receiving treatment, the vision of speaking to others played in my mind. I grasped a hold of the hope of something greater coming from my experiences. It took nine months to find a donor. During the wait the cancer spread to my cerebral spinal fluid, and I was given a less than ten percent chance of living. Further complications caused me to slip into an unconscious state; doctors did not think I would live. With every setback a belief the seed of greater benefit was growing under the surface.
Throughout all the treatments and waiting, the hope of one day sharing my story carried me through. Now the dream of being an inspirational speaker has become a reality. Through my story, the seed of a greater benefit is inspiring others. The purpose of my message is to inspire others to reach their true potential in life by overcoming challenges, improving daily, and achieving their dreams. When someone comes up to me after a talk and says how my story has inspired them, it makes all the suffering and pain endured worthwhile.
By Edgar Swanson Listed below are some alternative methods to use in the fight of lung cancer: If you are going through this terrible battle, you must seriously press on and utilize the above ways as lung cancer cures that can allow you to get past the disease and hopefully live a long life. It takes a tremendous amount of strength and courage to battle lung cancer but you stay positive and do all you can to fight it, you can come up victorious in the end. Alternative Lung cancer cures can aid you in stopping the progression of lung cancer and may offer you a great alternative to the traditional methods. Click below to learn more. Article Source:
One of the best ways to fight the bad news that you have lung cancer is by employing some lung cancer cures in your daily life. This can allow you to fight the lung cancer and fill your days with optimism armed with the knowledge that you are doing all you can to fight this horrific disease.
When you are looking for lung cancer cures, of course, your doctor is your best source, but you may find some useful tips on the Internet as well. This article is designed to give you some great ways how to stop lung cancer progression without your only option being the use of lung cancer drugs.
There is an increasing demand for a minimally invasive radical prostatectomy as a prostate cancer treatment option. Laparoscopic surgeries such as the robotic da Vinci radical prostatectomy have recently come under scrutiny because of an increased need for correcting complications stemming from the surgery. This should cause every prospective patient to ask himself if this is the right surgery for him.
The robotic surgery has been aggressively advertised and has thus has quickly become a popular prostate cancer treatment solution. The surgical procedure went from consisting of 12.2 percent of all radical prostatectomies in 2003 to 31 percent in 2005.
New Review of Minimally Invasive Radical Prostatectomy Surgery:
The robotic radical prostatectomy has been chosen by many patients because the surgery is less invasive and patients typically require less than two days stay in the hospital post surgery as opposed to four days for patients who had and open prostatectomy. Questions still remain about the outcome of robotic radical prostatectomy operations. Published in May, 2008 Dr. Jim C. Hu looked to examine the outcome of minimally invasive radical prostatectomy procedures.
Favorable Initial Review:
Initial reviews of laparoscopic surgeries look favorable. Dr. Hu’s study revealed a 27 percent lower risk of complications during or shortly after the surgery. Patients receiving a robotic radical reported fewer immediate problems including bleeding, breathing and cardiac problems among others. The minimal invasive surgery also resulted in a hospital stay that was more than half as short as a typical hospital stay of an open prostatectomy patient.
On the surface this looks like a potential advancement within the radical prostatectomy community, however the study reveals some serious potential concerns after the men return home. After a longer period of time has elapsed the minimally invasive radical prostatectomy begins to look less favorable.
Increased Potential Long Term Risk:
The long term effects of a da Vinci radical prostatectomy are being put into question. According to the study, men who elected a robotic radical had a 40 percent increased risk of scarring that interfered with organ function. This is a complication that could require additional corrective surgeries to be performed.
Increased Need of Additional Hormonal Drug Therapy:
Six months after surgery open prostatectomy patients typically need additional hormonal or drug therapy about ten percent of the time. Patients who elect the minimally invasive robotic radical prostatectomy typically need the same treatment one-quarter of the time, a dramatic increase over open-surgery patients.
Radical Prostatectomy Options and Risk:
It is important for a man diagnosed with prostate cancer to consider all potential treatment options. If you are considering a prostate cancer radical prostatectomy, or another form of prostate cancer treatment, selecting the best treatment option should be based on a variety of factors including:
- The growth rate of the cancer
- Rate that the cancer is spreading
- Determination if the cancer is curable or incurable
- Age of the patient
- General health of the patient
- Benefits versus potential side effects associated with the different treatment options
When you are diagnosed with prostate cancer, the most important thing to do is to become educated about various prostate cancer surgery options. Learn about the potential outcomes and associated complications. If you are considering a robotic radical prostatectomy make sure you are considering all the facts, including the long term risk potential from this option. Finally, discuss different treatment options with your physician and work to determine a treatment that is best for you.
Questions about Prostate Cancer Surgery:
There are a variety of prostate cancer surgery information resources available online. Educate yourself about your options. Ask questions. Talk to your urologist and determine which method of treatment is going to be right for your health condition. For too many men there is only one opportunity to defeat prostate cancer.
John Critz helps inform men about prostate cancer surgery information and prostate cancer surgery options . His company, RCOG offers a prostate cancer radical prostatectomy and has the highest documented cure rates in the world.