By Chrissy & Company

Indications, Side Effects in Treating Lung Cancer

Lung cancer, while decreasing in frequency, continues to be a major health concern for many active adults. For those who suffer from MPM, malignant pleural mesothelioma, the complications of lung cancer often result in the use of unusual medications.

MPM is a rare form of lung cases with only an approximate 2,000 new cases each year. Unlike most other forms of lung cancer, MPM is usually linked to exposure to asbestos and not to the traditional thoughts of lung cancer involvement, that of cigarette smoking.

To treat malignant pleural mesothelioma, patients are often administered a drug known as Pemetrexed. As one of many drugs classified as MTA, multi-targeted anti-folates, Pemetrexed lends its success to fighting MPM through its ability to block folic acid from reaching cancer cells. Because cellular tissue requires folic acid to grow and reproduce, Pemetrexed prevents the growth and reproduction of the cancer cells that lead to MPM growth.

In the treatment of cancer by chemotherapy, patients who are given Pemetrexed, along with carboplatin, have even shown to experience an increased life span by up to three years when battling malignant pleural mesothelioma.

If you are a patient suffering from MSM, and your oncologist has recommended the use of Pemetrexed as part of your cancer treatment, it is important to obtain information about nutritional supplements that may be necessary during the course of chemotherapy. Because Pemetrexed blocks the vitamin Bs from reaching health tissue, supplementing diet with oral folic acid, prior to treatment, is important.

Side effects associated with Pemetrexed are far fewer than other drugs used in chemotherapy. However, the risks of anemia, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, loss of weight, itching and burning between treatments and even muscle aches and pains are all quite common.

Unfortunately, not all patients with MSM are candidates for use of Pemetrexed in treating lung cancer. In fact, chemotherapy patients with heart disease, shingles, kidney complications, liver disease and gout should avoid using Pemetrexed in treating MSM.

As with any form of cancer treatment, the key to your management of malignant pleural mesothelioma lies in the early detection and treatment. When discussing treatment options with your healthcare professional, inquire about the use of Pemetrexed, in combination with carboplatin, as a way to not only resolve some of the lung cancer complications but also extend your life span. If agreed as part of your cancer treatment plan, be sure to supplement your diet with the appropriate folic acid to ensure health tissue continues to grow and reproduce as normally as possible.